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那你猜猜在英语辞书中哪一个单词所占篇幅最长?a, an, the, go, come, do, make? 都不是!!!占篇幅最长的单词是——run!

当你看到“run”,起首想到的多是“跑步”。可是“run”既可以做动词,也能够做名词,它的寄义多得数不清——在《牛津英语辞书》(Oxford English Dictionary)中run会有多达645条寄义!




1. The crosstown bus runs every 20 minutes on weekdays.

a. to move quickly using your legs

b. to travel along a usual route

c. to make a short, quick visit

(谜底是b:to travel along a usual route:火车或公交车等车辆的行使,比方:A shuttle bus runs frequently between the inn and the country club. 一辆区间来回大众汽车频仍地来往于小客栈与村落俱乐部之间。)

2. Careful! Don't put the grass cutter down while it's running.

to function or operate

to test or check something or someone

to produce a flow of liquid

(谜底是a. to function or operate:呆板运转,比方: We told him to wait out front with the engine running. 咱们奉告他在进口外等待,不要熄火。)

3. Muriel Bowser ran for mayor of Washington, D.C. in 2018 and won.

to test or check someone or something

to direct the business or activities of

to be a candidate for an official position

(谜底是c. to be a candidate for an official position:竞选,比方:It was only last February that he announced he would run for president. 直到客岁2月他才颁布发表本身将竞选总统。)

4. Moira has run a program for young athletes for three years.

to direct the business or activities of

to move quickly using your legs

to make a short, quick visit

(谜底是a. to direct the business or activities of:谋划; 办理,比方 His stepfather ran a prosperous paint business. 他的继父曾谋划一家买卖旺盛的涂料公司。)

5. I need to run a few errands to buy supplies. Then, I'm stopping at mom's house for lunch.

to cost an amount

to leave or go quickly

to do a task that involves a quick trip

(谜底是 c. to do a task that involves a quick trip, 跑腿, 比方:He used to run errands for his boss.他曩昔经常为老板跑腿。)

6. Sorry, I can't talk now. I have to run. I'm leading a meeting at 2 o'clock.

to move quickly using your legs

to leave or go quickly

to direct the business or activities of

(谜底 b. to leave or go quickly. 这是一种非正式用法,一般用于朋侪、认识的同事或家人之间。比方,若是你正在和一个朋侪通德律风,但
你必需敏捷挂断德律风,或你在和你一个同事谈天,但得走了,你便可以说 I have to run。)


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: