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夏季炎热食欲不振?吃饭遭遇菜鸟大厨?吃不到可口饭菜,你会大喊一声“真难吃”吗?“Yucky! ”(太难吃了!)今天就来吐槽那些糟糕的饭菜!

1. The food in the school cafeteria is yucky. 学校餐厅的饭菜真难吃。

2. The lousyfood upsets my stomach. 这饭菜太糟糕了,吃得我肚

3. That pizza tastes like cardboard. 那张披萨味同嚼蜡。

4. The dishes were many, but they were all poorly cooked. 菜很多,但烧得都不好吃。

5. The salad was unsavory. 那色拉难吃极了。

6. The food in our dining hall is the pits. 我们食堂的东西糟糕透了。

7. Those sandwiches taste terrible. 那些三明治很难吃。

8. A dry sandwich is a drag to eat.放干的三明治很难吃。

9. Well, I hate to say this, Lucy, but this is the worst food I've had.嗯,我不想说这些,露西,但是这是我吃过的最难吃的食物。

10.But this is disgusting, you know.但你也知道这东西难吃。

11.Spanish rice was really very awful!西班牙的米饭实在不敢恭维,太难吃了!

12.I find raw fish completely unpalatable!我觉得生鱼非常难吃!

13.My first attempt at a chocolate cake tasted horrible.首次做的巧克力蛋糕难吃极了。

14.The medicine is distastefulbut good for you.这药虽难吃,但对你身体有好处。

15.The baby spat out the nastypill.婴儿吐出了难吃的药丸。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: