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一、ideal job
2021年5月大学英语四级考试第一场自个陈述为ideal job; 既自个心目中抱负的作业。这个标题与咱们日子亲近有关,马上又迎来了一年一度的大学生结业季,找作业成了许多结业生时下最关怀的论题,那么,抱负的作业究竟是啥姿势?咱们如何组织言语来描绘自个对将来作业的等待?文都四六级教师给我们支招:每自个自个的专业,喜爱都纷歧样,所以究竟该选择怎样的作业没有固定的标准答案,可是可以进行一系列的扩展,将自个的表达细化。下面是文都四六级教师的范本,供各位考生参阅。
when i was young, i wanted to work for a public hospital as a doctor. in fact, becoming a doctor, who wears white uniforms, was my dream in my childhood.
i have heard about this job from my teachers and relatives in my childhood and then i had a superficial idea about this job. when i was 15 or 16 years old, i saw a documentary about doctors in discovery channel that gave me a clear idea of the job.
working as a doctor requires a series of training and to become a good doctor one needs comprehensive knowledge and skills. usually, the job position requires a doctoral degree and a series of certificates on relevant major. the students who are majoring in medicine usually have comprehensive curricula, both theoretical and practical, on how to deal with medical treatment. the theoretical parts teach them different body systems, and process guidelines where the practical parts allow them to actually do a surgery. anyway, it’s not easy to be a doctor. one have to on the one hand study very hard on the theoretical knowledge, and on the other hand be sufficient in practical.
i was fascinated on working as a doctor, because i think saving others life is sacred. it was a thrilling job to me when i was a young. since my family members started giving me the idea of future careers about what i would become in the future, i started speculating my own idea and chose this major. i knew studying at medicine school is not easy. working as a doctor is also very busy. many doctors work overtime because there are not enough doctors in many pubic hospitals in our countries. sometimes, even doctors try their best, they still can’t save all patients life. from my point of view, in order to become a good doctor, i have to pursuit a master degree and then a doctoral degree. even though i am very busy, i am not regret about my choice at all. for all those reasons it was my dream job when i was young.

二、a memorable day
well, when talking about the memorable day, my first thought was a birthday party held last december.
it was a sunny and cozy day. i was invited to a birthday party held by my american friend andy in a beautiful part in beijing.
it was totally different from our chinese gatherings since it was in traditional western style. at the party, all of us wore great costumes and enjoyed various kinds of western food, which impressed me most was the tasty turkey cooked by andy’s wife. we danced together with the music and wished andy all the best in his life. we shared different stories happened in china and other countries when eating the birthday cake. it was awesome.
i’d like to say that was the most impressive party i’ve taken part in. besides the delicate food, i also made new friends from different countries and learned a variety of cultural traditions from them. it was like a new world opened to me. in addition, i think this was an excellent opportunity for me to know other foreign languages besides english. if i can get other chances like this party, i really like to join again.
上述范文从一场生日集会描绘了自个难忘的阅历。咱们可以看出,这个论题可以归为记叙文性质,也就是讲故事,因而在描绘自个难忘的一地利,可以从时刻、地址、人物、作业以及感触方面来论说,即when、where、who/ with whom、what happened、feelings,一起我们必定留心,这个论题的时态一般运用曩昔时。

三、importance of protecting folk art
importance of protecting folk art
the chinese folk art is extensive and profound, and it has many types including lion dance, beijing opera, paper-cut, clay sculpture, face, and shadow play. however, as the time goes on, we find that there are less people willing to undertake the careers related to those folk arts, and many even think them useless in the society with advanced technologies and highly developed economy. but in my opinion, it is still very important to protect the folk art in these days due to the following reasons. first, chinese folk art is the embodiment of our great history and culture, so protecting the art means cherishing our history. as a nation with long history, china has the unique folk art in the world, which should be the pride of us. and our folk art should also go abroad and be known by the world. second, the folk art can bring us joy mentally and physically. as modern people, many of us may lack body exercise and practice because of our long screen time. but if we go outside and enjoy the folk art, for instance, joining the folk art exhibition, we will experience another kind of happiness.
四、the importance of clean environment
2021年5月25日,大学四级口语考试第四场自个陈述有些论题为洁净的环境的重要性,即the importance of clean environment。有关环境的论题老是层出不穷,可是归根究竟其实查询的要点就是在所以不是需要环境维护,环境维护的重要性,或许环境维护的有利影响。那么如今文都四六级教师就从以上几个方面为我们分析这个论题的陈述办法和技巧。以下是范文有些,仅供我们参阅。
let me see. surely there’s no doubt that lean environment is crucial. everyone needs to live in a clean environment and i am no exception.
the benefits are manifold. for instances, it is good for your health if we live in a clean environment, since we can breath fresh air and drink clean water. clean environment provides us with opportunities to enjoy beautiful views of green mountains and clear rivers in which fishes swim freely.
it also allows us to have good mood every day when working or studying. just imagine, if we drive on the road after a day’s tedious work, suddenly we run onto a road with litter everywhere and unpleasant smell from the river beside the road, what will we feel and what will we do? we are likely to feel grumpy and anxious.
it is hard to imagine how awful and terrible our life would be if we can’t live in a clean environment, so i’d like to suggest that we do all our best to protect our environment for our physical and psychological
health. it is our responsibility to protect where we live and set examples to the next generations so as to maintain our clean environments forever.
关于“重要性”的论题,首要要先标明自个的情绪:某件事的确很重要,然后别离论说自个的理由。这儿请我们留心,因为我们会论说多个理由,所以要有知道地运用标明次序的联接词,如from the beginning,next,additionally,besides,last but not least,因为行文的联接性是咱们四六级口语考试的评分标准之一。
benefits are manifold/ multiple.
sth. allows sb. to do sth. / helps sb. to do sth.
sth. provides sb. with chances to do sth.
sth. offers a chance to do sth.
2021年5月大学英语四级考试第五场自个陈述为music; 即音乐给咱们日子带来的影响。说到音乐我们并不陌生,信赖许多考生还有自个喜爱的音乐方法,喜爱的歌手。而这些,都可以变成咱们口语描绘的材料。我们可以联系本身的阅历,来谈谈音乐给自个的日子带来的影响,文都四六级教师给我们支招:该论题比照活络,可以融入自个的歌星,自个的演唱会阅历,自个的特长,与日子联接紧密,但究竟都需要由自个归纳到全体的微观影响层面来。下面是文都四六级教师的范本,供各位考生参阅。
to be honest, i think music exert great influence on me personally. i love music, not any particular music genre though, my taste of music is actually quite mixed up. i think music expresses various kinds of human souls, which i like very much. for example,i am a rock buff and like all kinds of rock music, say, metal core, industrial metal, classic rock and melodic death metal. my favorite rock band is oasis. they have been helping me get through my tough days ever since i first listened to their songs.
music exert substantial influence on public, especially the young. there are many famous singers who specialize at pop music in china, attracting millions of fans at all ages. my favorite pop singer is jay chow, whose music career has long been a huge success ever since his first debut in taiwan.
besides, nowadays, many young people have learned to play, more or less, at least one music instrument. take myself as an example, i once learned to play the harp when i was little. my mother taught me how to play the harp since she is a music teacher specializing at this musical instrument. but later, i had to give it up due to my heavy studying burden. i’d like to learn it again in the future if possible.
all in all, music influence people in numerous aspects of our life. music can relief our pressure and adjust our emotions. personally, i believe it is quite important to learn to play a musical instrument. therefore, one can have a deeper understanding about music and its theory. with music, people can learn to appreciate the beauty of rhythm and express their emotion, enjoy their life.
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