初级英语口语 英国移民新政提高英语门学商务英语好找工作吗槛

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初级英语口语 英国移民新政提高英语门学商务英语好找工作吗槛插图

Backgr学商务英语好找工作吗 ound:英国政府即将实行一项新的移民政策。该政策要求来自非欧盟国家的准备和英国公学商务英语好找工作吗民结婚的移民必须达到一定的英语水平。这项政策本来是工党打算在201学商务英语好找工作吗1年实施的,但是英国新政府要求学商务英语好找工作吗今年8月就开始实行。当然学商务英语好找工作吗这项新政策也引起了争议。


At 学商务英语好找工作吗 present, the rules for spouses and partners of British citizens applyingfor a visa only require them to show that their marriage 学商务英语好找工作吗 is real, and that theywon't rely on the State for financial support. The British government 学商务英语好找工作吗 says therequirement
初级英语口语 英国移民新政提高英语门学商务英语好找工作吗槛插图(1)
to speak English will help promote integration, remove 学商务英语好找工作吗 culturalbarriers, and protect public services. The Immigration 学商务英语好找工作吗 Minister, 学商务英语好找工作吗 Damian Green,says there are problems when immigrants 学商务英语好找工作吗 can't communicate in English:

"You get large communities 学商务英语好找工作吗 of people, many of whom 学商务英语好找工作吗 - usually women - can'tspeak English properly and who therefore become isolated from the communityaround them and that's bad for them and it's bad for the wider community."

But critics of the plans say it restricts people's choices in who theymarry. 学商务英语好找工作吗 Don Flynn, of the Migrants' 学商务英语好找工作吗 Rights Network, says people shouldn't 学商务英语好找工作吗 bepenalised for those choices:

"This is simply not an argument about whether or not people ... their liveswill be better off if they learn English. They will 学
初级英语口语 英国移民新政提高英语门学商务英语好找工作吗槛插图(2)
商务英语好找工作吗 be. The issue here is thatthe right to marry and found a family is a basic human right and is it proper,is it 学商务英语好找工作吗 right, that that right to marry should be made conditional on passing atest in 学商务英语好找工作吗 English? Our view is that it 学商务英语好找工作吗 shouldn't be."

Officials estimate 学商务英语好找工作吗 that the new language test will lead to ten percentfewer applications overall and is most likely to affect Britain's Indian,Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities. The 学商务英语好找工作吗 spousal visa allows someone to stayfor two years, after which
初级英语口语 英国移民新政提高英语门学商务英语好找工作吗槛插图(3)
they can apply for indefinite leave to remain.Applicants must then pass a further test on life and language in the 学商务英语好找工作吗 UnitedKingdom.



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