雅思口语 A time you forgot missed an appointment

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有关appointment的Part 2论题归于比照高难的,因为大有些的烤鸭做过的最出格的作业可以就是错失考试了,时刻短的人生中如同没有啥机缘错失appointment,如同除了dental appointment或许check-up/physical appointment (体检)之外,没有啥make an appointment的阅历了。

假定考生的回想精确无误,考试原题用的就是appointment这个词,那么“放同学鸽子”等践约的阅历形似不太扣题,因为appointment的英文说明是a formal arrangement to meet or visit somebody at a particular time, especially for a reason connected with their work, 所所以比照正式的那种。

所以关于许多孩子来说,这道题就只能“纯编”!不过也不是说一点儿思路都没有的,假定对托福口语比照晓得的孩子,可以学习一下Task 5中的一些“情节”,比方各种时刻冲突或许突发作业,致使咱们不能依照原方案行为。

咱们来想想关于学生来讲最多见的appointment,例如面试学生会或许社团,例如兼职面试,例如预定牙医(信赖我们都有或传闻身边的人拔智齿的惊骇阅历对不对!智齿的英文很简略,就是wisdom tooth,拔牙也很简略,可以用pull out或许extract或许remove都OK.)情节可所以牙疼去看牙医(go to the dentist),然后牙医告诉他疼的时分还不能拔呀!你过几天再来吧!所以你俩make an appointment,不过到了那天something unexpected happened, 这个突发作业必定我们都阅历过,挑个可靠的会说的就行,然后扣题,就这样miss掉了那个appointment.


I’d like to talk about the time when I missed an important appointment because of an emergency.

So here’s what happened. When I was a sophomore, I decided to find myself a part-time job, you know, to earn some pocket money, ‘ca
雅思口语 A time you forgot missed an appointment插图
use girls at that age always have a super long shopping list that our allowance couldn’t afford.

Anyway, there was a small organization in my college that can help students get a job as a TA or a tutor. All we needed to do was to submit some paperwork, like our basic information and school report to show that we are qualified enough to do the job, ‘cause for example, if you want to be an English tutor, you have to have a good command of English yourself. Besides, we had to pass an interview, ‘cause they want to make sure that we can communicate with others properly, and another point of this is to show our personality, to impress our “potential clients”.

I thought it was a perfect opportunity, so I signed up for it, and my interview was scheduled on a Sunday, however, on that day, when I just got out of my dorm, I got a phone call from my boyfriend’s roommate. He told me my boyfriend got seriously injured in his basketball match, and he was bleeding heavily. Obviously they didn’t know I had an appointment, but I couldn’t go to the interview knowing that my boyfriend was in such pain. So you see, that’s how I missed my interview.

But luckily, the teacher was quite considerate, after knowing what happened, she rearranged my interview and gave me another chance 2 days later, so I got the job after all.











:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: