往年英语四级口语真题 就业(优质的英语学习课程)

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And today I am gonnatalk about my dream career. My dream is to be ahorticulturist, growing plantsin the garden and being surrounded by flowers andgreens. Firstly, I alwaysthink that for people living in the metropolis, manualwork in the garden or 英语学习 小学生inthe field is healthy for both the body and the mind. Theploughing and sowingexperience gives me the chance to swea英语等级培训学校t under the sun andtaking care of themgives me the feeling of joy and satisfaction. Secondly, theplants are living things so seeing the healthy growth andthe blossom areexciting and rewarding. As the plants are delicate and tender,I need to exercisemy attention to details, and that is a must-have quality fora gentle person.From all of reasons I mentioned above, we can see that being ahorticulturistmakes me a more patient person, which is a great quality tohave.

5. 小组讨论

在学校展开career fair





I plan to post thenews on our school’s official website and tell studentsthat this c考研英语二areer fairwill offer students with almost all possible solutionsrelated to theirproblems about their career, in this way, the visitors will h
往年英语四级口语真题 就业(优质的英语学习课程)插图
avemore cleargoals instead of rushing around aimlessly to hunt for jobs. Therefore,they cansave their time and energy.


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: