托福独立口语基础段真题练习 Choose one of the following…

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Choose one of the following natural environments and explain why you would like to live there most: mountain, forest, desert, prairie, seashore or somewhere else? Use specific reasons and examples to support your an
托福独立口语基础段真题练习 Choose one of the following…插图

选择下列天然环境之一,并说明你为啥最喜爱住在那里:山、森林、沙漠、草原、海边或其他当地 ? 用具体的理由和比方来撑持你的答复。

Beyond a beautiful view, there are actually many health and social benefits to seashore living.

First, people living near the sea are more likely to head out for a walk on the beach and get some sun. Sunlight aids the body in absorbing calcium for stronger bones, and helps fight against hypertension and a host of other health issues.

Second, it almost goes without saying that living close to the beach can improve a person ’ s social life. Living on the coast offers easy access to a huge range of social activities: fishing, sailing, kayaking, and boogie boarding. Grab a friend, whole group or even meet someone new who shares a love of the ocean and enjoy your starry new seaside social life.

That ’ s why I love seashore life so much.



1. Outline

最喜爱住海边的日子 R1: health benefit 住海边对身体有优点 R2: improve one ’ s social life 改进交际日子

2. Vocabulary

head out 外出 出门 absorb calcium 吸收钙 hypertension 高血压 host of 一大群 许多 kayaking 皮划艇 boogie boarding 冲浪 俚语 grab 抓取 这儿指找个兄弟一同的意思

人手一本经典托福考试用书 在线免费阅览


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: