雅思口语 good parents

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雅思口语中迩来的新题是聊聊别人的家长。有些家长是比照专治的,就是那种control freak或许helicopter parents (who want to watch their children’s every move),再或许抚育下一代意图是替自个结束年青时愿望的,更可怕的是那种全以考试为导向,只当作果,完全不管孩子死活或高兴与否的父母!当家长不必持证上岗真是太可怕了!所以,这道雅思口语题给了咱们极好的意淫机缘,来聊聊传说中“别人的父母”吧……

I think my uncle is a good parent. I really like the way he raises and educates his son.

Here’s the story.

My cousin is really talented in music, and he has always wanted to be a singer and songwriter. Unlike other Chinese parents who believe, in China, the only way to get ahead is to study hard, get into a prestigious university, land a decent job, get married and start a family. My uncle thinks differently. He wants his son to be a free spirit and he told him that there must be a better way to live his life.

He never forces my cousin to take after school classes, maybe that’s partly because he’s already one of the top students in his class. When other classmates were learning math, English or science in those after school classes, my cousin chose to study singing and dancing, just because he enjoys it. And surprisingly, my uncle was 100 % supportive. He believes that his son shouldn’t be a study machine, being an all-around child is much more important. And he told me once, that he hopes when his son looks back on his childhood, his memories should be full of laughter, not exam papers.

So you see, my cousin is really lucky to have my uncle as his father.

上面那种开通的父亲,几乎大约颁个奖!Father of the Year!给孩子满足的安适选择自个的人生,好酷!


get ahead (of somebody) = to make progress (further than others have done) 例如:

She wants to get ahead in her career.

He soon got ahead of the others in his class.

prestigious = respected and admired as very important or of very high quality 例如:

a prestigious award

a prestigious university

the city's most p
雅思口语 good parents插图
restigious and exclusive hotel

land = to succeed in getting a job, etc, especially one that a lot of other people want 例如:

He's just landed a starring role in Spielberg's next movie.

She's just landed herself a company directorship.

start a family = have children

free spirit = a person who is independent and does what they want instead of doing what other people do

all-around = all-round = (of a person) with a wide range of skills or abilities

She's a good all-round player.

look back on something = to think about something in your past = reflect on 例如:

She looked back on her career with great satisfaction.

She looked back on the past without regret.

think back to something = to think about something that happened in the past 例如:

I keep thinking back to the day I arrived here.











:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: