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1、大学英语常用口语1. youre welcome. 别谦让。 thank you for the information. youre welcome. 谢谢你供给的信息。 不谦让。2. are you coming with me? 你能跟我一同去吗?are you coming with me or not? 你究竟要不要跟我一同去?3. as soon as possible. 从速。please make your decision as soon as possible.请从速做抉择。4. are you sure? 你断定吗?are you sure you should be u

2、p?你断定你大约起来吗?5. believe me. 信赖我。i was afraid that nobody would believe me.我忧虑没有人会信赖我。6. its easy. 很简略。its easy for me.这对我来说很简略.7. call me tomorrow. 明日打电话给我。if you have time, will you call me tomorrow? 假定你有时刻,明日给我打电话好吗?8. can you speak slowly? 你能说慢点吗?sorry, can you speak slowly? i couldnt catch you. 对

3、不起,可以说慢点吗?我跟不上。9. come with me. 跟我来。quick, come with me! 快跟我走啊!10. congratulations. 恭喜。congratulations on your success last night!恭喜你昨晚的表演成功。11. what do you mean? 你是啥意思?what do you mean? it was my fault?你是啥意思?这是我的错?12. do it right! 做得对!did he do it right? 他做得对吗?13. do you see him often? 你常常见到他吗?do

4、 you see him often play football? 你常常看见他踢足球吗?14. do you see it? 你看到了吗?i cant find the key to the door, do you see it?我找不到门的钥匙,你看到了吗?15. do you want it? 你想要吗?i have a dog, do you want it?我有一只小狗,你想要吗?16. dont do it. 不要做。i forgive you, just dont do it again. 我宽恕你,只是今后不要再犯了。17. wait for me. 等等我。wait for

5、 me. i have to clean up. 等等我,我有必要洗洗手。18. give me a hand. 帮我一下。come and give me a hand in the garden.到花园里来帮我一把。19. where are you going? 你去哪里?where are you going for your vacation this summer?本年夏天你去哪儿休假?20. thats right. 对了。 today is friday,right? thats right. 今日是星期五吗? 是的。21. tell me. 告诉我。dont tell me y

6、ou cant remember.不要告诉我你记不起来了。22. have you finished? 你做完了吗?have you finished writing the article?文章写完了吗?23. that happens. 会发生;可巧;恰巧。there is a reason for every important thing that happens.每件重要作业的发生都有缘由。24. im ready. 我预备好了。okay. im r
eady. i think i can do it.好的,我决计做了,我想我能做。25. let me see. 让我想想。let me

7、 see, where did i put my pen?让我想想看,我把钢笔放哪儿了?26. how long are you staying? 你要待多久? how long are you staying? for a week. 你方案待多长时刻? 两周。27. i think so. 我认为是这样的。 it ought to be stopped. yes, i think so. 这件事大约到此中止。 对,我也这么想。28. its nothing. 没啥。its nothing, i just did what i should do. 这没有啥,我不过是做了我大约做的作业罢

8、了。29. i can do it. 我能做。if i can do it, so can you.要是我都做到了,信赖你也可以。30. i cant believe it. 我几乎不能信赖。i cant believe it! im so glad.真不敢信赖!我太高兴了。31. im hungry. 我饿了。its past dinner time and im hungry.过了开饭时刻了,我饿了。32. i dont know anybody. 我一自个都不知道。do we have to be there? i dont know anybody there.咱们非去不可以吗?我一自个

9、都不知道的!33. thats interesting. 很风趣。 thats interesting to me.这对我来说很风趣。34. im sorry. 对不住。im sorry. how careless of me. 对不住,我太不留神了。35. its impossible. 那是不可以能的。its impossible to get a taxi on such a rainy day. 下雨天是根柢打不到车的。36. think about it. 思考一下。give me a few hours to think about it. 给我几个小时思考一下。37. i hope

10、 so. 我期望如此。oh i see. i hope so.哦,我理解了。我也期望如此。38. it smells good. 闻起来很香。id like some hamburgers. its smells good! 我想吃汉堡包。闻起来真香啊!39. i see. 我理解了。oh, i see. thats why.哦,我理解了。正本如此。40. not yet. 还没有。it has not yet definitely settled. 这事还没有清楚处置。41. ive had it. 我受够了。ive had it. lets call it a day. 我受不了了,今日就

11、到这儿吧。42. i want to speak with him. 我想跟他说话。i dont want to speak with him.我不想跟他说话。43. i would like a glass of juice, please. 请给我一杯果汁。 may i help you? i would like a glass of juice, please. 需要协助吗? 请给我一杯果汁。44. im bored. 我很无聊。im bored. lets go home. 我觉得好无聊,咱们回家吧。45. im busy. 我很忙。what is it? im busy.啥事?我

12、忙着呢。46. she is my best friend. 她是我最佳的兄弟。i have a classmate. she is my best friend.我有一个同学,她是我的最佳的兄弟。47. im used to it. 我现已习气了。thank you. im used to it. 谢谢你,我现已习气了。48. ill miss you. 我会牵挂你的。ill miss you too, my friends. 我也会牵挂你们这些兄弟的。49. ill try. 我试试看。ill try and hunt out the information you need. 我会尽力找到你要的信息。50. you surprise me. 你让我大吃一惊。you surprise me when you shouted my name.你大叫我名字时,吓了我一跳。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: