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1. We're going to travel to Japan. 我们要去日本旅行。
2. When are we going to leave for Hawaii? 我们何时出发去夏威夷?
3. Let's book our flights and hotel online. 让我们在线预订机票和酒店。
4. We need to apply for visas before going to China. 我们需要在去中国之前申请签证。
5. How much money should we budget for this trip? 我们应该为这次旅行预算多少钱?


6. Excuse me, how do I get to the nearest train station? 对不起,请问最近的火车站怎么走?
7. How long does it take to get to the airport from here? 从这里到机场需要多长时间?
8. We can take a taxi to the city center. 我们可以坐出租车去市中心。
9. Is there a bus that goes to the beach? 有去海滩的公共汽车吗?
10. Do we need to rent a car to get around town? 我们需要租一辆车来四处走动吗?


11. Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗?
12. I don't understand. Can you explain that again? 我不明白,请再解释一遍好吗?
13. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?
14. How old are you? 你多大了?
15. My name is John. Nice to meet you. 我叫约翰,很高兴认识你。


16. Can we see the menu, please? 请给我们看看菜单好吗?
17. I would like to have a cheeseburger and fries. 我想来个芝士汉堡和薯条。
18. How spicy is this dish? 这道菜有多辣?
19. Can I have extra ketchup, please? 请再给我一些番茄酱好吗?
20. The service here is great. 这里的服务很好。


21. How much is this shirt? 这件衬衫多少钱?
22. Do you have this in a different color? 这款有其他颜色吗?
23. Is there a discount for buying multiple items? 多买几件有优惠吗?
24. I want to return this item. Can I get a refund? 我想退这件东
25. The quality of this product is very good. 这个产品的质量非常好。


26. Is there a room available for tonight? 今晚还有房间吗?
27. How much does it cost per night? 每晚多少钱?
28. Can we have a room with a view of the ocean? 可以安排一间可以看到海洋的房间吗?
29. Can we have an extra blanket and pillow? 可以再给我们一条毯子和一个枕头吗?
30. The hotel staff is very friendly and helpful. 酒店工作人员非常友善和乐于助人。


31. Call the police! 快叫警察!
32. I need a doctor. 我需要医生。
33. My wallet was stolen. 我的钱包被偷了。
34. Can you please help me find my way back to the hotel? 你能帮我找到回酒店的路吗?
35. Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。


36. What is the best time to visit the museum? 参观博物馆的最佳时间是什么时候?
37. Is there a guided tour of the historical sites? 有历史遗迹的导游吗?
38. Can we take pictures inside the museum? 我们可以在博物馆里拍照吗?
39. This city is famous for its beautiful architecture. 这个城市以其美丽的建筑而闻名。
40. The view from the top of the mountain is

breathtaking. 从山顶上的视野令人惊叹。


41. Do you want to go out for a drink tonight? 今晚一起去喝一杯怎么样?
42. This party is so much fun. 这个聚会真有趣。
43. What kind of music do you like? 你喜欢什么样的音乐?
44. Can you recommend a good bar or club around here? 你可以推荐周边好的酒吧或俱乐部吗?
45. Let's have dinner together tomorrow night. 明晚一起吃饭吧。


46. What time is it now? 现在几点钟了?
47. We are leaving at 10am tomorrow. 明天早上10点出发。
48. I have an appointment at 3pm. 我有一个3点钟的约会。
49. What day is today? 今天是星期几?
50. The conference starts on June 17. 会议将于6月17日开始。


51. Do you want to go skiing this weekend? 这个周末你想去滑雪吗?
52. Are there any hiking trails nearby? 附近有什么徒步旅行线路吗?
53. I love playing basketball. 我喜欢打篮球。
54. Can we rent bicycles to explore the city? 我们可以租自行车来探索城市吗?
55. Swimming in the ocean is so refreshing. 在海里游泳非常清爽。


56. Hi, my name is

Sarah. 你好,我叫莎拉。
57. I'm from California. 我来自加利福尼亚州。
58. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
59. I'm a student. 我是一名学生。
60. What do you do for a living? 你是做什么工作的?


61. What are some traditional customs in your country? 你的国家有哪些传统习俗?
62. I'm interested in learning more about the history of this place. 我对了解这个地方的历史很感兴趣。
63. This museum has a great collection of art. 这个博物馆有很棒的艺术收藏。
64. Let's try some local food. 让我们尝尝当地的美食。
65. The architecture of this building is amazing. 这座建筑的设计非常惊人。


66. Is there a subway station nearby? 附近有地铁站吗?
67. How much is a ticket to the airport? 到机场的票价是多少?
68. Does this bus go to the train station? 这辆公交车去火车站吗?
69. Is it faster to take a taxi or the subway? 是坐出租车还是地铁更快?
70. This traffic is so bad. 这个交通真的很糟糕。


71. What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?
72. It's so hot today. 今天真的很热。
73. I

forgot to bring a jacket, and it's raining. 我忘了带外套,而且还在下雨。
74. The weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow. 天气预报说明天会是晴天。
75. I love the crisp air in the fall. 我喜欢秋天的清新空气。


76. Can I buy a ticket for the next train to Shanghai? 我能买下一班开往上海的火车票吗?
77. How much is a round-trip ticket to Beijing? 往返北京的票价是多少?
78. We need two first-class tickets to Guangzhou. 我们需要两张往返广州的一等座票。
79. What's the departure time for the train to Xi'an? 到西安的火车什么时间出发?
80. Can we book our tickets online? 我们可以在线预订我们的火车票吗?


81. Have you visited the Great Wall yet? 你去参观过长城了吗?
82. This temple is so beautiful. 这座寺庙真美。
83. I want to take a photo of the Eiffel Tower. 我想拍一张埃菲尔铁塔的照片。
84. Let's take a guided tour of the national park. 让我们参加一次国家公园的导游之旅吧。
85. The view from this hilltop is amazing. 从这个山丘上看出去的景色很美。


86. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest bank? 你能告诉我最近的银行怎么走吗?
87. I'm looking for a restaurant that serves seafood. 我在找一家提供海鲜的餐厅。
88. Excuse me, can you show me where the post office is on the map? 对不起,你能给我指一下地图上邮局的位置吗?
89. I think we're lost. Can you help us find our way back to the hotel? 我们好像迷路了,能帮我们找回酒店的路吗?
90. Is the museum within walking distance from here? 博物馆可以步行到达吗?


91. What time is check-in and check-out? 入住和退房的时间是什么时候?
92. Can we have breakfast in our room? 我们可以在房间里吃早餐吗?
93. Is there a gym in the hotel? 酒店里有健身房吗?
94. Can you recommend a good restaurant nearby? 你可以推荐附近好的餐厅吗?
95. How do we access the hotel's wifi? 我们如何接入酒店的wifi?


96. How do I make a complaint about the service here? 我如何投诉这里的服务?
97. I think we should visit the museum first, and then have lunch. 我认为我们应该先去博物馆,然后再吃午餐。
98. Do you have any suggestions on what we should do next? 你有什么建议我们接下来应该做什么吗?
99. I'm not sure if we should take a taxi or the subway. 我不确定我们应该坐出租车还是地铁。
100. Let's ask the locals for suggestions on where to eat. 让我们向当地人询问去哪里吃饭的建议。




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: