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ideal job
generally, everyone has his or her ideal jobs. some people has the detailed aim such as a teacher, a doctor, or a lawyer, and others may have not decided a certain career, instead of which, they want a job with challenges or creativity. in my opinion, having an ideal job means having the inspiration and incentives, and my ideal job should be with following traits. first, it must ensure me to learn something new. since learning new things is the mission of my whole life, and it will make the everyday job not so tedious. second, it should give me some challenges, and in other words, it should not be too easy for me. because the difficulties and frustrations in work will make me improve my skills in many aspects. third, the working atmosphere should be harmonious, in which i can make friends with my colleagues. since most people are busy working nowadays, and the companies may become the appropriate place where we can meet new friends. also, to obtain the ideal job, i should study and work hard in my daily life, and the aspiration will be realized someday.

2021年5月大学英语四级口语考试第一场:ideal job
2021年5月大学英语四级考试第一场自个陈述为ideal job; 既自个心目中抱负的作业。这个标题与咱们日子亲近有关,马上又迎来了一年一度的大学生结业季,找作业成了许多结业生时下最关怀的论题,那么,抱负的作业究竟是啥姿势?咱们如何组织言语来描绘自个对将来作业的等待?文都四六级教师给我们支招:每自个自个的专业,喜爱都纷歧样,所以究竟该选择怎样的作业没有固定的标准答案,可是可以进行一系列的扩展,将自个的表达细化。下面是文都四六级教师的范本,供各位考生参阅。
when i was young, i wanted to work for a public hospital as a doctor. in fact, becoming a doctor, who wears white uniforms, was my dream in my childhood.
i have heard about this job from my teachers and relatives in my childhood and then i had a superficial idea about this job. when i was 15 or 16 years old, i saw a documentary about doctors in discovery channel that gave me a clear idea of the job.
working as a doctor requires a series of training and to become a good doctor one needs comprehensive knowledge and skills. usually, the job position requires a doctoral degree and a series of certificates on relevant major. the students who are majoring in medicine usually have comprehensive curricula, both theoretical and practical, on how to deal with medical treatment. the theoretical parts teach them different body systems, and process guidelines where the practical parts allow them to actually do a surgery. anyway, it’s not easy to be a doctor. one have to on the one hand study very hard on the theoretical knowledge, and on the other hand be sufficient in practical.
i was fascinated on working as a doctor, because i think saving others life is sacred. it was a thrilling job to me when i was a young. since my family members started giving me the idea of future careers about what i would become in the future, i started speculating my own idea and chose this major. i knew studying at medicine school is not easy. working as a doctor is also very busy. many doctors work overtime because there are not enough doctors in many pubic hospitals in our countries. sometimes, even doctors try their best, they still can’t save all patients life. from my point of view, in order to become a good doctor, i have to pursuit a master degree and then a doctoral degree. even though i am very busy, i am not regret about my choice at all. for all those reasons it was my dream job when i was young.
2021年5月25日大学英语四级口语考试第二场自个陈述有些主题为a memorable day,即陈述让自个难忘的一天。这一有些需求我们陈述约90秒,因而我们只需正常语速讲大约200个单词即可。那么,让你难忘的那一天究竟发生了啥呢?究竟是啥作业或许啥人让你难忘呢?如今就让文都四六级教师来帮你分析一下吧。接下来咱们先看文都教育的教师供给的材料。
well, when talking about the memorable day, my first thought was a birthday party held last december.
it was a sunny and cozy day. i was invited to a birthday party held by my american friend andy in a beautiful part in beijing.
it was totally different from our chinese gatherings since it was in traditional western style. at the party, all of us wore great costumes and enjoyed various kinds of western food, which impressed me most was the tasty turkey cooked by andy’s wife. we danced together with the music and wished andy all the best in his life. we shared different stories happened in china and other countries when eating the birthday cake. it was awesome.
i’d like to say that was the most impressive party i’ve taken part in. besides the delicate food, i also made new friends from different countries and learned a variety of cultural traditions from them. it was like a new world opened to me. in addition, i think this was an excellent opportunity for me to know other foreign languages besides english. if i can get other chances like this party, i really like to join again.
上述范文从一场生日集会描绘了自个难忘的阅历。咱们可以看出,这个论题可以归为记叙文性质,也就是讲故事,因而在描绘自个难忘的一地利,可以从时刻、地址、人物、作业以及感触方面来论说,即when、where、who/ with whom、what happened、feelings,一起我们必定留心,这个论题的时态一般运用曩昔时。
2021年5月大学英语四级口语考试第三场folk art exhibition
2021年5月大学英语四级口语考试第三场自个陈述为folk art exhibition; 既民间艺术展览。中华文明广博精深,许多区域,许多少量民族,都有自个一起的文明,也是绝无仅有的遗产。咱们如何维护这些宝贵的民间艺术?我们是不是在业余时刻参加过关于民间艺术的展览。文都四六级教师给我们支招:可以联系本身的阅历,自个是不是参加过这些民间艺术展览。自个的家乡有哪些民间艺术,对维护民间艺术,又有哪些办法可以施行下面是文都四六级教师的范本,供各位考生参阅。
personally, i am very fond of folk art. sometimes, i go to the folk art exhibition as long as i have free time. as art made my life more colorful and interesting, i had always been addicted into art lessons and art exhibitions when i was a child. during that period, the art lessons and art gallery also developed my aesthetic.
i draw pictures in my spare time and painting is one of my hobbies. now, i usually spend my whole weekends on art gallery drawing pictures. drawing brings me a sense of achievement. its always exciting and entertaining to roam in the world of art. moreover, folk art give me inspiration in drawing and i usually combine the element of folk art into my painting. therefore, i am very interested in chinese folk art.
from my viewpoint, i’m partial to the chinese folk art of ocean. for the reason that ocean always makes me feel broad-minded and peaceful. besides, it’s our traditional treasures. so i maintain that we should promote our traditional treasures to the public, especially the young.
so, it is high time that some actions should be taken. on the one hand, it’s advisable that the departments concerned should introduce and enforce some corresponding laws and regulations to protect our folk art, including hold folk art exhibition to the public, and promote the beauty of folk art to the social media. on the other hand, we are supposed to take advantage of the folk art exhibition to enlighten the public cultivating the habit of visiting art gallery and developing the awareness about maintaining and protecting our unique folk art. folk art is one of the traditional treasures throughout history. it’s our duty to protect and maintain our folk art.

memorable day
in our daily life, there must be some special people or things that happen to us. and through experiencing them in some day, some people would fell happy and enjoy a lot, while others would think they are sufferings and even don’t want to mention them later. different people hold different opinions. it depends on which angles we look at them. in my viewpoint, there are one day which can be worth remembering up till the present moment. for me, the most memorable day is the final dormitory outdoor trip before my junior college graduation. we have six people in all, and during three-year campus life, we always studied and ate in school canteen together in daytime, discussed all kinds of questions on life or study together, held the birthday party and sent the presents for each other. based on the similar outlook, we got along with each other so well that we felt like we were intimate like family members, though we also sometimes argued with each other when faced with some small matters. up till now, we keep frequently contact with each other. i’m appreciate and so glad that i met them and made friends with these all five “crazy” girls. that’s the best luck in my life and make me memorable forever.

importance of protecting folk art
the chinese folk art is extensive and profound, and it has many types including lion dance, beijing opera, paper-cut, clay sculpture, face, and shadow play. however, as the time goes on, we find that there are less people willing to undertake the careers related to those folk arts, and many even think them useless in the society with advanced technologies and highly developed economy. but in my opinion, it is still very important to protect the folk art in these days due to the following reasons. first, chinese folk art is the embodiment of our great history and culture, so protecting the art means cherishing our history. as a nation with long history, china has the unique folk art in the world, which should be the pride of us. and our folk art should also go abroad and be known by the world. second, the folk art can bring us joy mentally and physically. as modern people, many of us may lack body exercise and practice because of our long screen time. but if we go outside and enjoy the folk art, for instance, joining the folk art exhibition, we will experience another kind of happiness.

2021年5月大学英语四级口语考试第四场:the importance of clean environment
2021年5月25日,大学四级口语考试第四场自个陈述有些论题为洁净的环境的重要性,即the importance of clean environment。有关环境的论题老是层出不穷,可是归根究竟其实查询的要点就是在所以不是需要环境维护,环境维护的重要性,或许环境维护的有利影响。那么如今文都四六级教师就从以上几个方面为我们分析这个论题的陈述办法和技巧。以下是范文有些,仅供我们参阅。
let me see. surely there’s no doubt that lean environment is crucial. everyone needs to live in a clean environment and i am no exception.
the benefits are manifold. for instances, it is good for your health if we live in a clean environment, since we can breath fresh air and drink clean water. clean environment provides us with opportunities to enjoy beautiful views of green mountains and clear rivers in which fishes swim freely.
it also allows us to have good mood every day when working or studying. just imagine, if we drive on the road after a day’s tedious work, suddenly we run onto a road with litter everywhere and unpleasant smell from the river beside the road, what will we feel and what will we do? we are likely to feel grumpy and anxious.
it is hard to imagine how awful and terrible our life would be if we can’t live in a clean environment, so i’d like to suggest that we do all our best to protect our environment for our physical and psychological health. it is our responsibility to protect where we live and set examples to the next generations so as to maintain our clean environments forever.
关于“重要性”的论题,首要要先标明自个的情绪:某件事的确很重要,然后别离论说自个的理由。这儿请我们留心,因为我们会论说多个理由,所以要有知道地运用标明次序的联接词,如from the beginning,next,additionally,besides,last but not least,因为行文的联接性是咱们四六级口语考试的评分标准之一。
benefits are manifold/ multiple.
sth. allows sb. to do sth. / helps sb. to do sth.
sth. provides sb. with chances to do sth.
sth. offers a chance to do sth.

music can be classified into many different types, like classical music, pop music, blues, rock & roll jazz, orchestral music, etc. different kinds of music can bring various kinds of emotion to people. for most people, music brings relaxation and happiness to our life. after a whole day of hard work, i’d like to lose myself into some kind of light music to relax both physically and mentally. when you’re down, a joyful sound can sweep your bad emotion away. when you listen to their rhythm and style, you will feel your heart be touched and shaked in a blue mood. then, you will be enlightened and cheer up soon. we can get power and courage from those inspiring lyrics to deal with challenges in our life. when you’re lonely, music can be peaceful and comfortable, because it comes from within where no one can invade your private dreams.
the importance of a clean environment
in the past two years, as is well known, the air pollution has been greatly improved. however, pollutants in the environment are derived from many aspects in our life. the improvement of air pollution is only a constituent of committing to maintain a clean environment. waste pollution and noise pollution are also to be badly cleaned. therefore, in my opinion, in order to live a better life, it is still urgent to create a clean environment, which needs much more efforts made by us. specifically speaking, there are two points to support it. firstly, the waste pollution is seen everywhere in our daily life. when you walking in road, you will sometimes smell a pungent taste, which may be from either vehicle exhaust pipes, plant smokestacks or burning trash piles as well as smoking in public places. all of these need more attention. secondly, another concern is from noise pollution. suppose you speak or laugh loudly in a library where most people are reading books, wouldn’t you feel embarrassed? in the same way, noises shouldn’t also be made in public transport. in addition, government should also forbid the factories to pour waste water into rives directly. and for us, the behavior of dropping litter in street had better be punished with strict regulations. to sum up, only when everyone realize the significance of creating a clean environment and adopt some feasible measures can we breathe the fresh air and live a life with high quality.

purpose of going to university
nowadays, most people will get the chance to go to university through the college entrance examination, but we usually have different purposes in universities. some students want to study their majors hard for a better job in the future, and others may intend to develop their interests which were neglected due to time limitation in high school. for me, i have following purposes to go to university. first, i want to improve my comprehensive skills including learning skill, communication skill, and capacity to deal with difficulties. since in university, we will have not only more free time to study which we like, but also the chance to join in more activities held by the students’ union and students organizations. those will help us promote the abilities in many aspects instead of studying merely. second, i want to meet and make friends with more excellent people in university. since i can communicate with many people including students and professors, i can learn much from them. and i believe that getting along with the excellent will make me progress.

2021年5月大学英语四级口语考试真题:why do you go to college?
2021年5月25日,大学四级口语考试第七场自个陈述有些论题论说自个上大学的意图,即why do you go to college。有关学习与作业的论题是咱们四六级口语考试的常见论题,也是咱们往常日子中最常常呈现的论题。这个论题问的是为啥要做某件作业,其实也就是让咱们分分出做某件事请的重要性,首要标明自个的观念,然后分条列点答复,最终总结即可。下面来看文都教育四六级教师为我们收拾的材料。
um, well, i suppose going to college is one of the most important steps in our whole life.
there are many benefits we can obtain from our college education. from the beginning, we can learn endless knowledge from learned professors in colleges. besides those knowledgable teachers, there are also libraries where we can find what we want to read and learn. above all, we can learn and improve ourselves most efficiently in colleges since there are great achievements of our predecessors accumulated in colleges, from which we don’t need to experience the difficult research process again, just learn from our predecessors.
personally, it’s my target to go to an excellent university since this experience not only helps me be an educated person, but also the most convenient way that allows me to find a favored job.
some may say we can also be educated and find a good job without going to universities. but please remember that learning in colleges is the most efficient way for us to achieve our goals.
in short, the college is like an ocean of knowledge from which we can absorb useful nutrient freely.
2021年5月大学英语四级口语考试第六场difficulties in study
2021年5月大学英语四级考试第六场自个陈述为difficulties in study; 即学习中遇到的困难。信赖我们关于这个论题并不陌生,许多考生在学习的进程中,或多或少都接见会面临一些困难。那么,关于该论题,除了描绘自个面临的困难,如何战胜困难是咱们陈述的要点之一。文都四六级教师给我们支招:困难并不可以怕,重要的是找到困难的源头,迎难而上,找处处置的办法,才干想办法战胜它。下面是文都四六级教师的范本,供各位考生参阅。
well, to be honest, everyone will encounter at least several difficulties in study. personally, the most difficulty thing about study is to understand grammar. what’s more, i believe thats the top difficulty among most of people who learn english as their second language. due to the
differences between two languages, most chinese people can’t fully understand the basic structure and rules about english, as well as the differences in thinking patterns and expression. when they do some translation, they just translate the sentence in word-to-word order without making their sentences logical. as a result, we can’t communicate with foreigners and understand each other.
so, even though we don’t have any exams about grammar any more, we still need to learn some grammar. so understand what our shortage is and how to face it is important. take myself as an example, well, first of all, i bought some books about grammar and start to learn by myself. but i still couldn’t fully understand some of them. therefore, i took part in a grammar class. in that class, i made friend with some of classmates. we often practice english together. beside, i often talk to them, share my difficulties with them, so that sometimes they can help me to get out of the difficulties. now, i have built up basic structure about english grammar system. i think i have overcome that difficulty.
all in all, we will meet many kinds of difficulties in our study, if we give up quickly, then we will never address that problem. the best strategy to overcome the difficulties in study is to work harder on it. you can learn by yourself or with your friend. to find out what you couldn’t understand and then practice.
a:hi, lisa, long time no see. how is everything going?
b: not bad. and you?
a:i couldn’t feel better. do you have any plan for the dragon boat festival holiday?
b: not yet. are there any good ideas?
a:i’m thinking about a classmate reunion. you know, we have been busy taking classes or staying at library for a few month after winter holiday. it’s time to go out to relax.
b: i agree with you. sometimes the academic pressure makes me fell anxious. but do you have specific plan about this union? for example, to go climbing, to visit some scenic spots, or just to dine out ?
a: of course. since the time for holiday is limited, we can first dine out together, and then play “trueman room escape”, which is an exciting game. finally we can go to ktv. so would you like to go with me?
b: it sounds great. i’d love to. did you invite anyone else?
a: yes. i also invited all of my classmates. but some of them have planed to go home. it’s a great pity.
b: never mind. there must be another chance next holiday.
a: you’re right! anyway, thank you for joining us!
b: it’s my pleasure.

2021年5月大学英语四级口语考试第8场:my favorite subject in college
2021年5月25日,大学四级口语考试第8场自个陈述有些主题为大学里最喜爱的一门课,即my favorite subject in college。我们一看到这个论题想起来的会是自个学过的哪门课程呢?你是啥时分学的呢?是经过啥方法或许像谁学习的呢?为啥要学这门课呢?学了这门课你有啥感触呢?下面请看文都四六级教师为我们供给的思路。
for the favorite subject in college, i guess i like the language course french best.
i’ve learned this romantic language since i was a freshman in the classes of miss isabelle.
among numerous languages in the world, french is the one that i am curious to learn. actually no matter when i am available at home or after class, i will open my french documents. luckily, now i can speak french fluently and can communicate with native speakers without any difficulties. i feel a sense of great achievements. during the process of learning, i also encountered many difficulties. it’s very tough to start learning a new language, especially the pronunciation part. as we all know, the way of french pronunciation is very different from english, let alone chinese, so i always turned to miss isabelle and she always helped me address my problems in time. i’m very grateful to her.
you may wonder why i like this subject most, or why i chose french rather than other languages. i guess this may be the result of my talent in languages, not other subject like the difficult math. beside, i consider language a medium of communication. if i know the language, i don’t need to rely on the translator or interpreter and i can get the first hand information. additionally, i plan to travel to the romantic nation france to experience the french style romance when i finish my degree. last but not least, i consider french is helpful for me to find a job after graduation.
假定我们细心分析文都教育教师给出的材料就会发现,教师是从以下几个方面来论说最喜爱的类另外:what is it、when i learned it、how i learned it、why i learned it、how i felt about it。咱们把这一类的论题归为记叙文中的“喜爱”类论题,从5w1h来答复,即what、when、where、who、which、how。因为答复的时分要分条列点,所以文都教育的教师请我们必定要留心论说时的层次性,联接词必不可以少。而且像谈天相同答复考官的疑问,多参加一些口语性词汇。
selling second-hand computers
a: hey, damon! i have seen your advertisement on the call-board, saying that your computer is on sale.
b: hey, cathy! since i have found a new-type computer, which is to my taste in all aspects, i want to sell my old one and buy the new.
a: i’m looking for an inexpensive computer because my old one doesn’t work but i have spent a lot money traveling these months. then, how long have you used your old computer?
b: i have used it for just one year. i bought it last year.
a: and how much is it?
b: i intended to sell it on 2,000 yuan, but you can buy it on a discount of 10%. how about 1,800 yuan?
a: how about 1,500 yuan, and i can help you buy your favorite keyboard from america.
b: then, it’s ok. i will provide home delivery service.
a: thank you!

hold a training course
a: hey, damon! have you known that we will cooperate to hold a training course on computer skills?
b: hey, cathy! i have heard that from professor wang, and do you have any ideas?
a: ok, since it will be held in next month, we have enough time to prepare. i propose to take it in the auditorium, and i can apply for it.
b: it’s a good idea, and i think we can invite processor zhang to be the instructor since he is popular among students and good at using computer. i think he would like to join us.
a: yes, professor zhang is very amiable. then, we need to publicize the course early.
b: i agree. we can start now actually. i will put the notice on the wechat official account of students’ union.
a: and i will design and print some posters and paste them around the campus.
b: ok, i think we will have a happy and successful cooperation.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: