雅思口语范文Part2&3 拥堵之地

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雅思口语范文 Part2&3:拥堵之地为我们带来今日的口语范文。是一篇关于地址类的口语标题。需要描绘一个考生晓得的拥堵的旅行地或其他地址。在 part3 中会由这个旅行地或地址引申出国家的文明风俗等。


Describe a time you went to a crowed place.

You should say

when you went there

what the place was

what you did there

and explain why you went there/how you felt about the crowded place.






并说明你为啥去那儿 / 你对拥堵的当地有啥感触。


Do you like large places?

What event will attract many people in China?

What place will attract many people in China?

What do you think is the most important thing of an event?

What problem is better to be solved through group work?

Do people like crowded places in China?

你喜爱大的当地吗 ?

啥活动会招引许多我国人 ?

在我国啥当地会招引许多人 ?

你认为一件事最重要的是啥 ?

啥疑问最佳经过小组协作来处置 ?

在我国我们喜爱拥堵的当地吗 ?


The most crowded place I had ever been to was the Great Wall.which is located in Beijing, thecapital of China. I went there onNational Day in 2007. DuringNational Day, most Chinese peoplewill have 7 days off, and they will choose to travel. The Great Wall is a popular tourist attraction and as the old saying goes, "One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero". For this reason, even many foreigners will go to climb the Great Wall. The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the world, and it is builtby ancient Chinese people to protect Chinese northern
雅思口语范文Part2&3 拥堵之地插图
border.The Great Wall I went to was called Badaling Great Wall. I tried my best and finally reached the top of it. During the process, wanted to give up many times, but I kept telling myself that I could make it. When I was standing on the top and appreciating the splendid views, I felt all my efforts deserved. The process of climbing the Great Wall is just like the process of going through your life journey, during which you may encounter a lot of difficulties. Never give up and finally you will make it.

我去过的最拥堵的当地是长城。它位于我国的首都北京。我在 2007 年国庆节去了那里。在国庆节时刻,大大都我国人将有 7 天的假期,他们将选择旅行。长城是一个很受等待的旅行景点,俗?担? 谁没有抵达长城不是一个英豪 "。因为这个缘由,甚至许多外国人也会去爬长城。长城是世界七大奇迹之一,它是我国古代公民为了维护我国北方边境而建筑的。我去的长城叫8达岭长城。我尽了最大的尽力,总算抵达了山顶。在这个进程中,我想扔掉许多次,但我一向告诉自个,我可以做到。当我站在山顶上,赏识着秀丽的风光时,我觉得我一切的尽力都是值得的。爬长城的进程就像你阅历人生旅程的进程,在这个进程中你可以会遇到许多困难。永久不要扔掉,究竟你会成功的。

以上就是雅思口语范文 Part2&3:拥堵之地的有关内容。咱们可以看出地址类的论题在雅思口语中的考试难度适中。


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