
  • A+



  五、 提起注意(Directing attention)

  26\ Ready / are you ready?

  27\ Did you get there? Do you understand?

  28\ Is that clear?

  29 Any volunteers?

  30\ Do you know what to do ?

  31\ 涵妈笔记Be quiet,please?/ Quiet ,please?

  32\ Listen,please?

  33\ Listen carefully,please.

  34\ Listen to the tape recorder/ the recording.

  35\ Look carefully,please.

  36\ Look over there.

  37\ watch carefully.

  38\ Are ou watching?

  39\ Please look at the map /picture/ blackboard\\\\\\

  40\ Pay attention to your spelling/ pronunciation.

  六、课堂活动(Classroom activities)

  41\ Start! Start now.

  42\ Everybody together./all together.

  43\ Practise in a group/ in groups,please.

  44\ Get into groups of three/four\\\\\\\

  45\ Everybody find a partner/ friend.

  46\ In pairs,please .

  47\ One at a time.Let's do it one by one.

  48\ Now you ,please. / your turn(student's name)

  49\ Next,please.Now you do the same ,please.

  50\ Let's act./let's act out/do the dialogue

  51\ Who wants to be A?

  52\ Practise the dialogue ,please.

  53\ NOw Tom will be B,and the other half will be A.

  54\ Please take (play) the part of \\\\\\

  55\ Whose turn is it?

  56\ It 's your turn .

  57\ Wait your turn ,please.

  58\ Atand in line. /Line up.

  59\ Turn round.

  60\ One by one./One at a time ,please.

  61\ In twos./in pairs.

  62\ Don't speak out.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: