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*Unit 1(24个单词)



·across from英 [krs frm] / 对面The statue is just across from the school.(那个塑像就在学校正面。)·next to英 [nekst tu:] / prep.紧邻Canada is next to the United States.(加拿大与美国接壤。)·between英 [b''twin] / prep.在……之间The balloon is between the two girls.(气球在两个女孩中心。)·restaurant英 [restrnt] / n.饭馆This restaurant is famous for being built on the sea.(这家餐厅因建在海上而出名。)·post office英 [pust fis] / n.邮局I need to go to the post office to send this letter to my pen pal.(我要去邮局把这封信寄给我的笔友。)·bank英 [bk] / n.银行I have placed money on deposit in a bank.(我已把钱存入一家银行。)·grocery英 [''grs()r] / n.食物杂货店I worked stocking shelves in a grocery store.(我在一家杂货店作业,担任为货架上货。)·turn left英 [t:n left] / v.向左转Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads.(一向往前走,在第一个十字路口向左转。)·turn right英 [t:n rait] / v.向右转Go straight and turn right at the first crossroads.(一向往前走,在第一个十字路口向右转。)·go straight英 [ɡu streit] / v.直行I''ll go straight there.(我会直接去哪儿。)·crossroads英 [krsrdz] / n.十字路口The business man reached a crossroads in his career.(这个商人的作业走到了十字路口。)·neighbourhood英 [nebhd] / n.邻居;邻近I live in a friendly neighbourhood where everyone knows each other.(我住在一个友爱的社区里,那里每自个都彼此知道。)·send英 [send] / vt.寄;发送I am going to send this letter out.(我要把这封信寄出去。)·get英 [get] / vt.得到What grade are you hoping to get?(你期望得到啥样的成果?)·money英 [''mn] / n.钱Heaven knows they have enough money.(他们的钱够多了。)·get to英 [ɡet tu:] / 抵达Excuse me.How can I get to the post office?(对不住,请问邮局怎么走?)·before英 [b''f] / prep.在……之前There''s only one person before me in line.(在部队里我前面就只需一自个。)·leave英 [liv] / vt.脱离I begged to be allowed to leave.(我恳求答应我脱离。)·toy英 [t] / n.玩具The boy sat there, playing his toy leisurely and carefree.(那男孩坐在那里,安适安适地玩着玩具。)·hospital英 [''hspt()l] / n.医院I''m going to the hospital.(我要去医院。)·bookshop英 [''bkp] / n.书店He is at the bookshop.(他在书店里。)·school英 [skul] / n.学校I''m going to the school.(我要去学校。)·supermarket英 [''supmɑkt; ''sju-] / n.超级We''re going to the supermarket!(咱们要去超市!)·ball英 [bl] / n.球Can I have a ball?(可以给我一只球吗?)

*Unit 2(19个单词)



·city英 [''st] / n.城市I like the city,there''s always something to do.(我喜爱城市,那里总有作业可做。)·street英 [strit] / n.大街There are no people on the street at night.(到了晚上,街上就空无一人。)·sports centre英 / n.体育中心How can I get to the sports centre?(我怎么抵达体育中心呢?)·hotel英 [htel] / n.宾馆The Atlantic coast is within sight of the hotel.(从宾馆可以看见大西洋海岸。)·square英 [skwe] / n.广场The monument towers aloft on the square.(留念碑耸峙在广场上。)·buy toys英 / 买玩具I want to buy toys.(我想买玩具。)·see a film英 [si: film] / 看影片I went to see a film in the cinema this evening.(今日晚上我去影片院看了影片。)·go boating英 [ɡu bt] / 去划船You can go boating.(你可以去划船。)·busy英 [''bz] / adj.繁忙的What a busy day.(多么繁忙的一天啊。)·station英 [''ste()n] / n.(车)站The train arrived at the station on time.(列车准时抵达了车站。)·place英 [ples] / n.当地I really must start tidying the place up.(我真得初步拾掇拾掇这个当地了。)·thing英 [θ] / n.事;事物These are different things that people need in daily life.(这些都是往常日子中我们需要的东西。)·stay英 [ste] / vi.停留They stayed at home for the holiday.(他们在家过节。)·star英 [stɑ] / n.星There are innumerable stars in the sky.(天空中有许多颗星。)·king英 [k] / n.国王It is my destiny one day to be king.(我射中注定有一天要变成国王。)·central英 [''sentr()l] / adj.中心的We should all meet at a central point.(咱们都大约去中心点碰头。)·take photos英 / 照像You can take photos here.(你可以在这儿照相。)·museum英 [mju''zm] / n.博物馆The museum contains the remains of Chinese antiquity.(博物保藏有我国古代的遗物。)·dream英 [drim] / n.梦I had a dream about a fish last night.(我梦到了一条鱼。)

*Unit 3(10个单词)



·sea英 [si] / n.大海The sea calmed down.(海优势波暂停了。)·ski英 [ski] / vi.滑雪I want to go to ski.(我想去滑雪。)·eat seafood英 / 吃海鲜I want to eat sea food.(我想吃海鲜。)·visit the Mogao Caves英 / 赏识莫高窟I want to visit the Mogao Caves.(我想去赏识莫高窟。)·West Lake英 / 西湖I want to go to west lake with my parents.(我想和我的父母一同去西湖。)·row a boat英 [ru ei but] / 划船We can row a boat on West Lake.(咱们可以在西湖上划船。)·The Great Wall英 / 长城They visit the Great Wall.(他们赏识长城。)·take photos英 / 照相You can take photos here.(你可以在这儿照相。)·summer vacation英 [sm vkein] / n.暑假Where do you want to go this summer vacation?(这个暑假你想去哪里?)·travel英 [''trv()l] / n.旅行I want to travel.(我想去旅行。)

*Unit 4(11个单词)



·reading英 [''rid] / n.读书She is reading a handbook on gardening.(她正在阅览一本园艺手册。)·skateboarding英 [''sket,bd] / n.玩滑板I like skateboarding.(我喜爱玩滑板。)·singing英 [''s] / n.歌唱She singing often gets out of tune.(她歌唱爱走调儿。)·dancing英 [''dɑns] / n.跳舞The children dance round him in delight.(孩子们开心肠围着他跳舞。)·doing jigsaw puzzles英 / 拼拼图I like doing jigsaw puzzles.(我喜爱做拼图游戏。)·making models英 / 制造模型I like making models.(我喜爱做模型。)·collecting erasers英 / 搜集橡皮I like collecting erasers.(I like collecting erasers.)·different英 [dfrnt] / adj.不一样的The badges come in twenty different colours and shapes.(这种徽章有20种不一样的颜色和形状。)·hobby英 [''hb] / n.喜爱Fishing is my hobby,so I often go to the lake on weekends.(垂钓是我的喜爱,所以我常常周末去湖边。)·stamp英 [stmp] / n.邮票Stamp-collecting is a popular hobby.(集邮是一种广泛的业余喜爱。)·catch英 [kt] / vt.捉住The cat is happy to catch the mouse.(抓到了杰瑞,汤姆很开心。)

*Unit 5(10个单词)



·go for a picnic英 / v.去野餐I often go for a picnic.(我常常去野餐。)·play the violin英 / 拉小提琴I often go play the violin.(我常常去拉小提琴。)·go skating英 [ɡu sket] / v.去滑冰How often do you go skating?(你多久去滑冰一次?)·go camping英 / v.去野营How often do you go go camping?(你多久去野营一次?)·do the housework英 / 做家务How often do you do the housework?(你多久做一次家务?)·free英 [fri] / adj.空闲的Do you have any free tables?(请问有空的方位吗?)·never英 [''nev] /
adv.从不Elephants,cows,and pigs will never fly.(大象,奶牛和猪永久不会飞。)·once a week英 [wns wi:k] / 一周一次I go for a picnic once a week.(我每周去野餐一次。)·twice a week英 [twais wi:k] / 一周两次I go skating twice a week.(我每周去滑冰两次。)·three times a week英 / 一周三次I play the violin three times a week.(我每周拉小提琴三次。)

*Unit 6(13个单词)



·Canada英 [''knd] / n.加拿大I''m from the Canada.(我来自加拿大。)·Australia英 [''strel] / n.澳大利亚I''m from the Australia.(我来自澳大利亚。)·the Uk英 / n.英国I''m from the Uk.(我来自英国。)·the USA英 / n.美国I''m from the USA.(我来自美国。)·China英 [tan] / n.我国I''m from the China.(我来自我国。)·koala英 [k''ɑl] / n.考拉If you go to Australia,you can see koalas.(假定你去澳大利亚,你可以看到考拉。)·maple
英 [meipl li:vz] / n.枫叶Put the maple leaves in between the pages.(把枫叶夹在书里。)·Big Ben英 / n.大本钟You can visit Big Ben in my country and take photos there.(你可以在我的国家赏识大本钟,在那里拍摄。)·Disneyland英 [dznilnd] / n.迪斯尼乐园If you go to the USA,you can visit Disneyland.(假定你去美国,你可以赏识迪斯尼乐园。)·campfire英 [''kmpfa] / n.篝火The campfire died out.(篝火暂停了。)·cute英 [kjut] / adj.心爱的Oh, look at that kitten! He''s so cute.(哦,看看那只猫!它太心爱了。)·country英 [''kntr] / n.国家You can visit Big Ben in my country and take photos there.(你可以在我的国家赏识大本钟,在那里拍摄。)·pretty英 [''prt] / adj.秀丽的Wow,she''s pretty!Does she have a boyfriend?(哇,她很秀丽!她有男兄弟吗?)

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