雅思口语解析 shoes

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1. Do you like shopping for shoes?

2. How often do you buy shoes?

这两道题都是在说你喜不喜爱鞋子,关于女人来说可以啥样的鞋子都要备一双,例如运动鞋sneakers,高跟鞋high heals,凉鞋 sandals ;男生可以一双运动鞋就可以走全国了。


Absolutely sure, shoes have the same magic power as bags which can always attract women, in my eyes, every moment of resistance to temptation is so hard for us. Once I meet shoes I like I would buy it if the price is reasonable.


Actually, I can’t really say I fancy it unless I am in the demand for shoes. Unlike girls, they are more crazy about such things, you know, like clothes, shoes and bags. Two or three pairs of shoes are more than enough for men, I suppose.

3. What kind of shoes you do usually buy?

4. Do you prefer comfortable shoes, or good looking shoes?

5. What’s your favorite type of shoes?

6. Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?



style: simple and all-match / trendy / stylish / in / epidemic

textures: leather / canvas

colors: vibrant / plain / lily-white

type: flats / platform(有防水台的鞋) / sandal / trainers / loafer(乐福鞋)/ dress shoes (皮鞋)

雅思口语解析 shoes插图
feel: comfortable / casual / badly fitting /rub painfully / flatter my legs / exaggerate my height


As for me, neither comfort nor texture is the matter that I might consider. I am the person who takes shoes as an accessory to my outfits, so the style of them is the most crucial. Those simple and all-match shoes are always my choices.


Compared with stylish ones, I would like to buy a pair of shoes which are more casual, I mean, I am not obsessed with shoes. What’s worse, most of attractive shoes are bad fitting, I don’t want to be rubbed painfully and get blisters during the walk.

7. Do you have a pair of shoes that you especially like?


8. Have you ever bought shoes online?


1. 觉得有风险,会泄露我的银行卡,身份证等等自个信息,不会在网上东西,更别提鞋了。

Though online shopping / E-commerce is a prevailing=popular way to consume, to my knowledge, it still has risks. I am really afraid of my information safety, so shopping online is not my thing.

2. 网上的东西尽管廉价可是无法试穿,鞋子吗仍是要试一试的。

The incomparable merit of shopping online is the low price and it is the main reason why people shop there. But it still has drawbacks, I couldn’t try on for a pair of fitting shoes.

3. 如果质量不好,尽管可以7天无理由退货可是太费事了,还要等,实体店比照便利定心。

I know I have the right to return poor-quality shoes in certain days without reasons, but it’s troublesome to wait my money back.


赵媛,新东方吉林学校国外部口语教师,英语专业8级,商务英语高档, MTI(英语翻译硕士),第五届哈洽会“北纬45度·立异论坛”翻译。









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