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Where can I catch a taxi?哪里我可以叫到租借车?

The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.租借车站台就在左面转角处。

Are you free?您有空吗?

Sure.Where are you going?当然。您要去哪里?

Drive me back to Santa Clara.载我到圣塔克莱拉。

Santa Clara?OK.That s
about 20 miles away.圣塔克莱拉?好的,大约是20英里远。

How much will it cost?需要多少钱?

That ll be thirty-six dollars,sir.先生,车费是36元。

Here you are.You can keep the change.给你。零钱不必找了。

Five hundred dollars,please.And could you give me ten dollar in small change?请换500美元。再另外能否给我10元的小面额零钱?

Here you go,sir.可以,先生。

Will it take long?要好久吗?

No.Please endorse the check at the back.不会的。请在支票的不和签名。

I d like to convert some RMB Yuan to US dollar,please.请将我的一些公民币换成美元。

That s alright.You re a lot of help.没联络。你帮了很大的忙。

Take me to the railway station.载我到火车站。

Take me back.载我回去。

What is the charge for that?那要多少费用?

How much extra do I have to pay for that?我还要另外付多少?

Keep the change for yourself.找回的钱你藏着。

The change is yours.找回的钱给你。

Don t give me the change anymore.不必给我找钱了。

Is this the bus that goes by the mall?这班公共轿车经过商业街吗?

No,it isn t.But you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24.不,不经过。可是你可以搭这班车转乘24路。

Good.How much is the fare?好。车费多少?

It s seventy-five cents for adults and thirty cents for children under twelve.大人75美分,12岁以下的成人30分。

Will it cost for the transfer?转车要钱吗?

Yes.When you get on the transfer bus,just show the bus driver this ticket stub.要。当你上了转乘的公共轿车时,就把这张票根给司机看。

You will only have to pay another ten cents and a nickel for your child.你只需另外再付10美分,而你的孩子只需再付5美分。

That sounds pretty good.听起来挺好的嘛!

You can take a seat now.如今你找个坐位坐下吧。

When you re ready to get off,remember to press the button near your seat.当你要下车时,记住按你坐位旁的按钮。

Is this bus going to Dallas?这车开往达拉斯吗?

Get me off at
the Fifth Avenue.请在第五大道让我下车。

Where can I put the coin?硬币要放在哪儿?

How long does it take?要花多久时刻?

Can you tell me how to get to the railroad station?你能告诉我怎样去火车站吗?

May I help you,sir?需要我协助吗,先生?

I'd like to cash some traveler s checks here.我想在这儿兑换一些旅行支票。

Certainly.Do you have any identification?当然可以。你有任何证明文件吗?

Yes,I have my Passport.Here it is.是的,我有护照。这就是。

Fine.How much would you like to exchange,sir?好的。您要兑换多少呢,先生?

What s the exchange rate today?今日的兑换比率是多少?

A dollar is valued at eight point two RMB Yuan.一美元价值8.2元公民币。

Yes,you ve right in the middle of the Fifth Avenue vegetable market.你们就在第五街的蔬菜商场里。

Where would you like to go?你们要去哪里呢?

Excuse me,officer,which way shall I take?I want to go back to Beijing Hotel.对不住,警官。我想回北京宾馆,我该走哪条路。

Take the right one and go ahead and it will take you five minutes.You
can t miss it.走右边这条路,一向朝前走,只需五分钟的时刻你就到了。

I m afraid I have lost my way.Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?我迷路了,假定我想回市中心,我在哪儿可以坐公交车?

I want to go to the railway station.Could you show me the way?我想去火车站,您能带我去吗?

Where s this place in the map?这儿在地图的哪个方位?

Is this the right way to the station?往车站走这条路对吗?

How can I get to Sheraton Hotel?往喜来登宾馆怎么走?

Yes.Here you are.好的,都在这儿。

You go ahead with the formalities.I ll see to the heavy luggage.您先去办手续,我来帮您照看大件行李。

That s great.I ll come back right after the formalities.那太好了。手续办完后我就回来。

What type of visa have you got?您持的是哪种签证?

I have a tourist visa.旅行签证。

Would you mind opening your suitcase?请把您的箱子翻开,好吗?

Not at all.Check it,please.好的,请查看。

Would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies?请把你所带的外币挂号一下,好吗?

OK.I ll do
as you say.好的,照办。

Have you filled in the baggage declaration?行李请求单填好了吗?

No.I really don t know how to go about it.没有。我真不晓得如何填。

Do you have anything to declare for customs?有啥要申报呀?

No.I have nothing to declare.没有。我没有啥要申报的。

How long are you going to stay here?您在这儿呆多久?

About one month.I m just sightseeing.大约一个月。我只是参观旅行。

Have you anything dutiable?您有应交税的东西吗?

No,these are only personal effects.没有,这只是些私家用品。回来搜狐,查看更多



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