在雅思口语考试中自傲地说英语 Speak English Confidently

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Hi, this is Keith from ieltsspeakingsuccess, and one of the biggest challenges students have is finding the confidence to face the IELTS examiner. So, how do we speak English confidently?

嗨,我是 ieltsspeakingsuccess ,学生面临的最大应战之一就是找到自傲去面临雅思考官。那么,咱们如何自傲地说英语呢?

Well, let's fix that, let me give you today, right now, 8 things you can do to build your confidence when speaking. Number one is pretend.


Sound strange but when we pretend to be confident, our mind can start to believe it and we become more confident. It sometimes works. One technique is visualization and anchoring.


So, visualization, you need to close your eyes. You imagine yourself speaking confidently and you take that image, make it bigger, brighter, louder and have this whole great feeling and good feeling through the body come up and then you anchor, bump, will press your thumb.


And pressing your thumb gives this anchor to the feeling. Next time you speak English, just before you speak, you press your thumb, and that whole feeling comes back of happiness, confidence and you speak confidently.


It sounds a bit like magic; it's sometimes works; it's worth trying. But let's go on to discuss more.


Number two is to start easy. Confidence comes from small successes day after day after day, so the way to get small successes is to start easy and build up.


So, I would recommend beginning with imitation for speaking. You get some simple audios.


You listen, don't read, don't read but just listen to the audio and repeat, simple imitation. Do it day after day. Let me show you.


So, we can listen: I live in a beautiful city to the north of London. And we can repeat: I live in a beautiful city to the north of London.


We can listen and change a word: I live in an ugly city to the north of London. We can listen and change another word: I live in an ugly city to the south of London.


We can listen and make it true for you: I live in a nice city to the north of Madrid. We can make it more complicated by listening to longer sentences: I live in a beautiful city to the north of London. It's quite a touristic place and gets really busy in the summer.


And then we can summarise: I live in a beautiful city near London that gets really busy with tourists in summer. And that's how we start easy and build up.


Take simple steps day after day, build it up and you build your confidence. Number three: push your comfort zone.


We build our confidence by facing our fears and to face your fear, you need to push, push your comfort zone, put yourself in situations where you don't feel comfortable speaking English and practice, practice and practice and by pushing that comfort zone, you'll build up your confidence.

So, you can do that by going down to a local class, joining an English club or a speaking corner.


Go online, get yourself a speaking partner. There are lots of online free online speaking exchanges.


Look downstairs, down here for a list. And I would suggest, at the end of this video, not tomorrow, at the end of this video, go down there, join one and just sign up and begin even for three minutes, just go and speak to somebody for three minutes and stop.


And then go back tomorrow and do it again and again and start to gently push your comfort zone and you'll build your confidence. Number four, prepare well.


And I learnt this when I started working and I had to do presentations in front of hundreds of people. The more I prepared, the more confident I was.


So with IELTS and speaking English, prepare by practicing the IELTS questions. You can get lots of them online, and if you're not sure where, ieltsspeakingsuccess has all the questions, lots of the questions and some sample answers.

关于雅思和说英语,经过操练雅思标题来做好预备。你可以在线上找到许多标题,假定你不断定,ieltsspeakingsuccess 有一切的标题,许多标题,还有一些参阅答案。

Start practicing these questions and answers, not to recite, not to memorize, but to start practicing and preparing well, so you're familiar with the topics, with the vocabulary and the kind of answer you can give. Prepare well. Number five: use a mask.


The mask that you put on your face. Languages are great, because when you speak another language, you change your voice and you can be a little bit different.


You know when I speak Spanish, . . . my voice changes. It becomes almost deeper and a little bit more Latin maybe, and you know, the same in Chinese, . . . it's all like all this funny singing and melodious language and it's almost like I become a slightly different person when I speak that language.


And the great thing about this mask is you can choose it, you can choose to be a bit more louder or shy or quiet or extrovert. You can choose the mask you want in this foreign language and I think it's a great way to use the mask not just to hide yourself but to present yourself differently and just build your confidence with the mask.


Number six, probably one of the most important ones: become an English speaker, not just an English student. It's all about identity.

在雅思口语考试中自傲地说英语 Speak English Confidently插图

Confidence comes from your identity, and if you see yourself as a student, then you're always studying, you're always trying to get better. See yourself as a speaker, an English speaker, and you're already there, you're a communicator, you speak the language.


It doesn't matter if you're low level or high level, A2, B2, or C2. It doesn't matter. It's all in here. It's the identity. It's not to do with your level but it's how you think about it.


And if you see yourself as a speaker in that language, then yes, you're gonna communicate, yes, you're gonna speak to other people, yes, you will have more confidence. So, don't just be a student or even stop being a student. Think like a speaker.


Number 7: forget about the native speaker. There's a lot of stuff about the native speaker is better.


I want to be like a native speaker. If only. . . , I wish. . . , I need to. . . , don't!


Forget the native speaker thing. It doesn't matter. The comparisons don't help you.


The native speaker isn't better, just because you wear a yello hat or. . . doesn't make you better. They just speak English as a mother tongue.


You speak English.?If you're not a native speaker, the way you speak English and that's it. That's fine. You take the language because it's yours it's a part of you, and that is your English


Forget the native speaker. Just be you, be yourself with your English. Yes, you get better, yes, you improve, yes, you practice. It's fine.


You are where you are. Number eight is develop the skill.


Confidence is a skill, so it takes time. You need to develop it day after day.


It's amazing, right? Some people say "Well, don't be nervous, just be confident." Of course, that doesn't work.


You can't. I mean because would you say to somebody, "Just just play the piano"? You can't. You have to practice. It's a skill. You practice and develop.


Confidence is a skill. You need to practice and develop. Do the things we've talked about today whether it's, and I've got my list, whether you pretend, whether you start easy, whether you push your comfort zone, preparing, thinking about identity.


All of these things you do day after day and you practice and develop the skill of confidence and that my friends, is how you speak English confidently. If you like this video, please do subscribe and pop over to the website.


Thank you very much. See you soon.



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