托福词汇 甘旨元宵用英语怎么说

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glue pudding / sweet soup balls / Tang-yuan/ dumplings made of sweetrice,rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet


festival of lanterns/Lantern Festival(灯节)

The 15th day of the 1st lunar month(正月十五)


yuanxiao/glue pudding/sweet dumpling/rice glue ball


rice dumpling; Tang-yuan (dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into ballsand stuffed with either sweet or spicy fillings); glutinous ricedumplings;glutinous rice balls;sweet dumplings;sweet soup balls ;LanternFestival dumplings


Jiaozi(饺子)是一种我国式当普林,是用剁碎的肉和蔬菜包在生面团里做成的。常见的肉类填充物包括猪肉糜、牛肉糜、鸡肉糜、虾甚至是鱼。常见的馅包括大白菜馅、洋葱羊肉馅、韭菜鸡蛋馅、虾仁猪肉韭菜等等。饺子一般用蒸或许炸的办法烹饪,是传统的我国大年夜饭的菜肴,全家人一同共享。饺子的英语可翻译为jiaozi ,Chinese ravioli 或许dumpling。意大利语里边有个词叫做ravioli,中辞意思是饺子,可是实践上并不是我国饺子,而是一种欧洲食物,根柢上是一些用机器切开成方形的面皮包上肉,然后用西红柿酱等等调料烧熟,刚到法国的时分喜爱跟法国人偏重这个东西是我国的,其实吃得多了才发现完全不是一种东西。对从未见过饺子的外国人来说,不管如何称号,他们都无法在脑际里构成一个“饺子”的图像。最精确的译法是直接用拼音jiaozi,但没传闻过其物的老外仍是一头雾水。根据字典界说和世界常规,如同ravioli比dumpling更接近我国的饺子。但习气成天然,dumpling仍是更被咱们国人所熟知。水饺boileddumplings 蒸饺steamed dumplings 。


中式烹饪法里还包括甜的当普林,很常见的是汤圆(tangyuan)。做法是用糯米粉包裹甜芝麻、花生或许是红豆。或许,根柢啥馅都不必。在我国,还有其他的当普林类型,如虾饺(harkao)、烧卖( siew mai)、小笼包(small cage-steamed bun/xiaolongbao),猪肉包和水晶包子(crystaldumpling)。

包子一般翻译为steamed stuffed bun/bao zi ,狗不睬包子的英文说法是Go-believe,肉包子打狗--有去无回的英文是Chasing a dog by throwing meat dumpli
托福词汇 甘旨元宵用英语怎么说插图
ngs at it-gone, never toreturn. 小笼包子 steamed small dumpling in basket 。

粽子 rice dumpling wrapped in reed leaves


元宵节 The Lantern Festival

舞狮 lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bringgood luck.)

舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests)

戏曲 traditional opera

杂耍 variety show; vaudeville

灯谜 riddles written on lanterns

灯会 exhibit of lanterns

元宵节风俗英文介绍:Eating Yuanxiao吃元宵

Yuanxiao is the special food for the Lantern Festival. It is believed thatYuanxiao is named after a palace maid, Yuanxiao, of Emperor Wu Di of the HanDynasty. Yuanxiao is a kind of sweet dumpling, which is made with sticky riceflour filled with sweet stuffing. And the Festival is named after the famousdumpling. It is very easy to cook - simply dump them in a pot of boiling waterfor a few minutes - and eaten as a dessert.


The sweet dumplings are a must-have item during the Lantern Festival, whichfalls on the 15th day of the first lunar year and is being celebrated on Feb 22this year.

Sweet dumplings are usually made of sticky rice wrappers with variedstuffing. With its round shape and soft texture, it signifies family reunion,sweetness and happiness in traditional culture. As the whole country iscelebrating it today, let’s have a look at some of the most complicated,time-consuming yet delicious and creative sweet dumplings in Chinesekitchens.

1、Green tea sweet dumplings.

2. Sweet dumpling cups with chocolate cream.

3. Tea-flavored sweet dumplings.

4. Sweet dumplings with green bean stuffing.

5. Fried bitter-melon-flavor sweet dumplings.

6. Riverstone-shaped sweet dumplings

7. Sweet dumplings with pumpkin soup and fruits.

8. Black chocolate sweet dumplings.9. Creative making of sweet dumplings,with pumpkin soup and apricot juice.10. Sweet dumplings made from purple sweetpotato.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: