沪教版8大学上册英语Unit 1 常识点总结

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沪教版8大学上册英语Unit 1 常识点总结插图


1. music (n.)音乐

musician (n.) 音乐家

musical (adj.) 音乐的

2. Italy (n.) 意大利

Italian (n.) 意大利人

3. invent (v.) 创造

inventor (n.) 创造家

invention (n.) 创造

4. science (n.) 科学

scientist (n.) 科学家

scientific (adj.) 科学的

5. intelligence (n.) 才智

intelligent (adj.) 有智力的

6. art (n.) 艺术

artist (n.) 艺术家

artistic (adj.) 艺术的

7. able (adj.) 有才能的

ability (n.) 才干

disability (n.) 无能;残疾

8. include (v.) 包括;包括

including (prep) 包括,包括

9. win (v.)赢

winner (n.) 取胜的人

10. attract (v.) 招引

attraction (n) 招引

attractive (adj.) 招引人的

11. die (v.) 去世

dead (adj.) 死去的

death (n.) 去世


查阅;查找 look up

灭绝;不见 die out

出世 be born

弄清;查明 find out

在村庄 in the countryside

重要的事物 something important

从很小的时分 from an early age

使或人做某事 make sb. do sth

超凡智力 great intelligence

裂开 break open

艺术才能 artistic ability

对或人很重要 be important to sb.

跟着或人逐步长大 as sb. grows older

由……构成consist of= be made up of

例如 for example; such as

许多;许多 a number of

一些……另一些 some…others

林林总总的 all kinds of

人类 human beings

去漫步 go for a walk

从…学到 learn about …from…

在报纸上 in the newspaper


1、human 人的,也写作human being

Dogs can hear much better than humans.


2、learn about 得悉,得知,晓得到about是介词,后边接名词,代词做宾语,about 也可用of替代。

例:We re all sorry to learn about her illness.


3、listen to 意为“听”,若标明听或人或某事时,后边要加介词to,to后接名词或代词。listen 意为“听”,指听的进程,偏重动作,是不及物动词,不能直接跟宾语。

例:Listen to a radio programme about the “Human Encyclopedia”.


4、inventor 创造家

例: He is a famous inventor.


【拓宽】(1)invent v. 创造、创造,指创造、创造出来的是早年没有的东西。

Gilbert discovered electricity,but Edison invented the light bulb.


(2)invention n. 创造

The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.


5、musician 音乐家,可数名词。

a piece of music 一首音乐

listen to music 听音乐

【拓宽】music n. 音乐,乐曲

musical adj. 音乐的

6、scientist 科学家


scient 科学→scientist 科学家

art 艺术→artist 艺术家

piano 钢琴→pianist 钢琴家

violin 小提琴→violinist 小提琴家

7、born 出世

be born on +地址

be born in出世于

I was born in 1980. 我生于1980年。

8、ability 才干,才能,复数是abilities

have the ability to do sth有才能做某事

9、perhaps 可以,大约

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10、include 包括,包括

The price of the room includes breakfast. 房间的房钱包括在早餐在内。

【词语分析】include , including , included

(1)include vt. 包括、包括,指全体包富含些,不必定举出所包括的悉数内容。

The price includes both house and furniture.


(2)including 介词,意为“包括,包括”,差异于included,放在名词之前。

There are seven people, including four men.


(3)included adj. 包括在内的,常用于名词之后。它和including致使的短语意义相同,可是在句中的方位不一样。

Everybody had something to say, me included/ including me.

11、nobody 没有人,nobody = not ...... anybody.

I saw nobody. = I didn t see anybody.


12、more than 后接数词,意为“跨越,多于" ,恰当于over

He has been ill for more than two weeks.

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13、look up 查找,后边接名词或代词,代词做宾语有必要放在look与up之间。

Please look it up in the dictionary, if you don t know. 假定你不理解就请查字典。

14、on earth 在地球上,在世界上,在人世,恰当于in the world.

Dinosaurs lived on earth more than 60 million years before human beings.


【拓宽】on earth 意为“究竟”。一般用于疑问词后标明偏重

Where on earth have you been just now?


15、as+描述词或副词原级+as …和…相同

not as +描述词或副词原级+as 标明两边在某个方面不一样。

We think science is as important as maths.


16、used to 意为“曩昔常常,早年常常”,后边接动词原形,标明曩昔的习气,只标明曩昔和如今的比照,暗指如今现已不存在的动作或状况。

I used to be afraid of the dark.


17、something important 意为重要的作业,something 为不定代词,描述词润饰复合舶代词时放在不定代词后边。

I want to do something different.


18、remember vt. 记住,记住

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to do sth 意为“记住去做某事”/remember doing sth 意为“记住做过某事”。

Please remember to post the letter for me. 请记住为我邮这封信。

I remember telling you about her. 我记住告诉过你关于她的事。

19、famous 知名的,闻名的

sb + be famous for 指或人因某种常识,技能或特征而知名。

sb + be famous as 指或人以某种身份知名,这今后的介词宾语与主语是同位成分。

Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity. 爱因斯坦以他的《相对论》而出名

Einstein was famous as a great scientist. 爱因斯坦以一位巨大的科学家而著称。

20、for example 与 such as都是“例如”的意思。

for example 用来举例阐明某一观念或情况,一般只罗列同类人或事物中的“一个”为例,做刺进语,可放在句首,句中或句末,一般用逗号离隔。

such as 用来举例,一般罗列同类人或事物中的几个为例,插在被罗列的事物与名词之间,as后边不可以有逗号。

For example, I ll help you with your study.


I know many of them, such as Mike, Tom ,and Bill.

21、win 赢、取胜,后边接match, game, prize 等名词做宾语。

He won a game yesterday.


【词汇分析】beat 也可标明“打败,打败”的意思,但此后只能接标明人的词做宾语,此外,beat还有
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We weren t sure we could beat them.


His heart is still beating. 他的心脏还在跳动。

22、find out 意为“查明,弄理解情况”指找出比照难找的笼统事物。


find out 意为“发现、弄清、查明”,偏重“经过查询,研讨或细心查找而得出某一作业的底细或结论”

look for 意为“寻找”,偏重找的进程。

I find a watch on the road.


We shall find out the truth early or later.


I look for my cat, but I didn t find it.


23、expect 及物动词,意为“期望、盼望、认为”


wait for 偏重等候的“活动”(即不做另外事,待在某处去等)

look forward to 偏重等待者“怀有开心的心境”,所以被等待的事物必定是开心的事(如假期、晚会等),而expect所等待发生的事,可所以功德,也可所以坏事。

He is expecting a letter. 他在等一封信。

I ll wait for her at the station.


We are looking forward to our holidays.


24、be interested in 对.....发生快乐喜爱,对.....感快乐喜爱。后边接动名词、名词或代词。

25、do with 意为“处置”,常与what 连用,标明问询。

What are you going to do with your old books? 你方案怎么处置你的旧书。

【拓宽】 deal with 意为“处置、唐塞、处置”,后边常接trouble,problem等词,deal with多与how连用,标明问询。

How did you deal with your book?


26、a number of 意为“许多”,后跟可数名词复数。

the number of 意为“.....的数目”,做主语时,谓语动词用奇数。

Our city has a number of buildings.


The number of the teachers in our school is 200. 咱们学校有200位教师。

27、since then 意为“从那时起”,用于如今结束时。

Since then he has lived in Beijing.

28、make up “构成,构成”,其被逼方法:be made up of.

Nine players make up a team.

The audience was made up of very young children.


1、Look it up!


We can look up new words in a dictionary.

【拓宽】:look up 俯视;向上看

He looked up from his book as I came into the room.


look around 环顾邻近

look after 照看

look for 寻找

look forward to 期望

look like 看起来像

A.His painting are very famous , and one, the Mona Lisa, is perhaps the most famous painting in the world.

famous = well-known

be famous for 因......闻名

be famous as 作为......闻名

2、Dinosaurs lived on the Earth more than 60 million years before human beings.

more than 跨越;多于,恰当于over,

less than 少于

million 百万

1)与具体的数字连用时,不加s ,后边直接接复数名词。

There are about two thousand students in this school.

2) 固定短语:millions of

hundred, thousand, billion和million的用法相同

Millions of people help them in different ways.

Tips: hundred, thousand 和million,有时迷糊有时清。

清时无-s和of, 糊时-s和of跟

3、Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens.

as.....as 与.....相同......

1) 当两个比照目标在某方面相一起,用“ as + 描述词/副词原级+as”规划,标明“(A和B)相同”......

This tree is as tall as that one.

2) 比照两个目标时,若一方不及另一方,则用“not as/so+描述词/副词原级+as”规划,标明“A不如B....”

Our school is not as big as yours.

4、However, some dinosaurs liked to eat meat.

however “可是,可是”

However, this does not always happen.

She falls ill. She goes to work, however, and stays up late.

He says that it is so. He is wrong, however.

5、help sb do sth 协助或人做某事

He often helps me study English.

He often helps me with my English.

【拓宽】:help oneself to ... 随意吃些......

Help yourselves to some fish, children.

can’t help doing .... 忍不住做......

She can’t help laughing.

6、Just remember to think and to dream.

分析:remember to do sth 与remember doing sth

7、Some were small; others were huge.

some ...others... 一些......另一些......

others 指除去一有些之后的另一些,但不是剩下的悉数。

E.g.: There are lots of people in the park. Some are walking and others are climbing the hill.

some... the others 一些......其他的......

the others 指剩下的悉数包括在内的“其他的人或事物”

E.g.: There are many children on the beach. Some can swim but the others can’t.

8、She can find out about many......

find out 晓得(到);弄清;

I try to find out who broke the machine.


I lost my pen. I have looked for it everywhere, but I can’t find it. Could you help me find out who has found it?

9、used to 意为“曩昔常常”,暗指如今现已不存在的动作或状况,后接动词原形。

be used to (doing) sth 意为“习气于(做)某事”。

be used to do sth 意为“被用来做某事”,是被逼语态,用于多种时态

10、do with 意为“处置”,常与what 连用,标明问询。

What are you going to do with your old books? 你方案怎么处置你的旧书。

【拓宽】 deal with 意为“处置、唐塞、处置”,后边常接trouble,problem等词,deal with多与how连用,标明问询。

How did you deal with your book?


11、a number of 意为“许多”,后跟可数名词复数。

the number of 意为“.....的数目”,做主语时,谓语动词用奇数。

Our city has a number of buildings.


The number of the teachers in our school is 200. 咱们学校有200位教师。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: