人教新目标版英语七年级下册 同步教学课件

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hello,开学才不久,很多老师的备课压力非常大,所以今天21世纪教育蔡老师给大家精心整理了:人教新目标版英语七年级下册 同步教学课件,相信可以帮您从容应对开学。各位家长和老师可以下载下来提前备课!
七年级英语下unit 2 what time do you go to
人教新目标版英语七年级下册 同步教学课件插图
school section a(1a-1c)课件(共有ppt37张,含音频).zip
unit 2 what time do you go to school section b(1a-1e)课件38张.zip
unit 2 what time do you go to school section a(2a-2d)课件33张.zip
unit 4 dont eat in class sectiona(1a-1c)课件32张.zip
unit 4 dont eat in class section b (3a-selfcheck)课件31.pptx
unit 4 dont eat in class sectionb(2a-2c)课件40张.zip
unit 4 dont eat in class sectionb(1a-1d)课件31.zip
unit 4 dont eat in class sectiona(2a-2d)课件31张.zip
unit 5 why do you like pandas sectionb(2a-2c)课件50张.zip
unit 5 why do you like pandas sectionb(1a-1d)课件28张.zip
七年级英语下unit 5 why do you like pandas sectiona(2a-2d)课件(共有ppt34张,含音频).zip
七年级英语下unit 5 why do you like pandas section a (gf-3c)课件(共有ppt34张).pptx
七年级英语下unit 6 im watching tv sectionb (1a-1e)课件(共有ppt30张,含音频).zip
七年级英语下unit 6 im watching tv sectiona(2a-2d)课件(共有ppt25张,含音频).zip
七年级英语下unit 6 im watching tv section
人教新目标版英语七年级下册 同步教学课件插图(1)
b (3a-selfcheck)课件(共有ppt27张).pptx
七年级英语下unit 6 im watching tv section a (gf-3c)课件(共有ppt27张).pptx
七年级英语下unit 6 im watching tv sectionb (2a-2c)课件(共有ppt35张,含音频和视频).zip
七年级英语下unit 7 its raining sectionb (1a-1e)课件(共有ppt27张,含音频).zip
unit 7 its raining sectiona(1a-1c)课件28张.zip
unit 7 its raining sectiona(2a-2d)课件29张.zip
七年级英语下unit 7 its raining section b (3a-selfcheck)课件(共有ppt24张).pptx
unit 8 is there a post office near here sectiona(1a-1c)课件23张.zip
unit 8 is there a post office near here section a (gf-3c)课件31.pptx
unit 8 is there a post office near here sectionb (2a-2c)课件35张.zip
unit 9 what does he look like sectionb (2a-2c)课件32张.zip
unit 9 what does he look like sectiona(1a-1c)课件(共28张ppt)+音视频.zip
unit 9 what does he look like sectionb (1a-1e)课件30张.zip
unit 9 what does he look like sectiona(2a-2d)课件31张.zip
unit 9 what does he look like
人教新目标版英语七年级下册 同步教学课件插图(2)
section b (3a-selfcheck)课件21张.pptx
unit 10 id like some noodles sectiona(1a-1c)课件31张.zip
unit 10 id like some noodles section a (gf-3d)课件25张.pptx
unit 10 id like some noodles sectionb (2a-2c)课件36张.zip
七年级英语下unit 10 id like some noodles sectiona(2a-2d)课件(共有ppt32张,含音频).zip
七年级英语下unit 10 id like some noodles section b (3a-selfcheck)课件(共有ppt25张).pptx
七年级英语下unit 3 how do you get to school section a(1a-1c)课件(共有ppt27张,含音频和视频).zip
七年级英语下unit 3 how do you get to school section b(2a-2d)课件(共有ppt41张,含音频和视频).zip
七年级英语下unit 3 how do you get to school section a(2a-2e)课件(共有ppt35张,含音频).zip
七年级英语下unit 3 how do you get to school section b (3a-selfcheck)课件(共有ppt30张).pptx
七年级英语下unit 3 how do you get to school section b(1a-1e)课件(共有ppt33张,含音频).zip
七年级英语下unit 3 how do you get to school section a(gf-3c)课件(共有ppt35张,含音频).zip
unit 1 can you play the guitar sectiona(1a-1c)课件27张.zip
七年级英语下unit 1 can you play the guitar section b (3a-self check)课件(共有ppt26张).pptx
七年级英语下unit 1 can you play the guitar sectionb(1a-1f)课件(共有ppt26张,含音频).zip
七年级英语下unit 1 can you play the guitar sectionb(2a-2c)课件(共有ppt31张,含音频).zip
unit 1 can you play the guitar sectiona(2a-2d)课件31张.zip
七年级英语下unit 11 how was your school trip sectionb (2a-2c) 课件(共有ppt38张,含音频和视频).zip
七年级英语下unit 11 how was your school trip section a (gf-3b)课件(共有ppt34张).pptx
七年级英语下unit 11 how was your school trip sectiona(1a-1c) 课件(共有ppt30张).zip
七年级英语下unit 11 how was your school trip sectionb (1a-1d) 课件(共有ppt27张,含音频).zip
七年级英语下unit 11 how was your school trip sectiona(2a-2d) 课件(共有ppt32张,含音频和视频).zip
unit 11 how was your school trip section b (3a-selfcheck) 课件(共23张ppt).pptx
人教新目标版英语七年级下unit 12 what did you do last weekend_section a gf-3c课件(29张无素材).pptx
人教新目标版英语七年级下unit 12 what did you do last weekend_ sectiona 1a-1c课件+音视频(26张ppt).zip
人教新目标版英语七年级下unit 12 what did you do last weekend sectionb 2a-2c课件+音频(42张ppt).zip
人教新目标版英语七年级下unit 12 what did you do last weekend_sectionb 1a-1e课件+音频(31张ppt).zip
七年级英语下unit 12 what did you do last weekend sectiona(2a-2d)课件(共有ppt32张,含音频和视频).zip
七年级下unit 12 what did you do last weekend section b (3a-selfcheck)课件(共有ppt33张).pptx
2020-2021学年人教新目标版英语七年级下册unit 9 what does he look like_ section a gf-3d 课件(共37张ppt).pptx
人教新目标英语七年级下册unit 7 it’s raining! sectiona grammar focus-3b课件 (共35张ppt).zip
unit 7 it’s raining! section b(2a-2c)课件(共28张ppt,无音频).zip
人教新目标版英语七年级下unit 5 why do you like pandas_section b 2a-self check课件+嵌入音视频(30张ppt).zip
unit 10 i’d like some noodles. section b 1a-1d 课件32张ppt+音频.zip
unit8 is there a post office near here?section a1a-2c课件(42ppt含音频).zip
unit 8 is there a post office near here_ section b 1a-1d 课件(共28张ppt).zip
人教新目标版英语七年级下unit 8 is there a post office near here_section b 3a-self check(18张ppt).zip
人教版英语七年级下册unit6 i’m watching tv. section a 1a-1c课件(共41张ppt).zip
七下unit 4 don’t eat in class. section a(grammar focus-3c)(共25张ppt).zip
新目标七下unit 2 what time do you go to school_ section b(2a-2c)课件(共29张ppt).zip
人教新目标版英语七年级下 unit 2 what time do you go to school_ section a grammar focus-3c (14张ppt,无素材).zip
unit 5 why do you like pandas_ section a (1a-1c)(共29张ppt+音频).zip
unit 2 what time do you go to school_ section b (3a- self check)课件(共27张ppt).zip
unit 1 can you play the guitar. section a grammar focus 3a—3c 课件32张ppt.zip





:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: