
  • A+

*(You) don't touch me. 不要碰我。

*(You) pass me the ticket, will you? 把票递给我,好吗?

*(I) Beg your pardon. 对不起,请原谅。

2. 省略谓语

*Some of us study English; others (study) French.

3. 疑问句的简略回答

—— Are you a doctor? 你是医生吗?

—— Yes, I am (a doctor). 是的,我是。

4. 感叹句中的省略

*What a good time (we had) yesterday! 昨天我们玩得很开心!

5. 特殊疑问句中的省略 (只对所问作针对性的回答)。

—— Which book do you want? 你想要哪一本书?

—— The one on the desk. 书桌上的那本。

6. 所有格后的名词表示处所时,可以省略。

*He stayed at his uncle's (house) rather than mine in his childhood. 他小时候住在叔叔家,而不是我家 。


1. 省略共同的主语或宾语。

*Mr. Smith picked up a coin on the road and (Mr. Smith) handed it to a policeman. 史密斯先生在路上拾起一枚硬币,并把它交给了一位警察。

2. 若主语不同而其后的助动词、情态动词相同,则省略后面的助动词或情态动词。

*Jack must have been playing football and Mary (must have been) doing her homework. 杰克肯定一直在踢足球,玛丽在写作业。

3. 若句子中前半句与后半句的主语与谓语动词相同,则省略后面的谓语成分。

*His approach to solving the problem made me happy, but (made) Jim angry. 他的解决该问题的方法使我高兴,但使吉姆愤怒。

4. 若主语不同,但主要动词及后续部分相同,则省略后面的主要动词及后续部分。

*I was born in winter in 1988 and Bob (was born in winter) in 1987. 我出生于 1988年冬天,鲍勃是 1987 年冬天。


1. 省略主句

—— Why didn't you come to class yesterday? 你昨天为什么没来上课?

—— (I didn't come to class yesterday) Because I was ill. 因为我生病了。

2. 宾语从句中的省略

A. 在know, think, consider, suppose, find, believe, say, decide等动词后面所接的宾语从句中,连词that 可省略;若有and或or连接的多个宾语从句,则只能省略第一个that。

*He said (that) the text was very important and that we should take advantage of it well. 他说这篇文章很重要,我们应该好好利用它。

B. 在suggest, request, require, order, advise等词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词须用 “should+动词原形”,should可省略。

*I suggest that we (should) set off at once. 我建议我们立刻出发。


在下列动词后可用guess, hope, imagine, suppose, say, tell, appear, seem, afraid等。

*I believe so/not.

*I think so/not.

3). 定语从句中的省略

在限制性定语从句中,常可省略作宾语的关系代词;在 way (方式),time 和moment后的that也常被省略; 当先行词是time, reason, place时,作状语的关系副 when , why, where也可省略。

*The girl ( who/whom/that) the teacher spoke to is Mary.

4). 状语从句中的省略【高频中的高频】

在 when, while, whenever, till, as soon as, if, unless, as if, though as, whether 等引导的状语从句中,若谓语含有 be 且主语又跟主句主语相同或从句主语是 it 时,则从句的主句和动词 be 常被省略,这时从句中可出现如下:

A. 连词(though, whether, when)+形容词

*Though (his family was) poor, his family managed to send him to school. 虽然穷, 可他的家人还是设法送他去上了学。

B. 连词(whether, as if, while)+介词短语

*He looked everywhere as if (he were) in search of something. 他环顾四周好像在找什么。

C. 连词(when, while, though)+现在分词

*While (I was) walking along the street, I heard my name called. 当我正沿街而行时,听到有人叫我的名字

D. 连词(when, if, even if, unless, once, until, than, as)+过去分词

*The party is more interesting than (it was) expected. 聚会比预期的要有趣。

E. 连词(as if, as though)+动词不定式

*He opened his lips as if (he were) to speak.

5). 虚拟条件句常可省略 if, 将 were, had, should 提前构成部分倒装。

Were I you (If I were you), I should give that guy. 我会好好地教训那个家伙一顿。

6). 在复合句中,有时为了避免重复,可用 so

——She may not be free today.她今天可能没空。

——If so (so=she is not free today), we’ll have to report to the manager. 如果是这样,我们得向经理报告。


1). 只保留动词不定式符号 to 的场合。

A. 动词不定式作某些动词的宾语时, 常见动词,如 like, love, car expect, prefer, refuse, mean, try, oblige, advise, persuade, agree, want remember, manage 等。

*You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你想做的话你可以这样做。

B. 动词不定式在句中作某些动词后的宾语补足语或主语补足语时,常见动词, 如 ask, tell, advice, force, persuade, wish, allow, permit 等。

*She wants to emerge at the party but her parents won’t allow her to. 她想出现在本次聚会上,,但她父母不让她来。

C. 动词不定式在句中作某些形容词的状语时,常见的形容词,如 happy, glad, eager, anxious, willing, ready 等。

*I think she should get a job, but you can’t force her to if she is not ready to. 我认为她应该找份工作,但如果她不愿意你也不能强求。

2). 动词不定式中的省略

在以下情况中常使用不带(或省略)to 的动词不定式:

A. 感官动词(词组)后面,如:feel, hear, look at, notice, see, watch, observe 等 *I observe a man enter the shop. 我注意到一名男子进了商店。

B. 使役动词后面,如 have, let, make 等。

*The lecture has us write a composition every week. 这个讲师让我们每个星期写一篇作文。

C. 在 do(did,does) nothing(anything, everything) but(except) do 结 构 中 ( 如 do nothing but do)

*I can do nothing but follow your advice. 除了听从你的建议,我不能做任何事情。


如果 but 或 except 之前没有 do, 其后的 to 不能省略。也就是符合有 do 无 to,无 do 有 to 的原则。

*There is no choice but to wait.除了等,别无选择。

D. what 引导的主语从句,或者先行词被 only, first, one, least 或形容词最高级修饰,而且从句中含有 do 时,其表语如果是动词不定式,则往往省去 to。

*What I have to do is(to)take a rest. 我需要做的是休息。(what 引导的主语从句里有
do,所以 be 动词后面的表语里省略 to。)

*The only thing we could do about the environment is(to)reduce pollution. 对于环境我们唯一能做的就是减少污染。(先行词里有 first,定语从句里有 do,所以后面的表语里省略 to。)

E. 当两个或多个动词不定式并列时,其后的动词不定式符号可省略,但有对比意义时则不能省略。

*He hasn’t decided whether to leave or to stay. 他还没有决定是离开还是留下。(表示对比,不可省略。)


1. 一些常和动词、名词或形容词一起搭配的介词常省略,而保留其后的动名词,常见句型有:spend/waste time (in) doing, lose no time (in) doing, have difficulty/trouble (in) doing, be busy (in) doing, stop/prevent sb (from) doing 等。

*The heavy rain prevented him (from) arriving there on time. 大雨使得他没能准时到达那里。

2. 表示时间的介词at, on 和 in用在next, last, this, these, yesterday, tomorrow, every, each, some, all 等词之前,一般都要省略;用在一段时间状语之前的 for 也可省略(否定句中不能省略 for)

*We have been here (for) three weeks. 我们在这儿已待了三周了。

3. 表示行为方式的 in 在 in this way, in the same way, in another way 等词组中,经常被省略。

He did it (in) this
way rather than (in) another way. 他是这样做的而不是用别的方式。



——Do you like this approach to solving the problem? 你喜欢解决这个问题的方法吗?

——Yes, (I like this approach) very much. 是的,非常喜欢。



It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其余成分


1. 强调句中 it 不能更换;

2. it is/was 与其余部分的时态一致,is/was 的数不受被强调部分单复数的影响,只有 is/was 的形式;

3. 被强调部分不可以是谓语,被强调部分是人时可用 that 或 who,其他一律用 that;

4. 被强调部分若是主语,who/that 之后的谓语动词在人称和数上要与该主语一致。(因为去掉 it is/was…that/who…结构后,句子结构完整,要主谓一致。)


All the novelist held a meeting in the city yesterday.

主语 宾语 地点状语 时间状语

*It was all the novelists that/who held a meeting in the city yesterday.(强调主语)

*It was a meeting that all the novelists held in the city yesterday.(强调宾语)

*It was in the city that all the novelists held a meeting yesterday.(that 不能换成where)(强调地点状语)

*It was yesterday that all the novelists held a meeting in the city.(that 不能换成 when)(强调时间状语)


1. 强调句的特殊疑问句式是“疑问词+is/was+it+that+句子其余成分(陈述语序)?”如:When is it that…?/Why is it that…?(也就是把这三个部分it, is/was, that/who 按照 it/was, it, that/who 以一般疑问句的顺序捆绑排列在一起,前面加上疑问词,后面用陈述语序写出句子。)

2. 强调句的反意疑问句,反义疑问句中的主语用 it。

*It was at 11 last night that I knew the good news, wasn’t it? 昨天晚上 11点中我才知道这个好消息,不是吗?


一般来说,如果把句中的 It is/was 和 that 去掉,稍加调整语序,能还原成完整句子且句意完整的是强调句。否则就是其他从句。

*It was at three o’clock that we finished the work. 我们是在三点钟时完成任务的。 (是强调句型。把 It is/was 和 that 去掉后句子是“We finished the work at three o’clock.”句子依旧是完整的。)

*It is a fact that he has lost the game by one score. 事实是他们以一分之差输掉了这一局。(同位语从句。fact“事实”就是 that 引导的从句“他以一分之差输掉了这一局”。所以从句是对前面名词 fact 的解释,是同位语从句。)

*It is three years since we last met. 自从我们上次相见已有三年了。(since 引导的状语从句)


这种强调句型只有一般现在时和一般过去时两种,只对肯定的谓语动词进行强调,没有疑问和否定形式。Do 在句中要重读,根据时态提炼出 do 的各种形式, 被提炼的动词变成动词原形。

*Do be careful next time, please. 下次请务必小心。

*She did tell me about her address, but I forget all about it. 她确实告诉过我她的地址,但我全忘了。(本来是 told,强调动词,我们提炼出 did,然后用 tell 的原形。)

*She does come from a European country.她的确来自欧洲某个国家。(本来是 comes, 应为强调动词,我们提炼出 does, 然后用 come 的原形。)


1. 表语是不能用 It is/was…that 这种结构来强调;定语与谓语动词也不能用这种句型来强调。但当表语的系动词不是 be 时,也可以用这种结构来强调。

*It was a doctor that he eventually became.

2. 表语也可以用别的方式来强调:

*What a fool he is!

*Isn’t it funny! (用感叹句来强调)

*You cannot be too careful. (用 cannot...too...结构来表示强调)

*You cannot be careful enough. (用 cannot...enough 结构来表示强调)

3. 有些词语也可以用来表示强调:

*The child’s work was being destroyed by his teacher before his very eyes. (用 very 表示 directly in front of him )

*I was that embarrassed I didn’t know what to say.





1. There be 句型

*There is a concert in the park tonight. 今晚公园里有一场音乐会。

2. Here, there, now, then, over there, first...later...(first 部分置于句首)置于句首,且谓语多为 be, come, go, follow 等时。

*Now comes the bus. 车来了。


① 这种情况虽然表示的是现在进行的状态, 用一般现在时。

② 主语不可以是人称代词,否则不用主谓倒装。

3. 副词 in, out, down, up, off, back, away 等置于句首时。(这类副词叫做小品副词)

*Away flew the birds. 鸟儿们飞走了。

4. 表示地点的介词短语 in front of, in the distance等置于句首时,且谓语动词常为不及物动词。【经济学人高频】

*In front of the house sat a desperate young man. 房前坐着一个表情绝望的年轻人。


2和3 中,当主语是人称代词时,则主谓不倒装:

*Now it comes. 现在它来了。

*Out he rushed. 他冲了出来。

5. 表语置于句首,主语是名词时,构成“表语+系动词+主语”结构。这种结构是表语前置,也可看作倒装结构。【高频】

*Gone are the days when we had to be at the mercy of the weather. 我们靠天吃饭的日子一去不复返了。(原句是:The days are gone when we had to be at the mercy of the weather. gone 为表语置于句首,完全倒装。)

*Present at the meeting were experts from all over the world. 出席会议的是来自世界各地的庄家。(原句是 Experts from all over the world were present at the meeting. present 放句首,和 were 进行完全倒装。At the meeting 可以放在最后。)

*Many and long were the conversation they held on the road. 在路上他们进行了多次长谈。(原句是 The conversation they held were many and long on the road.表语 man and long 放在句首,和系动词 were 进行完全倒装。)

6. 在带有助动词“ be ”的句子中,动词-ing 和-ed 形式可移至句首,主语移至 “ be ”后面,形成全部倒装 。

*Running across it is a stream.

*Buried in the sands was an ancient village.

*Pictured here is a wooden tub used for gathering water

7. 当句子的主语较长而谓语较短时,常将状语放在句首,主谓全部倒装使句子结构平衡,避免头重脚轻。

*Faint grow the sound of the bell. (同第 5 点)

*At the end of the kaleidoscope are two plates, one made of the glass and the other of ground glass.


May you live a long and happy life.

Long live the People’s Republic of China.


1. 含有否定意义的状语,如 hardly, seldom, never, little, no, not, at no time(决不), by no means(决不), under no condition(决不), in no case(决不), rarely, few, not only, not until, on no account(决不)等放在句首时。

*In no case have I noticed that phenomenon. 我根本没有注意到那个现象。

*By no means will this method be satisfactory. 无论如何这种方法都不会令人满意。

*Never have I seen such a splendid building. 我从来没有见过这么宏伟的建筑。



*Not everyone can do things perfectly. 不是所有人都能把事情做得十分完美。

2. “only+状语/状语从句”置于句首时。【高频语法】

*Only in this way can we solve the problem on time. 只有用这种方式我们才能暗示解决这个问题。

*Only when I left my parents did I realize how much I loved them. 当我离开父母时, 我才意识到我是多么爱他们。


only 修饰的不是状语或者状语从句,而是修饰主语时,即使提前,句子也不倒装。

Only he can do the work. 只有他能做这项工作。

3. Hardly/Scarcely had+主语+done...+when...(一般过去时),和 No sooner had+ 主语+done...+than...(一般过去时态)

也就是 Hardly/Scarcely 或者 No sooner 放句首时,引起句子的部分倒装。


(这两个句型都译为“一...就...”,前半句用过去完成时,后半句用一般过去时态。这连个句型的搭配不太好记,只要记住 sooner 像一个比较级, 所以和 than 搭配,剩下的那个就和 when 连用。因为 hardly/scarely/no sooner 都属于否定词,所以放句首时,要引起句子的部分倒装。)


He had no sooner got to the laboratory than he set out to do the experiment.

He had hardly/scarely got to the laboratory when he set out to do the experiment. (hardly/scarely 以及 no sooner 都具有否定意义。所以相当于否定词 not,所以要放在 had 后面。同理,作为否定词的它们置于句首时,要引起句子的部分倒装。) 所以变成:

*No sooner had he got to the laboratory than he set out to do the experiment.

*Hardly/Scarcely had he got to the laboratory than he set out to do the experiment.

4. 虚拟条件句中省略 if 时用部分倒装

在含有 were, had, should 等的虚拟条件句中,省略 if,常用倒装。

*Were I (=If I were) in his position, I wouldn’t do it that way. 如果我在他的位置上,我是不会那么做的。

*Had I known about (=If I had known about) this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy would have been saved. 如果我早知道这种计算机程序,就能节约大量的时间和精力了。

*Should it rain (=If it should rain) tomorrow, we would have to put off the sports meeting. 如果明天下雨,我们就不得不推迟运动会了。

5. So...that…结构中,有时强调 so 所修饰的形容词或副词,常将 so 连同它所修饰的形容词或副词一起提前放在句首,引起主句的部分倒装,也就是 so 部分倒装。其结构是 So+adj/adv+部分倒装结构+that…

*So quickly did the workers finish their work that they were praised by the boss. 工人们迅速完成了工作,受到了老板的表扬。

6. so, neither, nor 放句首,表示前面所说的情况也适用于其他人或物,结构为 “so/neither/nor+助动词/be 动词/情态动词+主语”

*I went to Beijing last month; so did she.

7. 方式状语、频度状语等提至句首常用部分倒装(不常见)

*Often have I warned him not to go swimming alone. 我经常警告他不要单独游泳。

三、though/as 引起的让步状语从句的倒装句

1. 名词+as / though+主语+动词

*King as he was, he was unhappy. 他虽是国王,但他并不幸福。

*Child as he is, he knows to help other. 他虽是个孩子,但却知道帮助别人。

*Teacher though he is, he can’t know everything. 他虽然是老师,但也不可能什么都懂。



*Boy as [though] he is, he likes to play with girls.=Though [Although] he is a boy, he likes to play with girls. 他虽是男孩,却喜欢与女孩子玩。 *Strong man as [though] he is, General Botha has been severely put to the test during the past few weeks.= Though [Although] he is a strong man, General Botha has been severely put to the test during the past few weeks. 波赛将军虽然坚强,但在过去的数周里也受到了严峻的考验。

2. 形容词+as / though+主语+动词

*Successful as he is, he is not proud. 他虽然成功,但不骄傲。

*Improbable as it seems, it’s true. 虽然看起来不太可能,但却是真的。

*Stupid as it sounds,I was so in love with her that I believed her. 尽管听起来很愚蠢,我是如此爱她竟然相信了她的话。

*Patient as he was,he didn’t like waiting that long. 他虽说有耐心,也不愿等这么长。

*Beautiful though the necklace was,we thought it was over-priced. 那条项链虽然很漂亮,我们认为价钱太高。



3. 副词+as / though+主语+动词

*Much as I like Paris, I couldn’t live there. 尽管我喜欢巴黎,但我不能住在那里。

*Hard though they tried, they couldn’t make her change her mind. 尽管他们做了很大努力,却没法让她改变主意。

*Fast as you read, you can’t finish the book in two days. 尽管你读得很快,你总不能在两天之内就读完这本书。

*He was unable to make much progress, hard as he tried. 尽管他做了努力,却未能取得很大进步。


有的词典将 much as 作为习语看待,认为它是一个用以引导让步状语从句的复合连词。再如:

*Much as I admire him as a writer,I do not like him as a man. 他作为一名作家我很佩服他,但我却不喜欢他这个人。

*Much as I like you, I couldn’t live with you. 我尽管很喜欢你, 却不能和你在一起生活。

4. 动词原形+as / though+主语+动词

*Object as you may, I'll go. 纵使你反对,我也要去。

*Try as he might, he couldn’t solve the problem. 尽管他想方设法,却未解决这个问题。

*Search as they would, they would find nobody in the house. 无论怎样搜查,他们在房子里仍然没有找到一个人。

*Dislike him as we may, we must acknowledge his greatness. 尽管我们不喜欢他,但必须承认他的伟大。

*Lose money as I did, we got a lot of experience. 钱虽然丢了,我们却得到了许多经验。

*Fail in the election as he did, he became famous for his fiery speech against slavery. 尽管落选了,但他却以其反对奴隶制的激烈演说而出了名。


主语后的动词通常为may, might, would, did 等情态动词或助动词(若表示情态意义,则选用情态动词;若陈述事实,则用 did, do 等助动词)。

5. 分词+as / though+主语+动词

*Raining hard as it is, I’m going out for a walk. 虽然正在下着大雨,我还是要出去散步。

*Surrounded as we were by the enemy, we managed to march forward. 虽然我们被敌人包围着,但我们还是设法前进了。

*Munching the apple as he was, he had got an eye for all John’s movements. 他尽管在一个劲地嚼着苹果,但仍警惕着约翰的一举一动。


原句:I did not recognize her until she took off the sunglasses.

(想要强调该句型,必须找到 not until 部分到底在哪里?可以看一下划线部分,就是 not until 部分,具体来说就是“not until she took off the sunglasses”。接下来我们来做强调句和倒装句。)

强调句:套用强调句句型 it is/was+强调部分+that+剩下部分

It was not until she took off the sunglasses that I recognized her.

倒装句:这时候要把 not until 部分放在句首,属于把否定词放在句首,引起句子的部分倒装。

Not until she took off the sunglasses did I recognize her.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: