【干货】托福口语高分之Part 1完满答复方案

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托福口语第一有些口语论题遵从的格局:Topic Statement——Deion-- Supporting Information (reason 1 and 2 ) --- Conclusion在Topic Statement,也就是主题陈述里,咱们可以用如下词汇表达自个的观念,请同学们选择回想。

Personally, Personally speaking, Individually,

As far as I am concerned, For me, In my opinion, In my view,

From my perspective, From my point of view,

I believe that…I think that

I would like to say that my favorite is

在Supporting Information ,也就是撑持论据里,咱们可以用如下方法引出。


There are a couple of reasons.

I think there are a couple of reasons why I think so.

And I think there are a couple of reasons for this/that.

There are two points I’d like to focus on.


First, First of all,Initially, For one reason, The first reason is that … One reason I think …is that… The first point is that…

当触及到第二个缘由或其他多个缘由时,同学们可以顺次类推,比方Second, Also, - What’s more, Furthermore,- In addition, Additionally, For another reason…The second reason is that …Another reason I think…is that…Another point


Describe a place where you go for rest and relaxation. Explain why it is a good place for you to relax. Include details and examples in your explanation.

【干货】托福口语高分之Part 1完满答复方案插图

观念:The place that I’d like to go for rest and relaxation is the mall.

描绘:This mall is one of the biggest malls in China, I suppose, and it’s about a good 15 minutes walk from where I live.

理由1:First because I could find everything in there. From movie theater to manicure shops, from Starbucks to high profile Chinese seafood restaurants, there are more than 1,000 stores and businesses in the mall.

理由2: More than that, with just the right air-conditioning and soothing background music, a simple stroll down the mall would relief me from a busy day.

结束:So, in one word, this is a place that brought me a lot of relaxation and that's why i loved to go there.








:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: