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不过也有人花了许多的时刻读原版书,写作水平照常毫无长进,这是因为大都人的阅览是有误区的,——只记住了故作业节,完全无视了言语本身。例如,将留心力悉数放在那些生词难词上,花费许多时刻查阅,完全不留心常用词的用法。比方,你要如何表达「恢复交通」这个意思?有人可以会拽大词写restore the traffic。可是《新概念》里是get the traffic on the move again,没有一个难词,可是比照之下,显着第二个表达愈加精确。风趣的是,阅览的人一般会将留心力放在restore上,忽略get sth on the move,在写作或口语的时,即便很简略的短语,自个也用不出来。正确的阅览方法,不大约以阅览为意图,而大约以仿照和思维练习为方针。Boeing has reasons to guard against Bombardier. First, it fears encirclement by state-subsidised aircraft makers—not only Airbus and Bombardier, but ambitious state-supported Chinese and Russian producers. 「不以阅览为意图」是如何进行呢?在读到guard against时,就要想假定是自个会如何表达「防备竞赛对手」这个意思?试着写下来自个的表达,然后比照体领会思上的不一样。经过这种方法,对词汇和分配的了解就会越来越精密,那么在口语或写作时,用词天然就越来越精确了。下次再需要表达相附和思的时分,天然就不会词穷了。

原版书 The Se
cond Coming of Steve Jobs中的开篇写到了Steve Jobs的境况。在阅览的时分,想一想假定是自个,会如何描绘一个由天上下跌到阴间,身处窘境的人?只需带着这个疑问来阅览你才会有知道地仿照和吸收作者的表达,才有可以在今后为己所用。It was all going to hell.His followers were abandoning him. His friends no longer believed in him. The press, which had adored him for so long, now excoriated him. His money was running out. An awesome fortune - nearly squandered. He had made a hundred million in a handful of years, and now he was blowing it just as quickly on his failing startups. Within a few months, it could all be gone. Super rich and world famous in his twenties, and now, in his thirties, he was...what? A has-been? A guy who got lucky once but couldn't do it again? A fallen hero, the victim of his own hubris?假定你认为这种阅览的确给你打了一剂鸡血,那么过一段时刻你必定会问:「我忘了怎么办?」你凭啥觉得自个不大约忘掉?人类的回想遵从着科学的忘掉曲线,在这一点上,人人都是公正的。我自个敌对忘掉的办法就是——用笔头记下来,并常常拿出来温故知新。


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: