看电影学英语 100部中英对照剧本+字幕+MP3

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03. 怦然心动:Flipped

04. 开罗时候:Cairo Time

05. 狂妄与成见:Pride and Prejudice

06. BJ独身日志:Bridget Jones's Diary

07. 浊世佳人:Gone with the wind

08. 天使之城:City of Angels

09. 若是能再爱一次:If Only

10. 简爱:Jane Eyre

11. 风月俏佳人:Pretty Woman

12. 甘旨情缘:No reservations

13. 诺丁山:Notting Hill

14. 真爱至上:Love Actually

15. 电子情书:You've got mail


24. 阿甘正传:Forrest Gump

25. 风雨哈佛路:Homeless to Harvard

看电影学英语 100部中英对照剧本+字幕+MP3插图
弱点:The Blind Side

27. 叫我第一位:Front of the class

28. 心灵捕手:Good Will Hunting

29. 我的左脚:My Left Foot

30. 飞跃年月:Seabiscuit

31. 灿烂岁月:Remember the Titans

32. 后继有人:We are Marshall


38. 永不当协:Erin Brockovich

39. 灭亡诗社:Dead Poets Society

40. 雾都孤儿:Oliver Twist

41. 楚门的世界:The Turman Show

42. 闻香识女人:Scent of a Woman

43. 朗诵者:The reader

44. 最后一吻:The Last Kiss


49. 大鱼:Big Fish

50. 灰密斯:Cinderella

51. 邪术灰密斯:Ella Enchanted

52. 瑶池之桥:Bridge to Terabithia

53. 呆板管家:BicentennialMan

54. 人工智能:Artificial Intelligence

55. ET外星人:E T The Extra Terrestrial

56. K星异客:K-PAX

57. 星际穿越:Interstellar

58. 超常蜘蛛侠:The Amazing Spiderman


59. 登科通知:Accepted

60. 律政俏佳人:Legally Blonde Scripts

61. 美国风情画:American Graffiti

62. 蒙娜丽莎的微笑:Mona Lisa Smile

63. 贱女孩:Mean Girls

64. 结业生:The Graduate

65. 完善调子:Pitch Perfect


66. 后代一箩筐:Cheaper By The Dozen

67. 克莱默佳耦:Kramer vs Kramer

68. 生成一对:The Parent Trap

69. 劳动日:Labor Day

70. 居家汉子:The Family Man

71. 小屁孩日志1:Diary of a wimpy kid 1

72. 小屁孩日志1:Diary of a wimpy kid 2

73. 小屁孩日志1:Diary of a wimpy kid 3


74. 工夫熊猫:Kun Fu Panda

75. 猖獗动物城:Zootopia

76. 千与千寻:Spirited Away

77. 了不得的狐狸爸爸:Fantastic Mr Fox


78. 哈利波特与邪术石: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

79. 哈利波特与密屋:Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

80. 哈利波特与阿兹卡班的阶下囚:Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

81. 哈利波特与火焰杯:Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

82. 哈利波特与凤凰令:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

83. 哈利波特与混血王子:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


86. 燃情岁月:Legends Of The Fall

87. 菲利普船主:Captain Phillips

88. 忠犬八公的故事:Hachi A Dog's Tale

89. 幸福终点站:The Terminal

90. 海上钢琴师:The Legend Of 1900

91. 华尔街之狼:The Wolf of Wall Street

92. 破裂之花:Broken Flowers

93. 猫鼠游戏:Catch me if you can




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