名师指点 16句托福口语

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【口诀1】有些动词须以动名词宾语,它们可用“MP\4r\ café\ disk”来记,即“宪兵带着4把手枪在咖啡馆里看光盘”(把字母r愿望成手枪)。

"M"指mind, miss, mention

例:When I mention playing football, he says he's too busy.

"P"指prevent, permit, postpone, pardon, practice

例:We don't permit smoking in the office.

"4R"指risk, resist, resent,resume

例:Informing the truth risks destroying the patients’ hope.

"c" 指consider, contemplate

例:I don't contemplate (意料) him opposing my plan.

"a"指admit, avoid, appreciate, anticipate

例:We anticipate deriving much instruction from the lecture.

"f"指face, fancy, finish

"e"指excuse, enjoy, escape

例:He escaped being punished.

"d"指delay, defer, deny, dispute(不附和), detest(怨恨)

"i"指imagine, involve



【口诀2】有些动词有必要以不定式作宾语,它们是:三 w 、h、c,五a领着四 d 、p,一r m 二 l、b,接不定式o, u, e。

它包括了三个以w最初的单词,三个以h最初的单词,三个以c最初的单词,五个以a最初的单词,别离以d 、p最初的单词各四个,别离以l、b最初的单词各两个,别离以r, m, o, u, e最初的单词各一个。

注:"3 w、h、c"是want, wish, wait和 hope , help, hesitate以及care, choose, consent

例:He hesitated to buy the coat.

"二 l、b"是learn, long和beg, bear.

例:I can’t bear him to deceive me.

I long to go abroad.

"五a"是: agree, ask, afford, arrange, attempt

"四d"是dare , demand, determine, decide

"四p"是 plan, pretend, promise, prepare

以r, m, o, u, e最初的五个单词别离是refuse, manage, offer, undertake, expect


因为接动名词、不定式均可,情况又变得简略起来,只需记住一句话就行,即:两边一旦初步(begin, start ),不管喜爱(like, prefer )与否(hate, dislike),都得持续(continue)下去。都不能方案(intend,attempt, propose)无视(neglect)初步(commence)的爱(love)。习气(be accustom to)也罢,惧怕(afraid to do \ of doing)也罢,难以忍耐( can’t bear)也罢。(参见Michael Swan:《英语用法攻略》第339条)

例:He is accustom to work \to working hard.

【口诀4】有9个动词既可以动名词作宾语,也可用不定式作宾语,意思却不一样:remember、forget、try、mean、stop、regret、want、 need、require 。

注:remember to do sth指记住(别忘掉)要做某事,remember doing sth记住(回想起)曾做过某事;forget to do sth指忘了要做某事,forget doing sth忘了要做某事;try to do sth指企图做某事,try doing sth试试看(试过);mean to do sth指方案,有意图,mean doing sth意味着,就是;stop to do sth停下来做某事,此为意图状语,stop doing sth中止做某事。Regret to do sth对如今要发生的事标明“怅惘”,regret doing sth对发生过的事标明“后悔”。want to do sth指期望,想要;want doing sth需要,该;need\ require to do sth都是需要require\need doing sth该都是动名词主动式标明被逼。因这9个单词既可接不定式,又可接动名词,咱们比之为“九条两端蛇。”




注:“一般/进行时刻同”,指从句用了一般曩昔时或曩昔进行时,标明从句与主句的谓语动词的动作一起发生。如:I explained to them my friend knew no French. He wondered what the boys were doing there.

“后主将来”指从句谓语动词的动作“后于”主句谓语动词的动作,从句须用曩昔将来时;“先结束”指从句谓语动词的动作“先于”主句谓语动词的动作,从句须用曩昔结束时。如:The Swede was warned that Napoleon would probably ask him 3 questions. I asked him where he had bee
名师指点 16句托福口语插图

“真理不受时刻限”指如从句表述的是客观真理,即就是主句用的是曩昔时,从句仍用一般如今时。例:Copernicus discovered that Earth revolves around the sun.

“具体时刻曩昔从”指从句中有具体的时刻状语,从句要用一般曩昔时,即就是从句谓语动词的动作发生在主句谓语动词的动作之前也如此。如: She said she was born in 1980.


【口诀6】断定 that

The only, the very,The same, no 、any, 两项并排人与物,不定、序数、最高档。

注:前两句指先行词前有The only, the very, the same, no , any润饰时,引导定语从句的联络代词必定用that。例:That’s the only thing that we can do at the moment.

“两项并排人与物”,指先行词为两个或两个以上别离标明人和物的词时,引导定语从句的联络代词必定用that。例:They talked about the countries and people that they had visited


例:Is there anything ( that ) I can do for you?

The best materials that you should recite are your texts.


主语从句用Whether,宾语从句or not,不定式前介词后,替代if别条件。

例:Whether there’ll be seats left it is doubtful.

It depends on whether he is ready.

【口诀8】祝福句、感叹句,only 、so 、 as;初步为副词,否定句首时。

注:倒装句是将谓语的一有些或悉数置于主语之前。在only 、so 、 as 中,only指only所润饰的副词、介词短语、状语从句放在句首时,构成倒装。如:Only then did I know the importance of learning English .

so指在以so最初的语句中,标明一种情况也习气于另一人或物。如:You can keep the secret, so can I.

(如后边的语句单纯重复前一语句,则不倒装。如:It’s cold today, so it is.)

as指当 as作“尽管”解的让步状语从句中,构成倒装。如:Child as she is, she knows a lot about the world.

“初步为副词”指以here, there, then, now或out, up, down, away等最初的语句,这种倒装多见于描绘性的文体。如:There comes a bus. Out rushed a train from the cave.

“否定句首时”指否定副词或否定连词置于句首时。如:Not until you told me did I know the fact. Not only can he speak English but also his daughter.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: