大学英语课堂用语100句 – 知乎(大学英语b统考交际用语)

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一. 预备活动
1. 请我们进来坐好。 everyone, please come in and sit down.
2. 我想先讲个小故事。 i’d like to start with a short story.
3. 我要查验一下我们的布景常识。 i’m going to check your background knowledge.
4. 请为上课做好预备。 please get everything ready for class.
5. 快点,马上就要上课了。 hurry up. it’s nearly for class.
6. 你最佳快一点儿。 you’d better get a move on.
7. 请回到坐位。 go back to your seat, please.
8. 我们预备好了么 are you ready to begin
9. 我将等你们恬静下来,好么 i’ll wait for you to be quiet. ok
10. 请坚持恬静,马上就要上课了。 be quiet, please. class will soon begin.
11. 还有几分钟初步上课 how many minutes are there to go
12. 正好打铃呢,你刚好赶上。 there goes the bell, you’re just in time.
13. 各位坐好。 get seated, everyone.
14. 请坐好。 sit straight, please.

二. 初步上课
1. 咱们初步上课好吗 shall we begin today’s lesson
2. 书归正传,咱们初步上课吧。 time to get to the point.
3. 如今,咱们初步学习新课。 now, let’s start today’s lesson.
4. 上课时刻到了。 it’s time for class.
5. 让咱们初步上课。 let’s start our class.
6. 咱们学习新的一课。 let’s begin a new lesson.
7. 快点,咱们初步上课。 hurry up, so that we can stet the lesson.
8. 铃动态了,让咱们上课。 the bell is ringing, let’s have a class.
9. 铃声现已响过了,请坚持恬静。 the bell has already gone, keep silence please.
10. 如今咱们上课吧。 now, let’s get down to work.
11. 咱们上课了,存候下心来。 settle down now and let’s start.
12. 我想我们如今预备好初步了。 i think we are ready to start now.
13. 我们预备好上课了吗 is everyone ready to start the lesson
14. 好了,可以初步新课了吗 alright, can we start now
15.请举手。 put your hands up.
16.请到前面来。 come to the front..
17.请看黑板。 look at the blackboard.
18.请留心。 attention, please.

1. 很高兴见到你们。 glad to meet you.!
2. 我真的很高兴见到你们我们。 i’m really happy to meet you all.
3. 你们很快就会习气悉数的。 you’ll soon get used to everything.
4. 同学们早上好。good morning, class.
5. 各位早上好。 good morning, everybody.
6. 孩子们,你们好。hi, children. / hi, kids.
7. 你们今日好吗how are you today
8. 你们或许有点严峻,因为悉数都是全新的。you might be a little nervous because everything is new to you.
9. 我期望你们在这儿过得开心。i hope you’ll spend a great time here today.
10. 你们好吗 how have you been
11. 你们都充溢了活力。you are full of energy.
12. 非常高兴咱们又碰头了。it’s really good to see you again.

1. 把教材拿出来,并翻到第10页。take out your books and open them at page 15.
these are the courses we are going to take this
大学英语课堂用语100句 – 知乎(大学英语b统考交际用语)插图
term. there are compulsory courses and optional courses.
the time allotted for the course is four periods a week.
the class will be conducted in this way:first we shall review what we learned last time,then,the new words and the text,and finally we will do some substitution drills.
we will take up a new lesson today.i am going to read some new words and expressions first and then explain them one by one.
we will finish two tasks today.we will review unit six by questions,and answers and then we will do fast reading。
:in this class,most of the time will be devoted to dialogues.after that,answer my questions.
in the first period,we will practice pattern drills and in the second period we will do some written exercises.
we will do a revision lesson today. i will read a short passage three times first,and then you
will retell it in your own words.
10. 咱们今日要做的第一件事是,我想让你们通读一遍文章,然后关于文章提出一些疑问。结束后,咱们将持续做操练。
for the first thing today.i’d like you to read through the passage.after that 1 will ask you some questions on it.when we have done that,we’ll go on to the exercise.

五、 授课次序
1. 咱们断定以下先后次序吧, let’s decide the turns.
2.首要,让咱们温习一下。first, let’s do some review.
3.咱们先温习前次讲的内容。first we shall review what we did last time.
4.首要,咱们进行发音操练。to begin with,we’ll do some drills in pronunciation.
5. 如今你们大约在做最终一道题了。you should be working on the last question by now.
6. 首要,让咱们来听对话。 first,1et’s 1isten to the dialogue.
7. 接下来,我想让你们依照这些单词不一样的词性把它们从头摆放。
next,1 would like you to rearrange these words according to their different parts of speech.
8. 接下来,我想请你们做操练。 for the next thing,1 want you to do exercise.
9. 做完每个有些,你们可以查看答案。 after each part, you can check the answers.
10. 最终,但也是很重要的一件作业,咱们要听一个播送。
last but not the least,we have a radio program to listen to.
11. 最终,就下周的考试简略地说几句。
finally,1 want to say something briefly about next week’s test.

1. all right! 好!行!
2. exactly! 一点不差!
3. right on! 正确!
4. congratulations! 向你道喜!恭喜你!
5. excellent! 太好了!棒极了!
6. fantastic! 真了不起!棒极了!
7. good for you! 你真行!
8. good job/work! 做得好!太棒了!
9. youre doing a good job! 你干得真棒!
10. good remembering! 好记忆!
11. good thinking! 好思路!好主意!
12. keep it up! 坚持究竟!坚持下去!
13. keep on trying! 持续试!持续做!
14. keep up the good work. 持续做。
15. perfect! 绝了!美极了!真地道!
16. thats good! 真棒!
17. thats very much better! 那非常好!
18. thats the best ever! 那再好不过!
19. thatve ever done! 这是你做得最佳的一次。
20. thats great!/ great!
21. thats right! 好!行!对!
22. thats not bad! 不错!/not too bad! 还可以!
23. thats a good girl/boy! 真是个好孩子!
24. thats really nice! 挺好的!
25. well done! 做得好!
26. wonderful! 妙极了!
27. have a try, please! 请试一试!
28. try again, please! 请再试一试!
29. i knew you could do it! 我晓得你能行!
30. im very proud of you! 我为你而骄傲!
31. im proud of the way you worked today! 我为你今日能这样做而骄傲!
32. i think youve got it now. 我想你如今理解了。
33. ive never seen anyone do it better! 我从未看到有人做得这么好!
34. nothing can stop you now! 如今啥也难不道你了!
35. one more time and youll have it! 再试试你就成功了!
36. thats the right way to do it! 这样做就对了!
37. thats quite an improvement! 这前进不小啊!
38. well, look at you go! 哦!看你的了!
39. youre as good as gold! 你体现得真好!
40. you are really working hard today! 你今日真吃苦!
41. you did that very well! 做得真好!
42. youve got it made! 你现已做对了!
43. youre doing fine! 做得不错!
44. youre really improving! 你的确在前进!
45. you certainly did well today! 你今日做得真不错!
46. you are getting better everyday! 你每天都在前进!
47. you are learning fast! 你学得真快!
48. you make it look easy! 让你一做一看就简略多了!
49. you did a lot of work today! 你今日做得真不少!
50. you are doing beautifully! 你做得真棒!



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: