英语“围棋”(Go)的英语口语练习 What’s Go

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??英语“围棋”(Go)的英语口语练习:What's Go?






Go is an ancient Chinese/Japanese board game for two players, in which the aim is to surround,to control, or to enclose more territory than the opponent.

Go have completely different strategies: Chess is more focused on destruction and mostly involves tactics with the aim is to catch the opponent’s king.

On the other hand, Go is more building-oriented and requires to think more about strategy. It’s an imperial game where both players try to enclose more territory than your opponent.




1) Okay.I got you.I know what Go is and its difference from Chess now.

2) Go is a board game for two opponents/players.It came from China,or Japan(?)

3) When we play Go,we try to surround,to control,to enclose more territo
英语“围棋”(Go)的英语口语练习 What’s Go插图
ry than our player.

只需“会说”这样的英语,才有可以把Go作为一个Topic(论题)跟老外谈论“啥是围棋”,而不是流水账式地?怠币恍坝杏谩庇⒂锟谟铮篒 like playing Go very much.Shall we play Go,etc.

咱们学习英语Go,也不求“多”,能?兰恰?英语try to surround,to control,to enclose more territory than our player足矣!

4) Go is different from Chess.When we play chess,we try to capture the king of our player.

We din't surround,control or enclose his territory.

5) Go is a game of strategy and Chess is a game of tactics.

你“记不住”这些英语,只记住依托中辞意思了解的I like playing Go very much.之类的英语,英语是没有前进的。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: