
  • A+

1. 一般疑问句
规划: be/助动词/神态动词+主语+其他成分?
花那么多时刻在电脑游戏方面有必要吗? is it necessary to spend so much time on computer games?
你方案参加即将到来的运动会吗? are you going to take part in the coming sports meeting?
一自个的喜爱和性格之间有啥联络吗? is there any relationship between one’s hobby and his character?
住学校宿舍是不是较廉价? is it cheaper to live in a university dormitory than in a private house?
你想来点奶酪吗? would/do you like some cheese?
网上购物将会替代传统的购物方法吗? will online shopping take the place of the traditional shopping?
你是不是拿了我放在桌面的钥匙? did you take the key which put on the table by me?
你是不是晓得这儿阻止吸烟? do you know that smoking is forbidden here?
你还没有结束教师安设的作业? haven’t you finished the homework assigned by the teacher ?
2. 特别疑问句
1)what & which
今日星期几? what day is today?
今日几号? what is the date today?
今每气候如何? what is the weather like today?
他们下一步方案做啥? what are they going to do next?
david 参加了哪一组? which group did david take part in?
你方案到哪个大学学习? which university are you going to study in?
吸烟对咱们有啥影响? what effect does smoking have on us?
当咱们学习英语时,大约留心啥? what should we pay attention to when we learn english?
为了坚持安康咱们大约有啥样的饮食? what kind of diet should we have to keep healthy?
这个男孩的母亲年青时喜爱干啥? what did the boy’s mother enjoy doing when she was young?
2)who /whom when /where/why
谁将会做一个关于如何节约用水的讲座? who will make a speech about how to save water?
他们正在着急地等候谁? whom are they anxiously waiting for?
商铺的运营时刻是? when is the shop open for business?
你啥时分有空来看一下房子? when are you free to see the apartments?
你在哪里找到你上星期丢掉的车? where did you find the car that you lost last week?
迩来的轿车站在哪里? where is the nearest bus station from here?
他们为啥不喜爱传统的节日? why don’t they like the traditional festivals?
carl为啥不附和星期五做手术? why doesn’t carl agree to have the operation on friday?
说话者为啥为自个的安康忧虑? why did the speaker worry about health?
3)how / how often/ how much / how many / how long / how far…
时刻怎么组织? how is the schedule arranged?
mary 和她的同学共处得怎么样? how does mary get along with her classmates?
这个女士多久要参加一次部分会议? how often does the woman attend the department meeting?
超市里一块饼干多少钱? how much is a piece of cake in the supermarket?
火车单程票票价? how much do we pay for a single ticket?
他们中有多少人下周四会启航去上海? how many of them will leave for shanghai next thursday?
有多少人在事端中去世? how many people were killed in the accident?
从这个房子到迩来的地铁有多远? how far is it from the house to the nearest subway station?
你现已在这儿呆了多长时刻了? how long have you stayed here?
从本处乘火车到那个景点的时刻? how long does it take to go by train from here to the place of interest?
你要怎么去,坐火车仍是乘飞机? how are you getting there, by train or by plane?
3. 选择疑问句
规划:一般疑问句+or+其他成分? / 特别疑问句 +or+其他成分?
他喜爱呆在这儿仍是回家? does he prefer to

stay here or go back home?
你将搭乘飞机仍是火车脱离? will you leave by air or by train?
他何时启航去伦敦,今日仍是明日? when will he leave for london, today or tomorrow?
哪个城市大些,北京仍是纽约? which city is bigger, beijing or new york?
猫和狗你更喜爱哪一种? which do you prefer, cats or dogs?
4. 反义疑问句
那里的气候并不冷,对吗? the weather there isn’t very cold, is it?
你会参加这个周末的派对,是吗? you are going to the party this weekend, aren’t you?
你必定把这事告诉她了,不是吗? you must have told her about it, haven’t you?
咱们将会永久记住这次的阅历,对吗? we will remember this experience forever, won’t we?
许多人日自己在地震中丧生,对吗? many japanese were killed in the earthquake, weren’t they?
5. 变异问句
您能告诉我一些关于期中考试的作业? can you tell me something about the mid-term exam?
您介意告诉我是谁担任这个部分吗? would you mind telling me who is in charge of the department?
他认为啥是最大疑问? what does he consider is the biggest problem?

where do you suppose the meeting will take place?


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: