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Plan Aims to Fight Child Diarrhea in Developing World


Diarrhea kills one and a half million children each year -- one in five child deaths worldwide.

The only disease that kills more children under age five is pneumonia.

每年,拉肚子夺去 150 万儿童生命,占全球儿童去世人数 1/5。致使更多 5 岁以下儿童去世的疾病只需肺炎。(译注:肺炎、拉肚子是 5 岁以下儿童去世

Experts say diarrhea causes more child deaths than AIDS, malaria and measles combined. New findings show it also kills more than a million adolescents and elderly people every year.

专家称,死于拉肚子的儿童数量比死于艾滋病、疟疾和麻疹儿童数量的总和还多。新的研讨标明,每年还有 100 多万青少年和晚年人死于拉肚子。

Therese Dooley is a senior adviser at UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund.

Therese Dooley 是联合国儿童基金会的 高档参谋。

THERESE DOOLEY: "In addition to the deaths, there's about two-point-five billion -- and I want to emphasize, about two-point-five billion cases of diarrhea among children every year."

THERESE DOOLEY:“除了去世人数,约有 25 亿,我想偏重一下,每年约有 25亿儿童拉肚子病例。”

But a new report says sixty percent of those in developing countries do not get the recommended treatment.

The report, appearing in the Lancet medical journal, is from UNICEF and the World Health Organization.

It includes a seven-point plan for countries to use to prevent and treat diarrhea.

但一份新陈述称,那些打开我国家 60%的儿童没有选用举荐疗法。这份陈述刊登在《柳叶刀》医学杂志上,由联合国儿童基金会和世界清洁组织供给,其内容包括协助各个国家避免和医治拉肚子的七点方案。

The condition causes fluid loss and reduces the body's supply of zinc. This mineral is needed for normal growth and development.


For the past five years, UNICEF and the W.H.O. have recommended zinc supplements to treat diarrhea.

They also recommend fluid replacement solutions made from what are called low-osmolarity oral rehydration salts.

在曩昔的 5 年里,联合国儿童基金会和世界清洁组织现已举荐了补锌医治拉肚子办法。他们也主张(运用)体液替代溶液。这种溶液由被称为“低压渗透口服补液盐”配方制成。

Yet zinc supplements remain largely unavailable in the developing world.

And the fluid replacement solutions can also be difficult to find.


A leading cause of diarrhea in children is the rotavirus. Public health officials are now advised to include the rotavirus vaccine in all national immunization programs. But the vaccine is still not available in many developing countries.


The report says new ways to expand the use of treatments are now being developed. Proposals include, for example, supplying treatment kits through community health workers or special campaigns.


Experts say children with diarrhea should continue to eat, and babies should continue to breastfeed.


To help prevent diarrhea, the report suggests that children receive both the rotavirus and measles vaccines. It also calls for improving supplies of clean water in developing countries. Another prevention measure is hand washing with soap.


Diarrhea can be easy to prevent. Campaigns to fight childhood diarrhea had some success during the nineteen seventies and eighties. The authors of the report hope this new plan will help return the issue to worldwide importance.

拉肚子很简略避免。于 20 世纪 70 年代和80 年代打开的关于儿童拉肚子的宣传活动获得了必定的成功。该陈述的作者期望,这项新方案将有助于使儿童拉肚子疑问从头变满足球大事。

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