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1. Mr. Fotheringay suddenly decided to consult Mr. Maydig,…

佛泽林盖俄然抉择找梅迪格先生征询一下 ……

consult: 向 …… 请教,征询,查阅(字典);与 …… 协商

You should consult with Mary about it. 你该和玛丽协商那件事。

2.What I want to know is whether what I am going to do with it is a miracle or not.


do with : 处置,抵挡

I don't know what to do with these used books. 我不晓得如何处置这些用过的旧书。

do with 与 can 连用 : 忍耐 , 满足

I can't do with children’s cry. 我无法忍耐孩子的哭。

3.…and presently he ventured to lean over the table and smell the violets.


venture to do : 斗胆去做,唐突去做,(正式)鼓起勇气去做

Very few people venture to go out at night in a snow storm.


He decided to venture all his money on the scheme.


He ventured his life to rescue the drowning woman.


4.Just told it—and there you are .


I just said what I wanted to happen and this is t he result

There you are : 在说明或演示某件事时,用来标明作业很简略。

You just put the food in it, switch on and press the button and there you are.


5.…I knew no more that I could do things like that than you did. 我跟你相同,也不晓得我还能作这样的事。

I knew that I could do such things as little as you did./ I was as ignorant of my miraculous powers as you were.

no more…than/not…any more than 与 …… 相同(不) ……

I know no more about the British history than a ten-year old schoolboy.

关于英国前史,我的常识和一个 10 岁的孩子相同不多。

He is no more fit to be a minister than a pupil of grade two in a primary school.


6.Mr. Maydig had followed all these changes with small cries.


Each time Fotheringay worked a miracle, Mr. Maydig cried out in wonder.

7.What I am in need of advice for
most is about Winch… 我最需要得到的征询是有关温契的事 ……

I am most in need of your advice about what I shall do about Winch

in need of 需要

We are badly in need of water. 咱们极需要水。

The house is in need of decoration. 这房子需要装饰。

8.But we'll leave Winch for a little ……We’ll deal with Witch a bit later. Let's discuss more important questions.


leave ******************/sth. for a little/while… 把 …… 先搁下(不谈,不处置)

Let's leave our dispute about the matter for a while.


9.And so, urged by Mr. Maydig, Mr. Fotheringay began to work miracles.


urge ****************** on: encourage ******************. to do sth. 力 劝,敦促,鼓动 ………( 初步或持续做 …。)

Urged on by his parents, he decided to participate in the Math Olympic competition.


The man's ambition urged him on to success.


10………their sense of power grew, their imagination increased, and their ambition enlarged. 俩人的权力感扩展,愿望力加强,野心胀大。

They became more ambitious and more keenly aware of what Mr. Fotheringay's magic power could achieve; they thought of working greater miracles.

11.Mr. Myadig waved the Witch difficulty away , and made a series of wonderful proposal.


wave sth away/aside 驳回(主张,主张,观念等)

He was so absorbed in his success that he waved all suggestions away.


He waved aside all our objections.

他驳回 咱们 一切的对立定见。

proposal/plan/suggestion   proposal 指的是正式提出的主张或定见,以供参阅、承受或施行或回绝予以思考 .

China's proposal for the establishment of a free trade zone was greeted by the Southeast Asian countries.

我国 有关 树立安适生意区的提议得到东南亚国家的等待。

suggestion :定见,主张,提议,特指为了改进或处置某一疑问而出主张,办法等,但不必定正确,仅供参阅。

He did it at the doctor's suggestion. 他是根据大夫的主张这么做的。

plan : 方案,方案,方案

Our plan has been approved by the school authorities.


12……The small hours found Mr. Maydig and Mr. Fotheringay outside under the moon. 清晨时分梅迪格先生和佛泽林盖先生已来到室外月光之下,佛泽林盖先生对自个的巨大不再发憷。Shortly after midnight, Mr. Fotheringay and Mr. Maydig went outside under the moon.

small hours: shortly after midnight, the very early morning.

( a time/event) find ******************. +adj/prep phrase/doing (首要用于书面语)  在 …… 时或人处于某种情况,或正在做 ……。

witness/ see ( a place/period of time)witness/see (an event/change………) 也有类似的用法

The past 30 years witnessed great development of friendly relations between China and African countries.

在曩昔 30 年里我国和非洲国家的友爱联络得到无量的打开。

Night found him lying o n the ground.


13.…got to be at business by night .我明日8点钟还要上班呢。I am afraid I have to go back home. I have to start work by eight.

at business 上班 / on business 因公出差 / out of business 歇业,赋闲,没有生意

I have to be at busines s by 9 o'clock. 我得 9 点前上班。

He went to Britain on business. 他因公赴英国。

Continuous spread of SARS could put many tourist agencies out of business . SARS 的持续盛行会使许多旅行社关门歇业。

must ( can , may ) be doing: 神态动词 + 动词进行式标明“应当正在 ……。 想必正在 ……”

It's past ten. I must be going home. 已过 10 点了,我该走了。

They can't be using the room now. 他们如今不可以能在用这间房间。

14. …full of the sweetness of unlimited power. 看到自个有了无边能量,他感到真是妙不可以言。… enjoying the delight one feels of being able to do whatever one wants.

15.That's a bit tall . 这可有点离谱。That would be going too far./ That would be a little too difficult.

tall: (informal) difficult, impossible (口语)过火夸大的,离谱的

a tall order/story/tale 严苛的需求,困难的使命 / 离谱的故事,揄扬

16.It isn't as if we were doing harm…… 咱们这样做又不是干坏事。No harm would be done.

It isn't (is) as if… 如同是

It isn't as if you did not know the matter. 你又不是不晓得这件事的。

They talked so warmly with each other; it was as if they had known each other for many years.


17.Immediately he was flying head over heels through the air at the rate of dozens of miles a minute.


head over heels 头向下,头向前

He jump into the water head over heels . 他头向下地跳进水里。

He was head over heels in debt. 他深深堕入债款中。

18.He thought in a second, and willed. “Let me down safe and sound .” 他想了一会儿,又说,“让我平安落地吧。”

safe and sound/safe and well: out of danger and unharmed. 平安;完全

When he returned home after an absence of one month, he found everything was safe and sound at home.


Don't worry. The boys will return safe and sound.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: