雅思口语 a special cake

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食物类论题是雅思口语常考的论题,这次跟我们共享的是Describe an occasion that you had a special cake。本题的难点在于如何体现这是一个special cake。其实可以从蛋糕的外观、味道以及特别意义上去论说,而外观和味道又是烤鸭们广泛觉得比照难的有些。接下来的两篇sample中有关于描绘蛋糕外观和味道的表达,快来要点记一下哦!

 Describe an occasion that you had a special cake

  You should say:

  when you had it

  where you had it

  who you were with

  and explain why you think it was special

Band 6

A couple of months ago, my cousin called and told me that she got engaged (订亲). I can’t tell you how excited and thrill
雅思口语 a special cake插图
ed I was hearing the good news (非谓语加分表达). So in order to celebrate this memorable(值得留念的) occasion, I decided to give her a special cake as a present.

Now, I’d like to talk bout the appearance. The cake had two layers (双层) and it looked silky smooth (丝滑的), with some chocolate frosting (巧克力糖霜) and some candy sprinkles (糖块碎) on the outside. What’s best about it is that (主语从句) it’s got two little figures on top of it that looked exactly like my cousin and her fiance (未婚夫), which looked super cool! The bride and the groom were so delighted. After they cut the cake, I couldn’t help myself and took a bite. Words can’t describe how (言语无法描绘多么的...) savory is was! I’m not exaggerating (毫不夸大地说), it tasted so different from any other cake I’d ever had before, so soft and tender (柔软的).

As for why it’s special, well, first and foremost, it’s undoubtedly the most special cake I’ve ever had. Plus, it has sentimental values (情感价值) that cannot be replaced and we all enjoyed it very much.

Band 7

A couple of months ago, my cousin called and told me that she got engaged. I can’t tell you how excited and thrilled I was since mycousin and I are like sisters and she knows me likea book (非常晓得或人). So in order to celebrate this memorable occasion, I decided to give her something special, which is afondant cake (翻糖蛋糕).

When the wedding day finally came, I saw the cake for thefirst time and I was totally blown away (感到震动)! It was an 8-inch two-layer cake with a silky smooth finish, decorated with (非谓语) chocolate frosting and some candy sprinkles. The biggest highlight is that (最大的亮点是…) it’s got two little figures on top of it that looked exactly like my cousin and her fiance, which looked super cool! The bride and the groom were overjoyed (开心的, 替换happy) withan ear-to-ear smile (咧开嘴的笑脸) on their faces. After they cut the cake, Icouldn’t resist the temptation (无法反抗引诱) and took a bite. The second it touched my tongue (当触碰到我的舌尖时,时刻状语), I was utterly out of words (无法用言语表达的震动)! It tasted so soft and tender and it gave me a whole new sensation (一种全新的感触) that I had never had before.

As for why it’s special,well, not only (倒装) is it the most palatable (甘旨的,替换deilicious) cake I’ve ever had, but also it has sentimental values that cannot be replaced.









:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: