
  • A+

01. After you.

(1) 用作进出门或进餐等场合请人先

A:After you. 你先请。

B:No, please. 不,你先请。

(2) 标明:你用完后请让我……(这今后接介词with)。如:

After you with the newspaper, please. 你看完报后请让我看。

02. I couldn’t agree less.


A:Perhaps we can sell the house. 或许咱们可以把房子卖掉。

B:I couldn’t agree less. 我必定不附和。

A:The film is worth seeing twice. 这部影片值得看两遍。

B:I couldn’t agree less. 我一点不附和。

03. I couldn’t agree more.


A:I think it’s a bad idea. 我想这不是个好主见。

B:I couldn’t agree more. 你说得很对。

04. Go ahead.


A:Can I have the sports section? 我可以看体育版吗?

B:Yeah, go ahead, I’ve read it. 可以,你看吧。我已看过了。

A:Could I ask you a rather personal question? 我可以问你一个较私家的疑问吗?

B:Sure, go ahead. 可以,你问吧。

05. Not at all.

(1) 用来答复谢谢,意为:不必谢;不谦让。如:

A:Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你协助我。

B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. 别谦让,很高兴能帮你。

(2) 用来答复抱愧,意为:没联络。如:

A:I’m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不住,让你久等了。

B:Oh,not at all. I’ve been here only a few minutes. 哦,没联络,我也刚到几分钟。


A:Do you mind if I stay a little longer? 我再呆一会儿你介意吗?

B:No, not at all. 一点不介意。

06. Believe it or not.


I was already a university teacher, believe it or not, when I was only twenty. 信不信由你,我才20岁就现已是大学教师了。

I asked my boss for a month’s holiday and, believe it or not, he agreed. 我向老板请一个月的假,信不信由你,他附和了。

注:有时也说 Would you believe it? / Believe or believe not。

07. Mind your own business.

标明:这不必你管! 你少管闲事! 这关你啥事? 如:

A:What has he sent you in that parcel? 他在那包里给你寄来了啥?

B:Mind your own business. 你少管闲事。

注:此用法与 None of your business 同义,两者常可换用。如:

A:What do you do with your money? 你的钱用来干啥?

B:None of your business. 这不必你管。

08. You’ll catch it.


If the teacher sees you doing that, you’ll catch it. 要是教师发现你这样做,你会挨骂的。

You’ll catch it, when your father finds you’ve been trampling over the flower beds. 要是你父亲发现你踩过花坛,你会挨揍的。

09. Come on.

(1) 标明恳求、鼓舞、?档龋馕豪窗桑恍欣病H纾?

Come on, Bill, you can tell me, I won’t tell anybody. 来吧,比尔,告诉我吧,我不会告诉别人的。

(2) 用来敦促别人快走或快做,意为:快点。如:

Come on, it’s getting dark. 快点,天要黑了。

(3) 标明责怪或不耐心等,意为:得啦;行啦;够啦。如:

Come on, don’t sit there dreaming. 得啦,别坐在那儿幻想了。

(4) 用于应战或激怒对方,意为:来吧;好吧;试试吧。如:

Come on. I don’t think you can jump over it. Come on. 来吧,我才不信你能跳曩昔,你跳呀!

(5) 用于体育竞赛等场合鼓舞队员,意为:加油。如:

“Come on! Come on!” shouted the audience again and again. “加油!加油!”观念再三地喊。

10. It (all) depends. / That (all) depends.


A:Are you going to the dance this Saturday? 这周星期六你去跳舞吗?

B:It all depends. Are you going yourself? 到时分看情况而定,你去吗?

A:Do you always go on your holiday together with your sister? 你老是同你姐姐一同去休假吗?

B:It depends. If I have my holiday the same as she, then we go together. 那要看情况。要是咱们正好一起休假,咱们就一同去。

11. You may [can] depend on it.


He’ll win the match, you may depend on it. 他必定会赢了这场竞赛的。

You may depend on it that they will support you. 他信赖好了,他们会撑持你的。

12. Well done.


A:He’s already cleared 1.68 metres. And now it’s his turn to jump again. Let’s watch for a while. 他已跳过了一米六8,如今又轮到他跳了,咱们看一会儿吧。

B:All right. Well done! He’s cleared 1. 70 metres. 好呀,跳得秀丽,他跳过了一米七。

13. Take it [things] easy.

(1) 用来提示对方留心或留心,意为:留心;留心点! 如:

“Take it easy,” said Jim to the other boys carrying the table down the stairs. 吉姆对抬桌子下楼的其他男孩们说“留心点”。

(2) 用来奉劝对方要有耐性、不要急于求成,意为:别急;逐渐来。如:

Take it easy; we’ve got plenty of time. 别急,咱们有的是时刻。

(3) 用来?刀苑奖O嗟染玻还叵嫡牛馕罕鸹牛槐鹧暇H纾?

Just take it easy and tell us exactly what happened. 别慌,告诉咱们究竟发生了啥事!

(4) 标明轻松舒畅地过日子,不太劳累或太辛苦,意为:轻松轻松;歇息歇息;别太劳累;过悠闲舒畅的日子。如:

Your blood pressure is still not normal. You’ll have to take things easy for a while. 你的血压还不正常,一段时刻内不能太劳累。

14. Not exactly.

(1) 标明纤细的否定,意为:不很……。如:

We weren’t exactly driving fast. 咱们其时车开得不很快。

That’s not exactly what I had in mind. 我心里想的不完尽是那样。

(2) 用作答复,标明:不完尽是;不完全如此;不全对。如:

A:So you missed the meeting. 所以你就错失了这次会议?

B:Not exactly. I got there five minutes before it finished. 不完尽是这样,我在结束会议前五分钟赶到了那儿。

15. Oh, you flatter me.

用于答复夸奖,也可说成 Oh, I’m flattered. 意为:啊,你夸奖我了;啊,过奖了。如:

A:Your spoken English is excellent. 你的英语口语真棒啊。

B:Oh, thank you. You flatter me. 哦,谢谢你。你过奖了。

16. Forget (about) it.

(1) 用来答复谢谢,意为:算不了啥;不必谢了。如:

A:Thank you very much for your help. 多谢你的协助。

B:Forget about it. 不必谢。

(2) 用来答复抱愧,意为:没联络。如:

A:I’m sorry I broke your coffee cup. 对不住,我打破了你的咖啡杯。

B:Forget it. 没联络。

(3) 标明不想提及或无关重要,意为:忘了它吧;别提了;别放在心上。如:

A:What’s he got to do with it? 这跟他有啥联络?

B:All right, forget it. 好吧,别提了。

17. I’ll be glad to.


A:Could you help me repair my bike? 请帮我修补我的自行车可以吗?

B:Certainly. I’ll be glad to. 当然可以,我很情愿。

有时也说 I’ll be happy to, 留心这类规划中的 to不可以省掉。如:

A:I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? 我要因公出差,请帮我照看一下我的猫,你介意吗?

B:Not at all. I’ll be happy to. 一点不介意,我很愿意。

18. Help yourself.

(1) 用作招待客人吃东西时的客套话,意为:请随意吃;请吃……;别谦让。如:

Help yourself, Mr Green. 格林先生,请随意吃。

Make yourself at home, and help yourself to anything you like. 请不要拘谨,喜爱吃啥就吃啥。

(2) 标明谦让容许恳求,意为:请自便,自个拿吧! 如:

A:Do you think I could use your dictionary? 我可以用你的词典吗?

B:Yes, help yourself. 可以,自个拿吧。

A:Can I have a drink? 我可以喝杯酒吗?

B:Help yourself. 请自个倒。

19. I can’t help it.

(1) 标明帮不上忙,意为:我也没办法;这不是我的错。如:

I can’t help it if the train is late. 要是火车晚点我也没办法。

(2) 标明控制不住某种情感或思维等,意为:我控制不住;我忍不住;我无法不……。如:

A:Why are you crying? 你为啥哭?

B:I can’t help it. 我忍不住

20. It can’t be helped.


You’ve broken it now; it can’t be helped. 你把它打破了,已无法解救。

We haven’t got enough money, and it can’t be helped. 咱们没有满足的钱,这真实没办法。

21. Hold on!

(1) 用于打电话时,叫对方不要挂断电话,意为:等一下;别挂断;别放下话筒。如:

A:May I speak to Mr Black, please? 请找布莱克先生接电话好吗?

B:Hold on, please. 请等一下。

(2) 用作电话用语以外的其它情况,叫对方等一下,意为:等一下。如:

Hold on. I can’t hear what you are saying. 等一等,我没听清你的话。

(3) 叫对方坚持下去(即不要扔掉或中止等),意为:坚持下去;持续下去。如:

Hold on! When the PLA men come, we’ll find a way out. 坚持下去! 等解放军一来,咱们就有办法了。

22. How so?

标明惊异、疑问、不了解等,意为:为啥(会是这样呢)? 为啥(这么说)? 如:

A:The party was a failure. 晚会开得不成功。

B:How so? 为啥?

23. Make yourself at home.


Make yourself at home. I’ll be back in half an hour. 请别拘谨,半小时后我就回来。

If you get to my house before I do, help yourself to a drink and make yourself at home. 要是你比我先到我家,你就先喝一杯,随意点。

24. I’ve no idea.

标明不晓得,恰当于 I don’t know,意为:我不晓得。如:

A:When did he leave here? 他何时脱离此地的?

B:I’ve no idea. 我不晓得。

25. (Just) imagine that (it)!

(1) 叫对方想象某一景象或表象等,意为:想一想! 想想看! 如:

A:Is it very expensive? 很贵吗?

B:Just imagine! It cost me half a year’s salary. 你想想看吧,它花了半年的薪水。

(2) 标明惊奇或对别人所提主张标明对立等,意为:亏你想得出来! 竟有……这样的事! 想一想,真让人难以信赖! 真想不到!如:

A:She’s dyed her hair purple. 她把头发染成了紫色。

B:Imagine that! 竟有这样的事!

A:Let’s ask her to lend us her new car. 咱们叫她把她的新车借给咱们吧。

B:Just imagine it! 亏你想得出!


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: