「往常英语口语8000句」4-4 恋爱成婚成婚常用口语句子

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情愿和我成婚吗? will you marry me? *用于求爱时,男女都可以用。
yes, i will marry you. (是的,我情愿。)
= will you be my wife/husband? (你情愿变成我的老婆/丈夫吗?)
i want to share the rest of my life with you. (我愿此生今世和你在一同。)
i want to grow old together. (我情愿和你白头到老。)

我还不想订亲。 i don't want to get engaged yet. = i don't think we should get engaged yet. (我觉得咱们还不到该订亲的时分。)

我还不想成婚。i don't want to get married yet. when will you be ready? (那你想啥时分呢?)
= i'm not ready to settle down yet.
= i'm not ready for married life yet.

成婚,我还没想过呢。i haven't thought about marriage yet. *当对方问到when are you going to get married? (你方案啥时分成婚)时的答复。

我喜爱你,可是不能和你成婚。i love you but i can't marry you.

「往常英语口语8000句」4-4 恋爱成婚成婚常用口语句子插图

我还下不了决计和她成婚。i hesitate to marry her. * hesitate“踌躇”、“没心思”、“犹疑”。
why? (为啥呢?)
= i'm not sure if i want to marry her.
= i'm hesitant to marry her.

他刚刚成婚。he's a newlywed. *newlywed“新婚的人”。
= he looks very happy lately. (迩来他看上去好夸姣呀。)
= he is newly married.
= he just got married.

婚后日子怎么样? how's (your) married life? not bad. (不错哟。)

咱们俩都感到很夸姣。we're happy together now.
我很爱我的老婆。 i love my wife.
咱们夫妻俩性格类似。we're two of a kind. *two of a kind“性格类似的人”。 = we're very similar.
= like husband, like wife.

咱们俩很相配。 we're a well-matched couple.
我是个顾家的人。i'm a family-centered person. = i'm a family man.

她想要个孩子。 she wants to start a family.
我怀孕了。 i'm pregnant. = guess what? i'm pregnant. (你猜怎么着,我怀孕了。)
really? (真的吗?)
= i'm going to have a baby.
= i'm expecting.

怀的是男孩仍是女孩? what did she have? it's a girl. (是女孩。)

「往常英语口语8000句」4-4 恋爱成婚成婚常用口语句子插图

的。 we can work it out.
我首要想到的是我老婆。 i think of my wife first. = my wife is very important to me.
= i'm very close to my wife.

咱们夫妻从不吵架。we (as a husband and a wife) don't have any fights.
拖家带口的人。family man.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: