雅思口语换题季第二讲 Part2+3人物类新题串讲

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上一期我们就本季新题的Part 1话题进行了分享,今天继续讲讲Part 2部分话题,即人物类题目的思路和准备方向。

雅思口语换题季第二讲 Part2+3人物类新题串讲插图


很多同学讲人物类题目的时候上来就把人物的外貌描述一遍,姑且先不说这个好不好讲,你说的顺不顺,很多时候这个描述的内容和题目是没有直接关系的(除非题目是例如describe a beautiful / handsome / fashionable person之类的话题,或者是实在是有需要讲到相关内容),因此考官有理由觉得你是再说套话或者模板,然后再结合Part 3的表现来看(如果你不顺畅不会举例的话),分数自然就很难突破了。

本季话题中还是挺多话题可以合理套题的。人物类的话题不单单只是可以和其他人物类话题套题之外,也可以和其他的话题进行结合。例如a person who taught you something不仅仅只是可以和a family member you spend most time with结合,也可以和物品类的a new skill you learned that you think is important或者老题的a practical skill you learned结合哈。不过同学们也切记生搬硬套,而是要根据题目的具体内容进行适当的调整。



Describe a person who taught you something

此题如果我们试试讲一下学习cooking skill这个不单可以和物品类的题目结合,也比较贴近大家现在或者以后的留学生活,所以内容上还是应该比较容易掌控从而去提升流利度的。不过别忘了人物类的话题多讲讲“此人对你的影响”,这个还是比较好推导的。


1. Who this person is

- my uncle

- … opened a restaurant … in the neighbourhood of where I live … local street food and cuisines

-? … has been fascinated by cooking for many years … spent much time in learning professional skills (ever went to vocational school) … “why not just make it a business on my own”

2. What he/she is like


- … an extremely hardworking person…

- … spend the whole day staying the in kitchen in order to figure out a new recipe…

- … quite time-consuming to find the best taste for a particular dish … is never afraid of failure but just keep trying for several times…

3. What he/she taught you

- taught me a lot about all sorts of cooking skills… from some basic skills to the complicated ones…

- e.g. how to chop the carrots into small pieces quickly and nicely… how to steam the fish with the best control of temperature and time…

- … in order to have sufficient time for practicing… had ever tried to do a part-time job in his restaurant for a few months…

4. And explain how you felt about him or her

- ?was so grateful for what he had done for me because he was so patient while I was learning any kind of cooking skills…

- e.g.? when I couldn’t be able to do anything well… kept demonstrating the skill for me again and again with great patience…

- what he had taught me was so practical and useful as well …

- e.g. going to study in a foreign country … if I know how to cook a meal for myself … much cheaper than ordering take-away food…

- … would be sort of like an important survival skill for me…

- if I have a holiday… would like to learn some new dishes from him …


Describe a person in the news who you want to meet

此题是常见的“大人物”也就是公众人物类的话题。该类话题大家除了可以采用上一季度一些例如your favourite singer这样的话题可以尝试去讲讲这个人有没有让你喜欢的特质之外,依旧可以固定讲讲ta是否有对这个社会做了什么贡献也是让你敬佩ta并且想见ta的一个原因


1. Who this person is

- (此人的名字然后…)

- one of the most renowned actors in my country

2. What he / she is like

- quite tall and muscular…but also quite stylish for his outfit every day…

- always keeps in a good shape … even if he is much older now…


3. Where you knew him/her

- ever since I was still a kid… knew this guy…watched a movie recommended by my friend …

- ?his performance really impressed me a lot … ever since then … started to become a big fan of him and follow his social media… witnessed the success of his career … from an unknown actor to a renowned superstar…

4. And explain why you want to meet him/her

- first reason: get to know more about details behind his encouraging story…

e.g. what was the biggest difficulty that he had ever met… how he overcame that…

- second reason: how he could still fulfil his social responsibility while he is always extremely busy…

e.g. ?not just quite successful for his own career … but also a kind-hearted person… a member of the local charity organisation… would visit the children living in the remote area of the countryside … donate funds for building campus for them…

- not only a great role model for all the celebrities in entertainment industry…but also for all the fans…

Part 3例题分析


What do you think is the best age for children to go to school?



立场:don't necessarily need a standard for the age…


as long as children could be able to deal with the study load of class or understand the way teacher illustrate concepts of a certain subject … could be ready to go to school…


in the first year of primary school … teach some basic calculation of mathematics (e.g. how to add things up…) … if children could be able to recognise the numbers before entering the school… could be able to follow what the teacher demonstrates in the class…


Is news often about famous people? Why?



立场:not really


quite a large amount of news which is related to ordinary people… closer to the reality or everyone’s daily life… could be encouraging that … as long as people are willing to spare no effort on anything that he or she is doing … could be able to achieve something…


more news stories about successful entrepreneurs… started his or her own company from nothing … by devoting him or herself into the career (e.g. how to raise funds or hire employees who can fit the company in the best way) … could be a great guidance for those young people … who have the same dream…




但是不管是Part 2还是Part 3,大家还是要落实好足够的练习时间才会进步哦,只有组织能力上来才能更游刃有余的应对不同的话题以及考官的追问。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: