ETS如何评分 托福独立口语干货共享

  • A+

Test Taker 样本答案:

Uh, I think it's better for the first-year students to live on campus rather than off-campus. Uh, main reason because um, they are new to the city and it's safer for them to live on campus where there's more security, um because they don't know much about the city in the first place. Uh, second of all, it helps them to… become more familiar with their surroundings, where they have to study. It also helps them to meet new people. Uh living in a dorm encourages friendships with people who you might… not… uh, seem very
ETS如何评分 托福独立口语干货共享插图
comfortable with the first time. And um, it helps you meet new people, it helps you interact with your seniors, if any living in your dorm.

ETS rater 的评语:

- In this response, the speaker provides a clear and coherent response. She is able to maintain a steady, fluid pace with little to no hesitation. Her pronunciation is very good. There is minor but noticeable first-language influence on stress and intonation patterns, but they do not obscure meaning for the listener. She demonstrates a range of vocabulary and grammar that is appropriate to the task. In general, the response is well developed. The speaker clearly states her opinion and provides several reasons for her point of view. She then explains each reason in varying degrees of detail. There is a clear progression of ideas and an ease of presentation typical of a level 4 response.( Please note that each score band - 1 through 4 - actually represents a range of abilities. The performance within a level will actually vary slightly from one test taker to the next.)

在评语中,ETS rater 说,response 全体上清楚联接。delivery 方面可以坚持流通和平稳的节奏,几乎没有犹疑的情况,发音较好,母语影响不会给听者带来困难。在论题延展方面可以给出推进和不一样程度的细节,其间的延展现已用高光进行符号,独立口语有些,考生们备考千万记住别只是给出一个理由,之后举比方,那样的答案现已不能满足ETS的level 4需求。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: