托福口语范文 有用礼物VS风趣礼物

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Some people prefer to give practical gifts while others prefer to give entertaining gifts. Which do you prefer to give and why? 有些人喜爱迎有用的礼物,而有些人则喜爱迎风趣的礼物。你喜爱迎哪一种呢 ? 为啥 ?

Giving practical gifts can be less troublesome and more memorable.

One never really knows what the receiver wants to receive. So why not choose something from the list of daily necessities as a gift? Through doing this, you not only limit the time taken choosing a gift, but can also be sure the gift is useful to the receiver.

Moreover, practical gifts are more valuable because the receiver is likely to use them frequently. Consider the sports shoes I once gave to my boyfriend. Every time he picks them up, he will be reminded of my deep affection for him. For the duration of the gift ’ s lifespan, our relationship will be improved.


一自个永久不晓得承受礼物的人真实想要啥。那么为啥不从往常日子必需品清单中选择礼物呢 ? 经过这样做,你不只不必花太多时刻选择礼物,而且可以保证礼物对承受者是必定有用的。




Giving practical gifts are better 有用的礼物非常好 R1: practical gifts are easy
托福口语范文 有用礼物VS风趣礼物插图
to pick out and won't be a waste. 选择有用的礼物很便当,而且必定有用。 R2: practical gifts are more valuable 有用的礼物愈加有价值


necessity 需要 ; 必定性 ; 必需品 not only … .but 不只…而且 pick sth. up 得到 ; 恢复 ; 捡起 affection 喜爱,豪情 lifespan 寿数 ; 预期生命期限 ; 预期运用期限

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: