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(1) 我们一般在网上共享哪些内容(至少两点)?

(2) 请你为当地的某个农产品直播带货,介绍一下该农产品(如苹果,香蕉,荔枝等);

(3) 呼吁我们正确运用网络直播来共享自个的日子。

One possible version:

With the popularity of live streaming, more and more people like to share their daily life on the Internet. Some show tasty food that they are eating, some show places they are visiting or activities they are doing, and others show their special talents which interest viewers.

In fact, sharing everyday life on the Internet is a good way of not only making our life become more colourful, but also making other people know more about us. For example, here in Yantai (可根据当地特征替换), I want to help the farmers sell their applesthrough live streaming, On the one hand, the apples are so delicious. More people around the world can have this chance to taste them. On the other hand, the farmers work very hard and their efforts should not be wasted. Moreover, it is also a good way for foreigners to know more about our local culture.

All in all, we should always keep an active mind and share our life on the Internet in a correct way. Some illegal things should be stopped while we are doing live streaming.







1. 包括所给提示信息,可恰当发扬;

2. 条理清楚,语句通畅,行文联接;

3. 80~100词,最初和结束已给出,不计入总词数。


audio books 有声书本

One possible version:

Good morning, everyone! There is no doubt that everyone is born with the ability to learn. But it’s important to learn in the right way.

As for reading, I have a habit of reading English novels. Reading Global Reading can be very helpful, too. Keeping the diary is a great way to improve the writing skill. I also like taking notes with my own words and pictures. How do I improve speaking and listening? I take online classes, which are given by foreign teachers. From my point of view, taking lessons online is convenient. Without getting out, we can communicate with foreigners easily. To practice the listening skill, I often listen to audio books in my free time. What’s more, making speeches also helps me a lot.

Learning can be challenging, but don’t give up! The more you practice, the more progress you will make.

That’s all. Thank you.







1. 时刻:阴历九月初


2. 风俗:登高、赏菊、吃 重 阳 糕 、饮 菊 花 酒 、佩茱萸

3. 意义:恳求安康好运;敬爱老人(1989年,阴历九月初九被定为“敬老节”)

4. 感触:……


1. 邮件包括一切提示内容,可作恰当发扬;

2. 条理清楚,语句通畅,语意联接,书写标准;

3. 80~100词,最初和结束已给出,不计入总词数。


chrysanthemum (wine) 菊花(酒)

(wear) dogwood (佩)茱萸

pray for 恳求

Seniors’ Day 敬老节

One possible version:

Dear Fiona,

I’m glad that you’re so interested in Chinese culture.

The Double Ninth Festival is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. This year, it falls on October 25th. On that day, people do something traditional to celebrate the festival. They usually go climbing, enjoy beautiful chrysanthemums, eat delicious Chongyang Cakes, drink chrysanthemum wine and wear dogwood. The true meaning of climbing mountains is praying for health and good luck.

Since 1989, the festival has been named as Seniors’ Day, so another meaning behind the festival is showing love to old people. I love the festival because it’s a time for my family to get close to nature and have a big dinner together.

Best wishes!

Li Xiang




学校是咱们学习、生长的当地。学校日子老是令人难忘的。在实施国家?酢狈秸牒螅餮6伎枇艘恍┛魏笱邮毙芑疃?如体育活动、阅览、艺术快乐喜爱小组及各种社团等) ,这些活动不只给咱们留下夸姣的回想,也让咱们收成良多。


假定你是李华,请以“My Favourite School Activity”为题写一篇短文。内容包括:

(1) 你最喜爱何种活动?你为啥参加这项活动?

(2) 你参加这项活动的收成?(至少两点)

(3) 你的期望。

One possible version:

My Favourite School Activity

School life is very important. Thanks to Double Reduction Policy, our school succeeded in having after-class service activities this term. My favorite club activity is the Reading Club. I love reading, so I became a member of the club. I read the four great classical Chinese novels and some history books.

In my opinion, reading has changed me far more than I expected. I am not as shy as I used to be and I’m willing to try something new. Reading opens up a new world to me. What's more, I was so lucky to make lots of friends who shared the same interest with me in the club. It not only leaves us good memories, but also makes us learn a lot.

Our school life is so rich and meaningful that I enjoy it very much. I hope the after-class service activities will be better and better.



● 榜样




(1) 介绍“了不起”的他/她。

(2) 他/她做了哪些“了不起”的事?

(3) 作为大学生……

One possible version:

Everyone is excellent!

There are many excellent people in the world, such as excellent scientists, excellent players and so on. But I think everyone including ordinary people can be excellent, too. My classmate Tom is very excellent.

Tom is my best friend. He is tall and fat. He likes to read books and play football. He is good at every subject and always ready to help others. One day, I failed my math exam, and I felt very sad. He noticed my feeling and tried his best to help me with my math. With his help, I made progress in math. Last Monday, our classmate Mike was seriously ill and we decided to donate money to him. Although Tom himself doesn’t have much money, he still donated all his pocket money to Mike. I think he is very excellent.

As middle school students, we should learn from those excellent people and make ourselves excellent.







wear masks,take one's temperature,be good for,

COVID-19 pandemic(疫情)


1) What are the new rules in your school?

2)What do you think of the new rules?




China achieved success in controlling COVID-19 outbreak.We are so lucky to be able to return to school.

One possible version:

China achieved success in controlling COVID-19 outbreak..We are so lucky to be able to return to

There are some new rules in our school .For example, we have to wear marks at school. We need to take our temperature before entering the campus. And we are not allowed to stay too close to each other.If we have a fever, we aren't allowed to go to school.We have to wash hands often because it is good for our health.

I think all of the new rules are necessary in the special period. They can not only help to control the pandemic but also help to prevent the spread of many diseases like the flu. Let's keep the rules.




你想象过将来的日子会是啥样吗?请你根据下面图像提示信息,以“My life in 2050”为题写一篇英语短文,想象一下将来的日子。



1. 包括图像的一切信息;

2. 言语通畅,行文联接,内容充分;

3. 80词支配。

One possible version:

My life in 2050

Hello, I’m Frank. What will my life be like in 2050? I think I will be a father of
two children and we will live in a big house with a swimming pool. Technology will play an important role in my life. There will be a robot in my family. It will help us cook meals and clean the house. I will be a teacher and I will teach my students on the computer from Monday to Thursday. My weekend will be from Friday to Sunday. I will travel in space on weekends. I think my life in 2050 will be great.








2. 言语通畅,行文联接,内容充分;

3. 80词支配。

One possible version:

Dear Mr. Wang,

I’m a student in No.1 Middle School. I want to tell you that our school has changed a lot . Our school is much bigger than before. There also is a big garden now.And many trees and flowers are there. we can sit and relax ourselves there.

The playground is much bigger and more beautiful than before. Many boys play football there after school.And many girls play games there.They are very happy.

Now we are in Grade 3, we have to study harder than before. Students do their homework in their free time.I think it is good, but taking some exercise is important, too.

Now our school is more beautiful, we are more polite to our teachers and we like to study very much. I think our school has changed in many ways.

We are all looking forwarding to seeing you.

Best wishes for you!


Li Hua




假定你是李华,酷爱自愿效能活动,每周都会去敬老院看望老人。请根据以下提示,以“Being a volunteer is great”为题,叙说你上星期的自愿效能阅历。



1. What did you do as a volunteer?

2. How did you feel after volunteering?


1. 包括提示信息,可恰当发扬;

2. 言语通畅,行文联接,内容充分;

3. 80词支配(最初已给出,不计入总词数)。

One possible version:

Being a volunteer is great

It is great to be a volunteer and help others. My class went to the old people’s home and cared for the old last Sunday. We cleaned their rooms and did some washing. After that, some of us read the newspaper and talked with them, while others sang songs to cheer them up. Before we left, we also gave away many magazines, so that they could read when they were alone. Real happiness comes from helping others. When I saw the old people laugh happily, I had a strong feeling of satisfaction. We hope our volunteer work can make a difference to the old people’s life.



● 礼貌表达

洛克雷港 (Port Lockroy)是位于南极洲的一所英国科考站。该站正在面向全球进行人员招聘。假定你是李辉,看完招聘信息后,对在南极作业特别感快乐喜爱,可是你还有一些疑问想要征询。请你参阅以下招聘信息,用英语写一封邮件,进行征询。



1. 语句通畅,意思联接,可恰当发扬;

2. 不少于80词。邮件的最初和结束已给出,不计入总词数。

One possible version:

Dear madam or sir,

I’m a young man from Beijing, China. I’m interested in the job you offer and I’m writing to ask for more information about the job.

Firstly, I’d like to know something about the pay. How much can I get each month? Secondly, I’m interested in working with penguins. I wonder how often we need to count penguins. Is it difficult to do the job? Thirdly, could you please tell me something about the weather? As we know, it’s cold there. Is it too cold to take a bath there? At last, can you provide me with some information about working hours? How long should I work each day?

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hui


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: