英语写作课学员作品 上海市川沙中学南校 刘晋荣

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The line graph shows the number of people living below national poverty line in our country. Su妹妹arize
英语写作课学员作品 上海市川沙中学南校 刘晋荣插图
the informationby selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

文 | 刘晋荣 上海市川沙中学南校

It is shown in this line graph how many people in China are living below national poverty line (国度贫苦线). Overall, the number of population of the poor shows a decrease from 1978 to 2020. During that time, the number of Chinese people who live below national poverty line falls very quickly. However, from 2010 to 2020 the number of Chinese people living below the national property line drops a little slowly. As we can see Chinese poverty line adjusted (调解) for inflation (通货膨胀)grows marginally (稍微地)each year.
英语写作课学员作品 上海市川沙中学南校 刘晋荣插图(1)
Therefore, the poverty population is inversely (相反地)proportional (成比例的)to the poverty line adjusted for inflation.

We can see in recent years, cadres (干部)who made great effort to alleviate (减轻)poverty worked a lot. They actively find the way for poor villagers to stay away from poverty. They spend all their time on poverty alleviation. They live and eat together with the villagers. Some even died of exhaustion (怠倦).

As an old saying goes, “Everything comes to him who waits.” The good news is that, at the end of 2020, China has already eradicated (革除)absolute poverty.

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