雅思官方指南解读 你低估了哪些口语拿分点

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雅思官方指南Official Guide是一本被雅思考生低估的书籍,因为在这本书里官方为大家详细解释了如何考,考什么,怎么拿高分,避免被扣分等等详尽的内容;特别是在part3这个最让大家头疼和纠结的部分中,官方也早早地做了以下的说明:

Part 3重要吗?


If you are aiming for a higher-level score above Band 6, you need to focus much of
雅思官方指南解读 你低估了哪些口语拿分点插图
your presentation time on managing the challenges in Part 3 of the test.


Part 3怎么考?


In part 3 of the speaking test, you will have a conversation related to the part 2 topic

The topic in part 3 will be related to the topic of your long turn in part 2, and the long turn is a personal story, and in part 3, you will be asked to have a general discussion on a related topic.

Part 3 of the speaking test is the most challenging, and it is here that higher-level candidates have the opportunity to communicate more complex ideas and use a wider range of language structures and vocabulary to express general, rather than personal ideas.





In the part 3, you will be asked by the following types of questions, including

List items: this is often the opening question

Compare: old vs young; men vs women; the past vs the present

Speculate about future changes: in technology, in communication

Give your personal opinion: some people think that xxx, do you agree that xxx?

Give your reasons for your opinion: why do people do xxx?

Simon解读:Part3在5-6分钟左右的时间内考六种题型,分别是列举listing,对比comparison,臆想speculation, 改变change,个人意见personal opinion和原因reasons。而Simon在我的课程体系里会把这六种题目分成三大类做一个家谱family tree式的解读和分析。

Part 3怎么拿高分?


In part 3 of the speaking test, it is especially important to try to extend your answers

Answer the question directly

Ask yourself why or how (and explain in details)

Share some evidence or give an example

Perhaps mention in an alternative or opposite answer

If it is relevant, share some of your experience too


遇到不会的Part 3怎么办?

Part 3是考内容吗?


If the examiner asks you to discuss a topic that you are not familiar with, do not be afraid to say this is a topic you have not thought that before. Do this and then try to think through the topic from different solutions, etc. IELTS is not a test of your knowledge, it is a test of your communication ability. The test isn’t necessarily assessing what you say (though it must be relevant to the question), but how you say it.

Simon解读:如果考试内容这么重要,为什么没有第五项评分标准来评价你的内容说的好不好呢?有些考生绞尽脑汁非要想出多么与众不同的观点显得非常高大上,而事实是No one cares!这毕竟是一个语言能力考试而不是工作面试哦,考官的工作和打分过程就是根据四项评分标准来逐一给出加分或者扣分,分别是fluence & coherence 流利度和连贯程度;lexical resources 词汇;grammatical range and accuracy 语法范围和准确度以及pronunciation features 发音特征。


简单来说,六边形就是六个角度(请注意,不是六句话的意思)去支持,这也是雅思官方在评分标准解读中对考生的支持,包括了:reasons 原因;effects 效果;comparison 对比;supporting examples 举例;personal experience 个人经验;而Simon把他们有机地整合成了能够迅速用出来的六边形思维:


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: