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(英文有些选自散文《体育精力》 乔治·奥威尔 著)


(1)now that the brief visit of the dynamo football team has come to an end, it is possible to say publicly what many thinking people were saying privately before the dynamos ever arrived. that is, that sport is an unfailing cause of ill-will, and that if such a visit as this had any effect at all on anglo-soviet relations, it could only be to make them slightly worse than before.


fc dynamo moscow:莫斯科迪纳摩足球沙龙,树立于1923年。是一家位于俄罗斯莫斯科的足球沙龙,也是俄罗斯足球超级联赛球队之一。它的主体育场是莫斯科区域的莫斯科迪纳摩体育场,是和莫斯科中心陆军足球沙龙共用希姆基竞技场。它是迪纳摩体育会的一个构成有些。


(2)even the newspapers have been unable to conceal the fact that at least two of the four matches played led to much bad feeling. at the arsenal match, i am told by someone who was there, a british and a russian player came to blows and the crowd booed the referee. the glasgow match, someone else informs me, was simply a free-for-all from the start. and then there was the controversy, typical of our nationalistic age, about the composition of the arsenal team. was it really an all-england team, as claimed by the russians, or merely a league team, as claimed by the british? and did the dynamos end their tour abruptly in order to avoid playing an all-england team? as usual, everyone answers these questions according to his political predilections. not quite everyone, however. i noted with interest, as an instance of the vicious passions that football provokes, that the sporting correspondent of the russophile news chronicle took the anti-russian line and maintained that arsenal was not an all-england team. no doubt the controversy

will continue to echo for years in the footnotes of history books. meanwhile the result of the dynamos tour, in so far as it has had any result, will have been to create fresh animosity on both sides.


arsenal f.c:阿森纳足球沙龙,是一家位于英国首都伦敦北部伊斯灵顿社区的足球沙龙。树立于1886年,是英格兰足球超级联赛球队之一,沙龙基方位于伦敦荷洛。阿森纳是英格兰前史上最具规划的沙龙之一,亦是英格兰顶级足球联赛停留得最久的沙龙。自沙龙树立以来,共夺得13次英格兰顶级联赛冠军,3次英超冠军,14次英格兰足总杯冠军和2次英格兰联赛杯冠军。

rangers f.c.:格拉斯哥流浪者足球沙龙,树立于1872年3月1日 ,是苏格兰超级联赛球队之一,球队主场位于格拉斯哥西南部的埃布罗克斯球场。与同城夙敌凯尔特人足球沙龙的竞赛即为世界足坛闻名的“老字号德比”,两队独占苏格兰联赛跨越100年。20



(3)and how could it be otherwise? i am always amazed when i hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield. even if one didnt know from concrete examples (the 1936 olympic games, for instance) that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could deduce it from general principles.


the 1936 berlin olympic games:第11届夏日奥林匹克运动会即1936年柏林奥运会。1934年,在世界奥委会雅典会议上抉择,恢复有些古代奥运会旧制。规则运动会时刻,从开幕日期至闭幕式止,在主体场燃烧奥林匹克圣火。火种有必要来自奥林匹亚,采纳火炬接力方法从奥林匹亚传到主办国。从本届奥运会起,点着奥林匹克火焰是每届奥运会开幕式不可以短少的典礼



(4)nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive. you play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win. on the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved. it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise: but as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are aroused. anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this. at the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare. but the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players but the attitude of the spectators: and, behind the spectators, of the nations who work themselves into furies over these absurd contests, and seriously believe — at any rate for short periods — that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.


village green:村庄草坪

(5)even a leisurely game like cricket, demanding grace rather than strength, can cause much ill-will, as we saw in the controversy over body-line bowling and over the rough tactics of the australian team that visited england in 1921. football, a game in which everyone gets hurt and every nation has its own style of play which seems unfair to foreigners, is far worse. worst of all is boxing. one of the most horrible sights in the world is a fight between white and coloured boxers before a mixed audience. but a boxing audience is always disgusting, and the behaviour of the women, in particular, is such that the army, i believe, does not allow them to attend its contests. at any rate, two or three years ago, when home guards and regular troops were holding a boxing tournament, i was placed on guard at the door of the hall, with orders to keep the women out.


home guards:第次世界大战时组织的英国当地军;当地自愿军

boxing audience is always disgusting:拳击运动是强敌对的运动,竞赛时两边的敌对局势瞬间万变,需求运建议能在极短的时刻内精确地晓得对手的情况,一起还要灵敏作出相应的判别并采纳相应的行为,使用强有力的身体和熟练的技能、多变的战术进行进犯和防卫,而且要具有打败对手的决心和英勇坚强的意志质量,然后打败对手。


body-line bowling:快速投球

(6)in england, the obsession with sport is bad enough, but even fiercer passions are aroused in young countries where games playing and nationalism are both recent developments. in countries like india or burma, it is necessary at football matches to have strong cordons of police to keep the crowd from invading the field. in burma, i have seen the supporters of one side break through the police and disable the goalkeeper of the opposing side at a critical moment.?



the first big football match that was played in spain about fifteen years ago led to an uncontrollable riot. as soon as strong feelings of rivalry are aroused, the notion of playing the game according to the rules always vanishes. people want to see one side on top and the other side humiliated, and they forget that victory gained through cheating or through the intervention of the crowd is meaningless. even when the spectators dont intervene physically they try to influence the game by cheering their own side and “rattling” opposing players with boos and insults. serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. it is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence: in other words it is war minus the shooting.



(7)instead of blah-blahing about the clean, healthy rivalry of the football field and the great part played by the olympic games in bringing the nations together, it is more useful to inquire how and why this modern cult of sport arose. most of the games we now play are of ancient origin, but sport does not seem to have been taken very seriously between roman times and the nineteenth century. even in the english public schools the games cult did not start till the later part of the last century.?



dr arnold, generally regarded as the founder of the modern public school, looked on games as simply a waste of time. then, chiefly in england and the united states, games were built up into a heavily-financed activity, capable of attracting vast crowds and rousing savage passions, and the infection spread from country to country. it is the most violently combative sports, football and boxing, that have spread the widest.?

thomas arnold:托马斯·阿诺德(1795—1842)英国近代教育家。1807年入文彻斯特公学。首要作品有《罗马史》和一些布道文章。

there cannot be much doubt that the whole thing is bound up with the rise of nationalism — that is, with the lunatic modern habit of identifying oneself with large power units and seeing everything in terms of competitive prestige. also, organised games are more likely to flourish in urban communities where the average human being lives a sedentary or at least a confined life, and does not get much opportunity for creative labour. in a rustic community a boy or young man works off a good deal of his surplus energy by walking, swimming, snowballing, climbing trees, riding horses, and by various sports involving cruelty to animals, such as fishing, cock-fighting and ferreting for rats.?



in a big town one must indulge in group activities if one wants an outlet for ones sadistic impulses. games are taken seriously in london and new york, and they were taken seriously in rome and byzantium: in the middle ages they were played, and probably played with much physical brutality, but they were not mixed up with politics nor a cause of group hatreds.



(8)if you wanted to add to the vast fund of ill-will existing in the world at this moment, you could hardly do it better than by a series of football matches between jews and arabs, germans and czechs, indians and british, russians and poles, and italians and jugoslavs, each match to be watched by a mixed audience of 100,000 spectators. i do not, of course, suggest that sport is one of the main causes of international rivalry; big-scale sport is itself, i think, merely another effect of the causes that have produced nationalism. still, you do make things worse by sending forth a team of eleven men, labelled as national champions, to do battle against some rival team, and allowing it to be felt on all sides that whichever nation is defeated will “lose face”.


?jews and arabs:说起中东的犹太人和阿拉伯人,绝大大都人都晓得如今是仇视的情况。光是大的战争二战之后就发生了五次,其他的小规划战争更多非常多。关于犹太人和阿拉伯人之间的敌对由来,可以说非常凌乱。不只有前史要素、还有民族要素、宗教要素、疆域要素等。而且这个敌对可以说构成的时刻也比照久,因为两边在这片土地汕罢子了几千年的时刻了。

?germans and czechs:二战前捷克对苏台德区域日耳曼人进行虐待。捷克与德国之间的民族敌对并引发的捷克人对日耳曼民族的粗野作业,现已给希特勒的侵略落下了口实。纳粹侵略苏台德区域时,苏台德的德裔人曾火热等待他们。

?indians and british:英国与印度早年是殖民者与被殖民者的联络,印巴独立后,印度又变成了英联邦成员。英国从17世纪前期,便初步对印度施行一系列的殖民活动。到了19世纪后期,英国直接控制了印度三分之二的疆域,英国国王兼任印度皇帝。至此英国对印度的控制根柢构成,这一局势一向连续到了1947年印巴独立。

russians and poles:1939年9月1月,纳粹德国侵略波兰。9月17日苏联出动戎行波兰。驻守波兰东部区域的波兰军警及官员约25万人被俘。苏联内务部奉斯大林指示对被俘波军进行政治辨别作业,之后辨别出的一万五千名军官后,斯大林命令将其押送到卡廷森林悉数就地枪决。而且将这些栽赃给了纳粹德国,一向到1990年4月波兰总统雅鲁泽尔斯基访苏时,戈尔巴乔夫才将有关材料交给波兰领导人,至此半世纪的鬼话才被戳穿。

italians and jugoslavs:1941年4月6日,纳粹德国对南斯拉夫建议了突击。面临配备到牙齿的德王法西斯,南斯拉夫戎行反抗了十来天就在4月17日宣告屈服了。在德国建议的这场侵略战争中,意大利作为纳粹德国的小弟,也跟着一同凑热烈,派出戎行去了南斯拉夫。看看这些当年二战意大利戎行在南斯拉夫的拍的相片,感触意呆利真是名副其实。这些意大利兵士,感触一个个玩得好嗨。后来他们的对手南斯拉夫游击队,可是凶狠得很,让意大利人吃了不少苦头。在南斯拉夫,一名被游击队俘虏的德军军官非常惊奇地问:“你们哪来的反坦克炮啊?”当游击队员告诉他是从他们的盟军——意大利人手里缉获的后,他慨叹不已:“唉!这些心爱的意大利人。”南斯拉夫游击队都慨叹,他们是来担任搞笑的。

(9)i hope, therefore, that we shant follow up the visit of the dynamos by sending a british team to the ussr. if we must do so, then let us send a second-rate team which is sure to be beaten and cannot be claimed to represent britain as a whole. there are quite enough real causes of trouble already, and we need not add to them by encouraging young men to kick each other on the shins amid the roars of infuriated spectators.




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: