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a (an)?[?, e?(?n)] art. 一(个、件……)


abandon?[??b?nd?n] ?v. 扔掉, 扔掉, 扔掉?????

abandon the baby/ child/ friend

abandon the plan/ idea/ effort/ hopeabandon oneself to 堕入,沉湎于?

he abandoned himself to despair(绝望).?


ability?[??b?l?t?] n. 才能;才干

the ability to walk 行走的才能to the best of one’s ability 用尽全力?

he completed the job to the best of his ability.?

able [?e?b(?)l]?a. 可以;有才能的


abnormal [?b?n??m(?)l]?a. 异常的, 反常的

they thought his behavior was abnormal.反义词:normal


aboard?[??b??d]?prep. 上(船, 飞机, 火车, 轿车等)

all the people aboard 机上的人


abolish?[??b?l??]?v. 扔掉, 废止

abortion?[??b???(?)n]?v. 人流, 堕胎

about?[??ba?t]?ad. 大约;处处;四处?prep. 关于;在遍地;四处

a) be about to do sth…(when) 正要做某事,这时......

i was about to go out when it began to rain.b) look about/around/round?

c) how/what about…问询情况或主张


above [??b?v]?prep. 在……上面?a. 上面的?ad. 在……之上

above all 首要;特别


abroad?[??br??d]?ad. 到(在)国外

a) go /study /live abroad?

b) at home and abroad在国表里


abrupt?[??br?pt]?a. 俄然的, 意外的, 粗鲁

absence?[??bs?ns]?n. 不在, 缺席?

absence from work/ school?

the decision was made in my absence.in the absence of 在短少...…条件下?

the case was dismissed in the absence of proof.


absent?[??bs?nt]?a. 缺席, ?不在?

be absent from 缺席......

absent-minded adj. 心猿意马的


absolute?[??bs?lu?t]?a. 完全, 悉数, 必定的

absorb?[?b?s??b]?v. 吸收, 使聚精会神

absorb ink/ water/ neat/ light/ oxygen/ sound/ energyabsorb information/ knowledge?

be absorbed in 专心于,聚精会神于…...


abstract?[??bstr?kt]?a./ n. 笼统的(作品)

absurd?[?b?s??d]?a.荒诞的, 荒诞不经的



abuse alcohol/ drugs 酗酒 /嗜毒abuse power/ position/ privilege 乱用权力/职权/特权


academic?[?k??dem?k]?a. / n. 学术的, 教育的


accelerate?[?k?sel?re?t]?v.(使)加速, 加速

accent?[??ks?nt]?n. 口音, 腔调?

accept?[?k?sept]?vt. 承受

accept the gift/invitation/plan?

accept sb/sth as…


access?[??kses]?n. / v. 通道, 入径, 存取(核算机文件)

the only access to the farm was a narrow bridge.only high officials have access to the emperor.we students have access to the school library.accessible adj. 可进入的,可接近的,可运用的such information is not easily accessible to the public.

accessible?[?k?ses?b(?)l]?a. 可抵达的, 可承受的, 易共处的)


accident?[??ks?d?nt]?n. 事端, 意外的事?

by accident/chance 偶尔,无意中;不留神


accommodation?[?k?m??de??(?)n]?n.住宿, 膳宿

accompany?[??k?mp?n?]?v. 伴随, 陪同, 与…一起发生

accompany sb. to the school/supermarketaccompany the singer on/at the piano?

lightening(闪电)usually accompanies thunder.


accomplish?[??k?mpl??]?v. 结束

accomplishment n. 作用,成果accomplish the task/purpose/goal


according to?[??k??d???t?]?ad. 依照, 根据

according to the law, he should be sentenced to death.


account?[??ka?nt]?n. 账目;描绘?

accountant?[??ka?nt(?)nt]?n. 会计, 会计师

accumulate [??kju?mj?le?t]?v. 堆集, 积累

accuracy [??kj?r?s?]?n. 精确, 精确

accuse?[??kju?z]?v. 呵斥, 指控

accuse sb of (doing ) sth 指控…...


accustomed?[??k?st?md]?a. 习气于,惯常的

be/get/become accustomed to doing?

he was soon accustomed to getting up early.


ache?[e?k]?vi.& n. 痛, 痛苦?

headache / toothache?

my back aches so much.


achieve?[??t?i?v]?vt. 抵达, 获得?

achieve success/victory/one’s goal

achievement?[??t?i?vm?nt]?n. 作用,成果,劳绩

make great achievements

acid?[??s?d]?a. 酸的

acknowledge [?k?n?l?d?]?v. 招认

it is generally acknowledged that global warming is caused by greenhouse gases(温室气体).yaoming is acknowledged as/to be the best player in china.i acknowledged financial(财务的)support from the local government.


acquaintance?[??kwe?nt?ns]?n. 熟人, (与或人)知道

acquire?[??kwa??(r)]?v. 获得, 得到

acquisition?[?kw??z??(?)n]?n. 获得, 得到

acre?[?e?k?(r)]?n. 英亩

across?[??kr?s]?prep. 横过, 穿过?

cross ?v. 穿过,横穿

cross a street

come/run across偶尔碰到


act?[?kt]?n. 规则, 规则?v. (戏)扮演, 扮演(人物), 表演(戏);行为, 干事?

act as 充当;扮演?

act out 把…...扮表演来


action?[??k?(?)n]?n. 行为?

take action to do sth?

put sth into action 把…付诸施行


active?[??kt?v]?a. 活泼的, 主动的?

take an active part in/be active in 活泼参加


activity?[?k?t?v?t?]?n. 活动

outdoor activities 户外运动


actor?[??kt?(r)]?n. 男演员

actress?[??ktr?s]?n. 女演员

actual?[??kt???l]?a. 实践的;?实际的?

actually adv.?

in (actual) fact 实践上


acute a.非常严峻的,(病)急性的

ad n. 公元?

ad?[?d]?(缩) =advertisement n.广告?

adapt?[??d?pt]?v. 使习气, 合适, 改编

adapt to change/the city life

adapt oneself to the new surroundings?

adapt the novel for a film?


adaptation?[?d?p?te??(?)n]?n. 习气, 改编本

add?[?d]?vt.添加, 添加?

add(…)to 添加?

add up 把…加在一同?

add up to总计为; 总数为a) his illness added to our trouble.?

b) he added that he would come again.c) please add these figures(数字)up.?

d) these numbers add up to 100.e) he added some salt to the water.


addicted?[??d?kt?d]?a. 上瘾, 成瘾, 入神

addition?[??d??(?)n]?n. 添加;(管用用语)加?


n. 地址?

address the letter to sb. 给或人寄信?

the letter was wrongly addressed.the president addressed the public.


adequate?[??d?kw?t]?a. 适合的, 符合需要的

adjust?[??d??st]?v. 调整,调度,习气,习气

adjust your speed/the volume(音量)/the cameraadjust to the dark/the single life?

adjust yourself to the student life?

adjustment n. 调整,调度


adjustment?[??d??stm?nt]?n. 调整, 习气

administration?[?dm?n??stre??(?)n]?n. 打点,行政部分

admirable?[??dm?r?b(?)l]?a. 值得欣赏的,可敬佩的

admire?[?d?ma??(r)]?v. 敬佩;仰慕?

admire sb for sth?

i admire john for his courage.


admission?[?d?m??(?)n]?n. 准入, 接收?

admit?[?d?m?t]?vt. 招认, 答应(出场, 入学, 入会)?

1) 招认?

admit one’s mistakes

admit doing/having donehe admitted having stolen the money.2) 答应(出场,入学,入会)?

admit sb to/into→sb be admitted tohe has been admitted to beijing university.


adolescence?[?d??'lesns]?n. 芳华,


adolescent?[?d??les?nt]?n. 青少年

adopt?[??d?pt] v. 收养, 领养

adopt a child?

the adopted son/daughteradopt a new policy/a suggestion/a plan/an attitude


adore?[??d??(r)]?v. (不必于进行时)酷爱, 倾慕或人

adult?[??d?lt]?n. 成年人?

advance?[?d?vɑ?ns; (us) ?d?v?ns]?v. 推进, 推进;行进?

advanced adj.??领先的/ 高档的in advance 预先,事前 an advanced worker


advantage?[?d?vɑ?nt?d?]?n. 利益;?优点?

take advantage of 使用?

have an advantage over 优于…...

to sb’s advantage 对(或人)有利


adventure?[?d?vent??(r)]?n. 冒险;?奇遇?

advertise?[??dv?ta?z]?vt. 为……做广告?


advertise a product?2)登广告寻求/寻找…...

advertise for a new sales manager


advertisement?[?d?v??t?sm?nt]?n. 广告?

advice?[?d?va?s]?n. 劝告, ?? 主张?

take/follow/accept one’s advice 承受或人的主张ask sb for advice 向或人寻求主张?

a piece of advice 一条主张give sb some advice on sthadvise sb (not) to do

advise doing

advise that …(should)+doour teacher advised that we should study hard.


advise?[?d?va?z]?vt. 劝告, ?? 主张?

advocate?[??dv?k?t]?v. 撑持, 撑持, 建议

aeroplane?[`er?,ple?n]?n. (英)飞机?

affair?[??fe?(r)]?n. 事, 作业?

affect?[??fekt]?vt. 影响?

smoking affects health.?

people were deeply affected by the death of jin zhengri.


affection?[??fek?(?)n]?n. 喜爱, 宠爱

afford?[??f??d]?vt. 担负得起(……的费用);抽得出(时刻);供给?

can/could/be able to afford sth/to do sth?

i can’t afford a book/to buy the book


afraid?[??fre?d]?a. 惧怕的;忧虑?

be afraid to do 因为惧怕不敢做…...

be afraid of doing 惧怕...…she was afraid to go out alone at night.?

she was afraid of waking him up.


africa [??fr?k?]* n. 非洲

african?[??fr?k?n]?a. 非洲的, 非洲人的?n. 非洲人?

after[?ɑ?ft?(r)]r ad. 在后;后来prep. 在…之后;在?后边?conj. 在…今后?

afternoon?[ɑ?ft??nu?n]?n. 下午, 午后?

afterward(s)?[?ɑ?ft?w?d(z)]?ad. 后来?

again?[??ɡe?n]?ad. 再一次;再, 又?

against?[??ɡe?nst]?prep. 对着, 对立?

stand against the wall (靠墙站着)?

go against nature

be against sth?they are strongly against the plan.?

the pine tree were black against the morning sky.


age?[e?d?]?n. 年纪;年代?

for ages 多年

at an early age

at the age of …?of the same age=of an age?

after his wife’s death he aged quickly.


agency?[?e?d??ns?]?n. 署理机构

agenda?[??d?end?]?n. (会议)议程表, 议事日程

agent?[?e?d??nt]?n. 署理人, 经济人

aggression?[??ɡre?(?)n]?n. 侵略?

aggressive?[??ɡres?v]?a. 侵略的;咄咄逼人

ago [??ɡ??] ad. 早年?

agree?[??ɡri?]?v. 附和;容许?

1)agree with?


agree with sb / what you say/your opinion.②标明共同;“ (食物、气候、作业等)对…适合”:the weather does not agree with me. 这种气候对我不适合。a verb must agree with its subject in person and number.what he does does not agree with what he says. 他言而无信致。2)agree to the plan/ the arrangement/ the suggestion .3)agree on /upon首要指双/多方经过洽谈而获得共同定见或达到协议:we agreed on the price. 咱们就价格达到了共同定见。both sides agreed on these terms. 两边都附和这些条件。4) agree to do sth?

he agreed to go with us. 他附和同咱们去。5) reach/arrive at/come to an agreement?

6) i can’t/couldn’t agree more.


agreement?[??ɡri?m?nt]?n. 附和, 共同;协议, 协议?

agricultural?[?ɡr??k?lt??r(?)l]?a. 农业的?

agriculture?[??ɡr?k?lt??(r)]?n. 农业, 农学?

ahead?[??hed]?ad. 在前, 向前?

ahead of time 提前?

go ahead 行进,干吧,说吧


aid?[e?d]?n. 协助;救助;辅佐用具?

first aid 急救?

in aid of 撑持by ( the) aid of 凭仗于,经过…的协助?

come/go to one’s aid 协助或人aid (sb/sth) in/with ( doing) sth 协助或人做…...



aim?[e?m]?n.意图;方针?v. 方案, 方案;瞄准;关于?

①?瞄准,对准 he aimed the gun at the enemy officer.② (向某方面)尽力 she's aiming at ( trying to win) a scholarship.③ 关于或人 my words were not aimed at you.


air?[e?(r)]?n. 空气;大气?

aircraft?[?e?krɑ?ft]?n. 飞机?(单复数同)

airline n. 航空公司;航空体系?

airmail?[?e?me?l]?n. 航空邮件?

airplane?[?e?ple?n]?n. (美)飞机?

airport?[?e?p??t]?n. 航空站, 飞机场?


alarm?[??lɑ?m]?n. 警报?

album?[??lb?m]?n. 相册, 影集, 集邮簿

alcohol?[??lk?h?l]?n. 含酒精饮料, 酒?

alcoholic?[?lk??h?l?k]?a. / n. 含酒精的, 酒鬼

algebra?[??ld??br?]?n. 代数

alike?[??la?k]?ad. 很类似地, 相同地

we are alike in many ways.they tried to treat their children alike.


alive?[??la?v]?a. 活着的, 存在的?

catch …alive 活捉?


be alive with= be full of

the lake was alive with fish.?

who is the greatest man alive.(后置定语)


all?[??l]?ad. 悉数地?a. 全(部);一切的;总;整?pron.悉数;全体人员?

allergic?[??l??d??k]?a. 过敏的, 厌烦

alley?[??l?]?n. 冷巷, 胡同

allocate?[??l?ke?t]?v. 拨给,划归,分配…给

allow?[??la?]?vt. 答应, 答应

allow doing/sb to doallow for 把......思考进入?

has everything been allowed for in your plan?


allowance?[??la??ns]?n. 补助, 补助

almost?[???lm??st]?ad. 几乎, 差不多?

almost no one/nobody came to the party.?

there was almost no snow that winter.


alone?[??l??n]?a. 单独的, 孑立的?

1) 描述词she is alone at home. (她单独一人在家。)2) 副词i like to work alone. (我喜爱单独一人作业。)3) “只需,只是” the shoes alone cost $200.?

let /leave sb/sth alone 别打扰......let alone 更不必说

lonely1) 定语, “孑立的,无伴侣的,无人迹的,荒芜的,偏僻的” a lonely man/island.2) 表语,“孤寂的,孤寂的” feel lonely ?

he lives alone but he doesn’t feel lonely.


along?[??l??; (us) ??l??]?ad. 向前;和…一同;一同?prep. 沿着;顺着?

alongside?[?l???sa?d; (us) ?l????sa?d]?ad.在…周围,与…一起

aloud?[??la?d]?ad. 大声地?

read aloud 大声朗读

think aloud 喃喃自语


alphabet?[??lf?bet]?n. 字母表, 字母

already?[??l?red?]?ad. 现已?

also?[???ls??]?ad. 也?


although?[??l?e??]?conj. 尽管, 尽管?

altitude?[??lt?tju?d; (us) ?l?t?tu?d]?n. 海前进度

altogether?[??lt??ɡee?(r)]?ad. 一共?

aluminium?[?lj??m?n??m]?n. (化)铝

always?[???lwe?z]?ad. 老是;一向;永久?

am/?m/?v. be的人称方法之一

a.m./a.m.? n. 午前, 上午

amateur?[??m?t?(r)]?a. 业余喜爱的

amaze?[??me?z]?v. 惊奇, 惊叹;震动?

what amazes me is how long she managed to hide it from us.it amazed me that he could be so calm at such a time.amazed adj. 惊奇的,惊异的?

amazing adj.令人惊奇的/惊异的



ambassador (ambassadress)?[?m?b?s?d?(r)]?n.大使

ambiguous?[?m?b?ɡj??s]?a. 不置可否的


ambulance?[??mbj?l?ns]?n. 救助车

america?[??mer?k?]?* n. 美国;美洲?


among?[??m??]?prep. 在…中心;在(三个以上)之间?

amount?[??ma?nt]?n. / v. 金额, 数量, 总计

a large amount of=large amounts of +不可以数名词?amount to1) (数量上)抵达,总计time lost through illness amounts to 1,357 working days.因疾病而丢掉的时刻一共为1357个作业日。2)等于,意味着ultimately, their ideas amount to the same thing. 归根究竟,他们想的都是一回事。


ample?[??mp(?)l]?a. 满足的, 充盈的

amuse?[??mju?z]?vt. (使人)高兴, 逗乐?

the funny drawings amused the kids.be amused by/at/with 被…逗乐?

amuse oneself 自娱自乐the boys amused themselves by drawing.?


amusement?[??mju?zm?nt]?n. 文娱?

1) 文娱,发笑?

to one’s amusement 让或人发笑

they were dancing and singing in the car, much to the amusement of passers-by.他们在车里跳舞,歌唱,让路人感到非常风趣。2) 文娱活动,消遣活动 amusements


analyze/ `?nl,a?z / ?v. 分析

analysis?[??n?l?s?s]?n. 分析, 分析成果

ancestor?[??ns?st?(r)]?n. 祖先;?祖先?

acchor v. / n. 锚, 抛锚

ancient?[?e?n??nt]?a. 古代的, 陈旧的?

and?[?nd, ?nd]?conj. 和;又;而?

anecdote?[??n?kd??t]?n. 逸闻, 趣闻

anger?[???ɡ?(r)]?n. 怒, 愤恨?

angle?[???ɡ(?)l]?n. 视点

angry?[??nɡr?]?a. 生气的, 愤恨的?

be angry at (about) 因为...…而生气?

be angry with sb 生或人的气


animal?[??n?m(?)l]?n. 动物?

ankle?[???k(?)l]?n. 踝, 踝关节

anniversary?[?n??v??s?r?]?n. 周年岁念日

announce?[??na?ns]?vt. 宣告, 宣告

announce a decision/plan/intention?

announce sth to sb?

announce thatat the end of the meeting , it was announced that an agreement had been reached.make an announcement


announcement?[??na?nsm?nt]?n. 布告, 告诉?

annoy?[??n??]?vt. (使)烦恼?

be annoyed with sb.for (at) sth.what annoyed him most was that he had received no apology.annoyed adj. 略感烦恼(生气)的?

annoying adj. 厌烦的,令人烦恼的


annual?[??nj??l]?a. 每年的, 年度的, 一年一次的

another?[??n?e?(r)]?a. 再一;另一;另外;不一样的?pron. 另一个?

answer?[?ɑ?ns?(r); (us) ??ns?r]?n.答复,答复;回信;答案?v.答复,答复;回信;(作出)答案?

the answer to the question?

answer a question/the door/the phoneanswer for 对… 担任?

you will have to answer for your wrong doing one day.


ant?[?nt]?n. 蚂蚁?

antarctic [?n?tɑ?kt?k]a. 南极的?

the antarctic?[?n?tɑ?kt?k]?南极?

antarctica?[?n'tɑ:ktik?]??* n. 南极洲?

antique?[?n?ti?k]?n. 古玩?

anxiety?[???za??t?]?n. 担忧, 焦虑

anxious?[???k??s]?a. 担忧的, 着急的?

anxious adj. 焦虑的,不安的; 忧虑的;?盼望的,急迫的

be anxious about sth for sbbe anxious to do sth


any?[?en?]?pron. (不管)哪一个;哪些?任何的;(用于疑问句、否定句)一些;啥?

anybody?[?en?b?d?]?pron. 任何人, 不管谁?

anyhow?[?en?ha?]?ad. 不管怎样?

anyone?[?en?w?n]?pron. 任何人, 不管谁?

anything?[?en?θ??]?pron. 啥事(物);任何事(物)?

anywa?[?en?we?]y ad. 不管怎样?

anywhere?[?en?we?(r)]?ad. 任何当地?

apart?[??pɑ?t]?ad, / a. 相隔, 相距, 在外

apartment?[??pɑ?tm?nt]?n. (美)楼中单元房, 一套房间;房间?

apologize?[??p?l?d?a?z]?vi. 抱愧, 谢罪?

apology n.抱愧,抱愧  

make an apology/apologies to sb for sth?

apologise to sb for sth


apology?[??p?l?d??]?n. 抱愧;抱愧?

apparent?[??p?r?nt]?a. 清楚明晰

appeal?[??pi?l]?v. 上诉, 申述, 招引力

the design has appealed to people of all ages.?

i appeal to you to protect the environment.have/hold appeal for sb. 对或人有招引力?

lose one’s appeal 失掉招引力


appear?[??p??(r)]?vi. 呈现?

1) vi. 呈现,出头?2) 系动词 如同,如同?

appear+ (to be) + n/adj 如同it appears (to sb) that /as if...?

he appeared to be happy in the news.it appears to me that he will win.it appears that all the files have been deleted.档案如同都现已被删去了。police say there appear to be signs of a break-in.警方称如同有破门而入的痕迹。


appearance?[??p??r?ns]?n. 呈现, 出头;容貌?

judge by appearances 以貌取人


appendix [??pend?ks]n. 附录, 阑尾

appetite?[??p?ta?t]?n. 食欲, 食欲

applaud?[??pl??d]?v. / n. 拍手,欣赏,欣赏

apple?[??p(?)l]?n. 苹果?

applicant?[??pl?k?nt]?n. 请求人

application?[?pl??ke??(?)n]?n. 请求?

make an application for


apply [??pla?]v. 请求?

apply for 请求;恳求apply sth to …运用,使用?

apply oneself to 尽力于,会集精力做某事


appoint?[??p??nt]?v. 录用, 委任, 组织, 断定(时刻, 地址)

1) 录用,差遣

a committee was appointed to consider the plan. 一个委员会被指定去研讨这些方案。?

he was appointed as chairman.2). 约好,断定?

everyone got there at the appointed time.in the evening he made his way to the appointed meeting place.


appointment?[??p??ntm?nt]?n. 约会?

make an appointment 约好,录用

his appointment as president 他担任总统的录用


appreciate?[??pri???e?t]?v. 赏识;?感谢?

appreciate your concern?

appreciate doing sthappreciate your abilities/fine works of art?

i’d appreciate it if you let me get on with my job.


appreciation?[?pri????e??(?)n]?n. 赏识,判定,评价

approach?[??pr??t?]?n. / v. 接近, 接近, 主张, 需求

1)?. v. 接近;接近;走进as they approached the wood, a rabbit ran out of the trees.i find him difficult to approach. the winter vacation is approaching.2). n. 接近;办法;途径;通路he decided to adopt a different approach and teach the bible through story-telling.his approach to the problem are wrong. all the approach to the palace were guarded by troops.


appropriate?[??pr??pr??t]?a. 适合的, 恰当的


approve of 撑持,附和?

approve of one’s ideahe doesn’t approve of my leaving this year.?

approve the plan/ proposal 经过/附和方案/提议

approval n.


approximately?[?pr?ks??m?tl?]?ad.近似, 大约

apron?[?e?pr?n]?n. (机场的)停机坪

arbitrary?[?ɑ?b?tr?r?; (us) ?ɑ?rb?trer?]?a. 随心所欲的, 独裁的, 独断的

arch?[ɑ?t?]?n. 拱, 拱门

architect?[?ɑ?k?tekt]?n. 建筑师, 方案师

architecture?[?ɑ?k?tekt??(r)]?n.建筑学, 建筑方案, 个性

april?[?e?pr(?)l]?n. 4月?

arab?[??r?b]?* a. 阿拉伯的?n. 阿拉伯人?

arabic?[??r?b?k]?a. 阿拉伯语的?n. 阿拉伯语?

arctic?[?ɑ?kt?k]?a. 北极的?

the arctic?[?ɑ?kt?k]?北极?

the arctic ocean?[?ɑ?kt?k ????(?)n]?北冰洋?

are?[ɑ?(r)]?v.(be) 是

area?[?e?r??]?n. 面积;地域, 当地, 区域;规模, 领域?

argue [?ɑ?ɡju?]vi. 争论, ?争论?

1) argue for/against 撑持/对立

2) argue sb into/out of doing sth 说服或人做/不做某事3) argue with sb about sth 与或人争论某事


argument?[?ɑ?ɡj?m?nt]?n. 争论, 争辩?


have an argument with sb about/over sth2) 观念,论据?

a powerful argument against smoking


arise (arose, arisen)?[??ra?z]?vi. 起来, 升起;呈现?

1) 呈现,发生,发生?

a new crisis has arisen. 新危机呈现。2)起床,启航,起立?

he arose at dawn. 他拂晓即起。


arithmetic?[??r?θm?t?k]?n. 算术?

arm?[ɑ?m]?n. 臂,支架?v. 以…配备,配备起来n. (美)武器,武力?

n. 手臂,支架 武器(复)?

arm in arm 手挽手?

take up arms 拿起武器vt. 以…配备/配备起...来 arm…with…armed with the new equipment, the explorers entered the cave.?

be armed to the teeth 悉数配备


armchair?[ɑ?m?t?e?(r)]?n. 扶手椅?

army?[?ɑ?m?]?n. 戎行?

around?[??ra?nd]?ad. 在周围;在邻近prep. 在……周围;大约?

around the corner 在角落处,即将到来?

around the clock 昼夜不断地


arrange?[??re?nd?]?v. 组织, 安设

arrangement [??re?nd?m?nt]n. 组织, 安设?

arrange an appointment 组织预定?

have you arranged to meet mark this weekend?we had arranged that i would go for the weekend.咱们协商好了,这个周末我去。he arrived as arranged. 他践约而至。the company will arrange for a taxi to meet you at the airport.dave arranged for someone to drive him home.arrangement n. 组织,安设?

make arrangements for…


arrest?[??rest]?v. 逮捕, 拘留

he got arrested for careless driving.put/place sb under arrest 逮捕或人


arrival?[??ra?v(?)l]?n. 到来, 抵达?

arrive?[??ra?v]?vi. 抵达;抵达?

arrow?[??r??]?n. 箭;箭头?

art?[ɑ?t]?n. 艺术, 美术;技艺?


an article of clothing 一件衣裳


artificial?[ɑ?t??f??(?)l]a. 人工的, 人工的


as?[?z, ?z] ad.& conj.像……相同;如同;因为?prep. 作为, 作为

ash?[??]?n. 灰;?灰末?

ashamed?[???e?md]?a. 惭愧;?害臊

a) be ashamed of 为......感到惭愧?c) feel ashamed for sb 替或人感到惭愧?

ashamed & shamefulashamed 指事物使人感到羞耻、惭愧、害臊shameful 指事物或本身羞耻不道德。?

he is ashamed of his shameful conduct.


asia?[?e???]* n. 亚洲?

asian?[?e??(?)n, ?e??(?)n]?a. 亚洲(人)的n. 亚洲人?

aside?[??sa?d]?ad. 在周围?

ask?[ɑ?sk]?v. 问;恳求, 需求;聘请?

asleep?[??sli?p]?a. 睡着的, 熟睡?

fall asleep 入眠?

he seems to be fast asleep.


aspect?[??spekt]?n. 方面, 外观, 表面


assessment?[??sesm?nt]?n. 观点, 评价

assist [??s?st]v. 协助, 协助

assist sb. in doing/with sth.we’ll assist you in finding a place to live.she employed a woman to assist her with the housework.assistance n.?

technical/military assistance 技能/军事协助

assistance?[??s?st(?)ns]?n. 协助, 协助, 撑持


assistant?[??s?st(?)nt]?n. 辅佐, 助理?

associate?[??s????e?t]?v. 联想, 联络

association?[?s??s??e??(?)n]?n. 协会, 社团, 联络

assume?[??sju?m; (us) ??su?m]?v. 假定, 假定

it is assumed that…广泛认为......i had assumed him to be a teacher. 我本认为他是教师。he assumed an air of concern. 他装出关怀的姿势。

assuming (that)… 假定,假定

assumption n.

assumption?[??s?mp?(?)n]?n. 假定, 假定

astonish?[??st?n??]?vt. 使惊奇?

astonished 感到震动的

astonishing 令人震动的


astronaut?[??str?n??t]?n. 宇航员?

astronomer?[??str?n?m?(r)]?n. 地舆学家

astronomy?[??str?n?m?]?n. 地舆学?


athlete?[??θli?t]?n. 运建议?

athletic?[?θ?let?k]?a. 健旺的,体育运动的

athletics?[?θ?let?ks]?n. 田径

atlantic?[?t?l?nt?k]?a. 大西洋的?

the atlantic ocean?[?t?l?nt?k ????(?)n]?大西洋?

atmosphere?[??tm?sf??(r)]?n. 大气;气氛?

atom?[??t?m]?n. 原子, 微粒?

attach?[??t?t?]?v. 把…固定, 注重

attach …to...

attack?[??t?k]?vt. / n. 进犯, 突击?


attempt?[??tempt]?vt. 企图, 测验?

attempt to do sth

he was charged with attempting to kill his wife.attempt sth?

the plane crashed(坠毁)while attempting an emergency landing.make an attempt to do/at doing 企图做某事


attend?[??tend]?v. 关照, 照顾, 服侍;到会, 参加?

attend a meeting/ school/ church/ the concertattend to sth处置,留心,照顾

i have a few other things to attend to.attend on sb 关照,照顾?


attention?[??ten?(?)n]?n. 留心, 关怀?

pay ( much/no/little) attention to doing(sth)

draw one’s attention to?doing(sth)  

fix one’s attention/mind/eyes on

attract one’s attention


attentively?[?'tentivli]??ad. 留心地?

attitude?[??t?tju?d; (us) ??t?tud]?n. 情绪, 观点?

attract?[??tr?kt]?v. 招引, 致使?

like attracts like. 物以类聚


attraction?[??tr?k?(?)n]?n. 招引, 倾慕

attractive?[??tr?kt?v]?a. 诱人的, 有招引力的?

audience?[???d??ns]?n. 观众, 听众?

authentic?[???θent?k]?a. 真实的, 真品的

author?[???θ?(r)]?n. 作者, 作家?

authority [???θ?r?t?] n.权力,声威,威信,官方

automatic?[??t??m?t?k]?a. 主动的, 机械的

autonomous?[???t?n?m?s]?a. 自治的, 自立的

august?[???ɡ?st]?n. 8月?

aunt?[ɑ?nt; (us) ?nt]?n. 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨?

australia?[??stre?lj?]?* n. 澳洲;澳大利亚?

australian?[??stre?l??n]?a. 澳洲的, 澳大利亚人的?n. 澳大利亚人?

autumn?[???t?m]?n. 秋天, 秋季?

available?[???t?m]?a. 可获得的, 有空的

avenue?[??v?nju???v?nu?]?n. 大道?


on (the)average 均匀i was just an average sort of student. 我只是一个一般学生。


avoid?[??v??d]?v. 避免, 躲开, 躲避?

avoid doing


awake (awoke, awoken)?[??we?k]?v. 唤醒?a. 醒着的?

is he awake or asleep??

awake to sth 知道到/醒悟到it took her some time to awake to the dangers of her situation.?


award?[w??d]?n. 奖品, 奖赏?

aware?[??we?(r)]?a. 晓得, 知道到, 发觉

be aware of...


away?[??we?]?ad. 脱离;远离?

keep away from 坚持间隔

far away 在远处right away 马上,马上

give away 泄露,赠送



awful?[???f?l]?a. 很坏的, 极厌烦的


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