英语单词 journey, voyage, trip, excursion 的区别

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咱们常常看到有关“游览、观光”的文章或句子, 有时辰有人写文章用
英语单词 journey, voyage, trip, excursion 的区别插图
journey,有时辰看到用voyage的,有时辰用travel,有时辰用 trip,有时辰用excursion,固然这个词用得比力少,不常见。游览原本是一件轻松舒畅的事,自从学了这几个单词后,游览再也不那末地舒畅了,恍如这是一场“我有酒,说出你的故事”来的诱惑。

今天咱们来进修 journey, voyage, trip, travel,excursion 这几个单词的分歧的地方。

journey[dni] n. (尤指远程)行程,观光; v. (尤指远程)观光。A journey is the process of travelling from one place to another by land, air, or sea. If you journey to a place, you travel there. 指经过陆路、空路或海路,从一地到另外一地的路程。暗示观光到某个处所用journey.

voyage [vd] n. 航行,(尤指)帆海,航天;v. 航行,远行,(尤指)远航。A voyage is a very long journey from one place to another, usually by sea or through space. 凡是指搭船或乘坐飞翔器举行的远程观光

trip[trp] n. (尤指短程来回的)观光,游览,出行 。A trip is the process of travelling from one place to another, staying there, usually for a short time, and coming back again. 凡是指短时间勾留的来回路程

travel [trvl] n. 观光,游览,游历,(出国)游览; v. 远程行走,观光,游历。To travel to a place means to go from one place to another, especially over a long distance. The noun travel is used to talk about the general activity of travelling.从一个处所到此外一个处所观光,尤指远程的观光。名词 travel 用于评论辩论一般性的观光勾当,既可用作不成数名词,也可用复数情势。

excursion[kskn] n. 郊游,短途观光。An excursion is a short trip made either as a tourist or in order to do a particular thing.指短途的参观旅游或有其他目标的短途观光


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