不婚主义者 为啥不成婚 英语怎么说 雅思口语材料

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never want to get married 绝不想成婚

is that so bizarre? 这很新鲜吗?

I just don’t see the value in it. 我只是觉得不值得。

Sell it to me. 向我推销婚姻吧。sell me marriage.

I doubt that’s gonna change. 我觉得这不会变。

Just not dying alone. 不会孑立地死去。

move my grandparents into a nursing facility. 把爷爷奶奶送进养老院。

my parents went the same way. 我的父母也相同进了养老院。

make no mistake, we all die alone. 不出意外的话,咱们都会孑立死去。

I’m just saying there are options. 我只是说我有选择权。


In my opinion, marriage isn't a necessity for everyone although it is a traditional part of the society.


Personally, I enjoy life on my own and l don't want to be tied down with someone. If I got married and lived with another person, I wouldn't have the freedom that I have right now.


For example, I have to answer to someone about where I'm going or take my partner into consideration when making decisions. Plus, I fear that marriage would lead me to lose myself. I wouldn’t want to change myself into someone I’m not just to please another person. I’m sure that I'm not the only one who feels this way.



I'm a traditional person and I want to get married someday. But some of my friends don't think like that. One of them was a child of divorce who has witnessed a nasty breakup of his parents. He had been stuck in his parents' arguments and pettiness for a long time.


People with similar experiences may have lost faith in marriage long ago. They would not like to repeat their parents' mistake. So, I feel sorry for them and understand that marriage may not be a must for them.



please sb 取悦或人

She did everything she could to please him.


Women are expected to take care of the family. Plus, they have to work at the same time.


不婚主义者 为啥不成婚 英语怎么说 雅思口语材料插图
enjoy life on one’s own 享受或人自个的日子

You should enjoy your life on your own, not counting on another person.


When you choose to become someone else, you will lose yourself.


a necessity/must for sb 对或人来说是必需品

make a long-term commitment 作出耐久的承诺

Are you ready to make a long-term commitment? 你是不是预备好作出耐久的承诺?

Making a long-term commitment requires great courage. 作出耐久的承诺需要很大的勇气。

keep finances separate 坚持财务独立

We keep our finances separate, and I’m completely satisfied.咱们坚持财务独立,我完全满足。

If we get married, it’s unlikely that we’ll keep finances separate.假定咱们成婚了,就不太可以坚持财务独立了。

be tied down with someone 被或人捆绑

I don't want to be tied down with someone.我不想被别人捆绑。

She has been tied down with her husband since their marriage two years ago.自从两年前成婚以来,她就受制于她的丈夫。

I want to be someone who leads a normal and happy life.我想变成一个过着普通夸姣日子的人。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: