托福口语评分标准解析 从零初步

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Some universities require first year students to live in dormitories on campus. Others allow students to live off campus. Which policy do you think is better and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

Sample 1

I think the better policy is to make student live in the dorm, because the first year student live in the dorm...because I think they can be safer first, because they are from...most are come from other town, so they don’t really know the environment. so...I think it safer. huh...Moreover I think they can ma
托福口语评分标准解析 从零初步插图
ke friends in the dorm so they can have good relationship to know on the...on the university’s...is...I mean...they know better the environment. Especially they don’t have cars...

Sample 2

Um... I think it’s better for the first- year students to live on campus rather than off campus. Main reason because they are new to the city and it’s safer for them to live on campus where there’s more security. Because they don’t know much about the city in the first place. Uh... Second of all, it helps them to become more familiar with the surroundings where they have to study. It also helps them to meet new people. Living in the dorm encourages friendships with people who you might not...um...seem very comfortable with first time. And it helps to meet new people, it helps to doing with the seniors if any live in the dorm.

教师给我们两个sample responses,为了便利了解也给出了两个答复的文本,我们了解后可以自个断定一下假定你是rater,你会给这两个答案给多少分?哪一个更契合咱们四分的评分标准?


宋佳芮,北美项目新师培训主管,具有剑桥认证世界英语教育才能证书。SAT数学满分。加拿大布鲁克大学会计专业荣誉学士,曾供职于北美最大的税务公司H&R Block。




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