
  • A+




1. 您好。- Hello.
2. 再见。- Goodbye.
3. 你好吗?- How are you?
4. 我很好,谢谢。- I’m fine, thank you.
5. 请。- Please.
6. 谢谢。- Thank you.
7. 不用谢。- You’re welcome.
8. 对不起。- I’m sorry.
9. 没关系。- It’s okay.
10. 在哪里能找到出租车?- Where can I find a taxi?
11. 我要去某某区。- I want to go to _______ district.
12. 开车送我去这儿。- Drive me to this place.
13. 我想找一家好的餐厅。- I want to find a good restaurant.
14. 能介绍一下当地的美食吗?- Can you recommend any local cuisine?
15. 我要去购物。- I want to go shopping.
16. 你能告诉我离这里最近的购物中心吗?- Can you tell me the nearest shopping center?
17. 我不知道要乘哪班火车。- I don’t know which train to take.
18. 我需要一张去某某地方的机票。- I need a ticket to _______.
19. 请问这儿有旅游咨询中心吗?- Is there a tourist information center here?
20. 你能告诉我在哪里买门票吗?- Can you tell me where to buy tickets?
21. 我迷路了。- I’m lost.
22. 你能帮我吗?- Can you help me?
23. 我要租一部手机。- I want to rent a mobile phone.
24. 能拍一张照片吗?- Could you take a photo for me?
25. 这个城市有哪些著名的景点?- What are the famous attractions in this city?
26. 我需要用洗衣机。- I need to use a washing machine.
27. 请问洗衣房在哪里?- Where is the laundry room?
28. 这个字怎么读?- How do you pronounce this word?
29. 这个词什么意思?- What does this word mean?
30. 我的护照掉了。- I lost my passport.
31. 你们能帮忙找回来吗?- Can you help me find it?
32. 请问这儿有警察局吗?- Is there a police station here?
33. 我的手机没电了。- My phone is out of battery.
34. 你能帮我充电吗?- Can you help me charge it?
35. 我需要一个医生。- I need a doctor.
36. 怎么去医院?- How do I get to the hos
37. 我需要打电话给银行。- I need to call the bank.
38. 你知道最近的银行在哪里吗?- Do you know where the nearest bank is?
39. 我喜欢这里的气氛。- I like the atmosphere here.
40. 这个酒店房间舒适吗?- Is the hotel room comfortable?
41. 我要订一间房间。- I want to book a room.
42. 就我一个人。- Just one person.
43. 我订了一个双人间。- I booked a double room.
44. 我的行李在哪里?- Where is my luggage?
45. 我要换钱。- I want to exchange money.
46. 你们这儿收什么信用卡?- What credit cards do you accept here?
47. 所有的费用都包括了吗?- Is everything included?
48. 我需要一个地图。- I need a map.
49. 你能指导我如何到达这个地方吗?- Can you show me how to get to this place?
50. 请问这是什么?- What is this?
51. 这个价格合理吗?- Is this price reasonable?
52. 我想退房。- I want to check out.
53. 我需要一个行李存放的地方。- I need a place to store my luggage.
54. 能提供一下免费Wi-Fi吗?- Do you offer free Wi-Fi?
55. 我需要借一个充电器。- I need to borrow a charger.
56. 能告诉我现在的时间吗?- Could you tell me the time now?
57. 我想买一些纪念品。- I want to buy some souvenirs.
58. 这里的物价如何?- How are the prices here?
59. 可以试穿吗?- Can I try it on?
60. 这种款式有其他颜色吗?- Is this style available in other colors?
61. 你们接受退货吗?- Do you accept returns?
62. 我需要一瓶水。- I need a bottle of water.
63. 我要买一些药。- I want to buy some medicine.
64. 这儿有什么好玩的?- What’s fun here?
65. 我要去海滩。- I want to go to the beach.
66. 请问去山上怎么走?- How do I get to the mountain?
67. 能租一辆自行车吗?- Can I rent a bicycle?
68. 我要去博物馆。- I want to go to the museum.
69. 我想学习这个地方的历史。- I want to learn about the history of this place.
70. 这儿有没有旅游景点推荐?- Do you have any tourist attraction recommendations?
71. 能告诉我这里的天气如何吗?- Can you tell me how the weather is here?
72. 我想要去购买一些本地产品。- I want to buy some local products.
73. 能帮我安排一下旅行路线吗?- Can you help me plan my travel itinerary?
74. 这儿有哪些特色酒吗?- What are the specialty drinks here?
75. 我要租一辆汽车。- I want to rent a car.
76. 请问租车公司在哪里?- Where is the car rental company?
77. 你们这儿有什么特色美食?- What are the specialty foods here?
78. 能不能帮我叫一辆出租车?- Can you help me call a taxi?
79. 这个地方最好的旅店是哪家?- Which is the best hotel in this place?
80. 我想要买一些当地的特色产品。- I want to buy some local specialty products.
81. 请问这里有什么特殊的活动?- What special events are there here?
82. 我想去看一场电影。- I want to go see

a movie.
83. 这里的夜生活怎么样?- How is the nightlife here?
84. 能和我聊聊天吗?- Can you chat with me?
85. 你能告诉我这个节日的来历吗?- Can you tell me about the origin of this holiday?
86. 你们有什么推荐的旅游路线吗?- Do you have any recommended travel routes?
87. 能告诉我如何用地铁吗?- Can you tell me how to use the subway?
88. 我需要一张公交车时刻表。- I need a bus timetable.
89. 我忘记我的房间号了。- I forgot my room number.
90. 这里的交通怎么样?- How is the transportation here?
91. 我需要一份菜单。- I need a menu.
92. 这个地方有什么好看的建筑物吗?- Are there any beautiful buildings in this place?
93. 我怎么样才能到达机场?- How do I get to the airport?
94. 我想听一首当地的歌曲。- I want to listen to a local song.
95. 能帮我拿一下我的行李吗?- Can you help me with my luggage?
96. 这里有什么有趣的地方吗?- Are there any interesting places here?
97. 我想要吃点简单的东西。- I want to eat something simple.
98. 这个酒店有早餐服务吗?- Does this hotel offer breakfast?
99. 我要买一些当地的手工艺品。- I want to buy

some local handmade crafts.
100. 你能给我一些建议吗?- Can you give me some advice?



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: