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今日的英文频道推出第35篇自创英语故事,作者伊眯。主播是10岁的美国姑娘Julia Rush。翻译是作者伊眯自己(咋这么有才呢!),题图插画为云晓,文章名叫《你好》。讲的是一只休假的仓鼠和鲸鱼打招待的故事,一只小小仓鼠怎么能和巨无霸的鲸鱼打招待呢?他必定是用了一些办法,对,这是一个关于友谊的故事。

咱们每一个英文自创神话故事都是经过层层精选,才干进入录制环节,由 BBC主播、好莱坞动画制造人、专业配音演员英语教师 等 国外人士 翻译朗读。想听纯粹口音的英文故事么?来混神话英文频道收听吧!(世界版官网:hua.fm,点击“阅览原文”直达)


Click here to read the original story in Chinese: 短篇电台 | Hello,真想美美地度这么一个长假呀.....

Written by E-Meow

Translated by E-Meow

Read by Julia Rush

Illustrated by Cloudknows



Mr. Hamster was spending his vacation on a lush, warm island. While he was not brave enough to go swimming, he enjoyed sitting on the soft sands of the beach and eating delicious sunflower seeds in the comfortable sea breeze. There couldn’t be a better way for a hamster to vacation!

As he chewed a mouthful of seeds, he heard the sound of rushing water. It was loud like a water jet and it was coming from the sea. Mr. Hamster turned around suddenly and his eyes widened in surprise at the sight of a giant whale!

“Wow, what a huge and beautiful whale!” he exclaimed excitedly. It had surfaced near the sandy shore, blue and shining in the sun, as it spewed water from the hole at the top of its massive head.


Now, Mr. Hamster had been on many exciting adventures, had gotten into mischief and eaten one of every kind of cookie there was. Yet, as a hamster that lived in the city, even if the sunflower seeds he’d been enjoying a moment before were the most delicious in the entire world, nothing would ever compare to the sight
of a real whale!

What a wonderful holiday, he thought.

Feeling brave, Mr. Hamster took in a deep breath and shouted as loudly as he could to the big, blue whale,“Heeeeellllll—looooooo!!!!” Sadly, as a hamster, even if considered big and tall among his own kind, his voice was still far too quiet—barely a squeak compared to the crashing waves of the ocean.

The whale hadn’t heard his greeting at all! How frustrating it was to be so tiny.

But Mr. Hamster was not a quitter. “I must come up with something,” he decided.

It took quite an effort for Mr. Hamster to climb to the top of a tall banana tree. He chewed through the stem of a wide leaf which he rolled up before holding it to his mouth.

“TO THE WHALE FAR AWAY----H—E—L—L--O-----!!”

His tiny voice was no longer tiny, but magnified by his new megaphone!


The turtles near the shore heard his greeting and reported it to a nearby
shoal of sardines.

The enthusiastic sardines then passed it on, all of them talking at once, to the knowledgeable mola mola.

The mola mola then told the officious squid who gossiped to the hitch-hiking shark sucker.

Finally, the shark sucker stuck himself to the whale and whispered clearly, “Mr. Hamster from the shore would like to say ‘hello’ to you!”

As the sun began to sink below the horizon, Mr. Hamster was still standing on the sandy shore, focusing on the colors that were cast across the ocean’s surface. Suddenly, he saw the whale begin to move in the distance. In fact, it was turning around! It was swimming to the shore; closer and closer as its head began to lift from beneath the water! Even with the megaphone, Mr. Hamster would have never imagined that the biggest animal on earth could have heard his greeting.

“Hello! Nice to meet you,” the whale sang to him as it
reached the shore.

Mr. Hamster was tickled pink! He closed his eyes and greeted the whale. “Nice to meet you as well,” he replied, and pressed the tiny tip of his nose to the whale’s huge forehead.

It was the perfect end to the most perfect vacation a hamster could ever have.



034 The Bus Eats Breakfast(一辆巴士吃早餐)

033 Gnaw Gnaw Gnaw Story(啃啃啃的故事)

032 If You Meet A Cat(假定你遇见一只猫)

031 The Black Swan's Bus Ride(黑天鹅坐公交)

030 The Small Volcano(星期二迸发的小火山)

029 The Ink Monster (墨水怪)

028 Seeds Drifting in Spring (在春天里漂游的种子)

027 Freckles(我的黑点)

026 Star Flood Season(星星汛期)

025 Happy Mushroom(这将是夸姣的小蘑菇,树懒们都晓得)

024 The Witch Mountain (巫婆山)

023 The Hungry Little Devil Umm(小恶魔厄厄小时分饿了)

022 The Cat And The Peach Tree(猫和桃树)

021 The Little Fairy (看烟火的小妖精)

020 The Fox And The Flower (狐狸和花)

019 Salty! Salty! Salty Egg Yolk! (咸的!咸的!咸蛋黄!)

018 The Befuddled Little Fuzzy (迷糊的小怪物)

017 Island of Animals(动物岛国)

016 The Moon Was A Bird With One Wing(月亮正本是一只单翅鸟)

015 The Little Clown(森林里的野生小小丑)

014 Was I Once a Little Lamb (我曾是只小绵羊吗)

013 The Story of the Blue Fish (一条小蓝鱼的由来)

012 The Tale of Mr Rabbit and Mr Cat (被冤枉的猫先生)

011 The Toy “Bandit” (爱煮饭的匪徒)

010 Sky Ceiling(家里有一片天)

009 The Cowardly Little Monster(胆怯的小怪物)

008 Bear Taking A Walk(小熊去漫步)

007 There's a Peach Fairy in the Watermelon(西瓜里有个桃子精)

006 Tiny Fox in the Garden of Gems(宝石园里的小狐狸)

005 The Pizza Prince(披萨王子的故事)

004 Red Beard, Blue Beard, and Golden Beard(红胡子、黄胡子和蓝胡子)

003 The Lime Green Lion(淡绿色狮子)

002 Miss Broccoli And Purple Cabbage(西兰花和紫甘蓝)

001 Bach The Elephant(我和肯尼亚的象)

000 King of the Black Hole(黑洞大胃王)



E-Meow was identified as the number one enemy for cabbages.

Julia Rush

10-year-old Julia lives in Missouri, USA. She loves to read books and tell stories to her little brothers and sister.


She loves drawing everything interesting. And she hopes that her paintings will bring goodness to the world.


Miss. Curiosity/Emma/ Tai


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