用办法学英语 别再问“手机流量”怎么说,问“怎么晓得怎么说”

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1) 你学了这么多年英语,英语“手机流量”不会说,你“会”说啥英语呢?

2) 下面与“手机流量”有关的Key Words英语“会说”吗?

1. i can not get online because i run out of

2. i can not get online because my smart phone runs out of

3. my smart phone runs out of connected to internet

3) 假定你还算有这点“英语根柢”,那么,翻开英文www.yahoo查找引擎

4) 在yahoo中输入上述英语任意一句英语。咱们yahoo my smart phone runs out of

connected to internet

Can you ditch your smartphone data plan for Wi-Fi? - CNET

6) data plan就是咱们要“众里?aidu”的“答案”




7) 点击翻开 Can you ditch your smartphone data plan for Wi-Fi? - CNET,咱们读到下面的“原版”英语:

Can you ditch your smartphone data planfor Wi-Fi?

With so much free Wi-Fi around, it would be great if wireless operators allowed people to chuck their smartphone data plans. In Ask Maggie, CNET's Marguerite Reardon explains why that will never happen.

Wi-Fi is just about everywhere these days, so why do you still have to pay an arm and a leg for pricey 3G and 4G wireless data servicefrom a carrier if you want to get online from your smartphone?

This is a very good question. Now that every smartphone on the market comes with Wi-Fi capability built-in, some frugal wireless customers are wondering whether they can subscribe to a voice-only service and use Wi-Fi instead ofa costly data plan to access the Internet.

用办法学英语 别再问“手机流量”怎么说,问“怎么晓得怎么说”插图
8) 有了咱们所需的“英语言语环境”,如今可以Put English into English口语练习了。

9) Put English into English:

1. Okay.Got it. We say data,or a data plan for 手机流量

2. For example,We say:We use a data plan to access the Internet on our smart phone.

为了加深英语“手机流量”学习,咱们还可以持续yahoo data plan,学到更多英语“手机流量”的其它表达。不过,这是有一个“练习论题”了。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: