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unit 6 优惠&扣头#商务英语#
1.in compliance with your request we are now offering you 2000 dozens magnifiers at 30$ per dozen cif san francisco september shipment.根据你方需求,我方供给你方2000打扩展镜,每打30美元,cif旧金山,九月装运。

2.you will note that we are in the position to offer you 50 long tons of ten for sheet at the attractive price of £135 per long tons cnf shanghai.我方会给你方供给50长吨,每单10长吨,以非常优惠的价格,每长吨135,cif上海。

3.we offer your 1500 tons of canada oats at the price of 500 pounds /ton.咱们为你方供给1500吨加拿大燕麦片,每吨500英镑。

4. we can quote you the price of 75$ / typewriter and 10% discount on shipping.我方的报价是75美元一台打字机,假定海运的话,有10%的扣头。

5.our average whole sell price is 180$ / unit.咱们的均匀价格是每个180美元。

6.we offer you firm 2,000 tons of chemical fertilizer at £150 per long ton cif vietnam deliver in april.我方为你公司供给2000吨化学肥料,每长吨150,cif越南,4月起运。

7. we can offer a quality discount of up to 15% but we are prepare to give 20% discount for a offer to buy the complete stuff.我方可供给15%的质量扣头,但咱们预备给20%的扣头,如若你方将悉数买下。

8.i have here our price sheet on a fas vessel basis ,the price are given without engagement.我这儿有咱们的fas船边交货的价格单,这个价格是不容协商的。

9.as prices is steady raising, we’d advise you to place your order without delay.因为价格正在稳步上升,我方主张你方提前下订单。

10.our product is in great demand and supplies is limited so we would recommend that you accept this offer as soon as possible.我方产品需要量大,供给有限。因而我方主张你方尽早承受此报盘。

11. we hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorably and tell us your decision at your earliest convenience.我方期望贵方能细心思考我方的还盘,并从速奉告抉择。

12.we wish you will reconsider your price and give a new bid so that there could be a possibility for us to meet half way.我方期望你方从头思考一下报价,假定可以从头报价,我方可以折中处置。

13.to accept the price you quote would leave us only a small profit on our sales because the principle demand in our city is for articles in the medium price range.假定承受你方报价,咱们将没有多少获利可赚,因为本地商场首要出售中等价格的产品。

14.your competitors are offering considering lower prices and unless you can reduce your quotations we have to buy else where.你方的竞赛者出价恰当低,除非你们降价,否则咱们只好去其他当地收购。

15.to accept your present quotation would mean a heave loss to us not to speak of profit.承受你方的报价将会使我方丢掉沉重,更别说获利了。

16.i wish to point out that your offer are higher than some of your competitors in other countries.我想指出你方的报价比来自其他国家竞赛者的报价高。

17.your price really leaves not margin for reduction what so ever?你方价格是不是真的没有降低的境地了?

18.we can obtain the same quality through another channel at much lower price than that you quoted us.我方可以以比你方报价低的价格从其他途径收购产品。

19.there is big difference between your price and those of your competitors .你方报价和竞赛者的报价相差很大。

20. we hoped you will

quote your rock-bottom price, otherwise we have no alternative but to place our orders else where.我方期望贵方可以报出最低价,否则咱们只好到其他当地下订单。

21.if you insist on your original offer it will reduce our profit considerably.假定你方坚持开始的报价,我方的获利将大幅减缩。

22.we didn’t expect that the discount you offer would be so low.我方没有想到你方给的扣头这么低。

23.your price should be base on the actual situation of our customers.你方报价大约根据我方客户的实践情况。

24.in our market products of similar types are so many and with such a lower prices that many of our regular customers may switch other companies i am afraid.在我方商场,类似产品许多,而且价格更低,我方忧虑许多老顾客会丢掉。

25.your offer is not acceptable because we have another supplier offering similar quality products at 5% discount.无法承受你方报盘,因为另外一个供给商给咱们5%扣头。

26. your quotation is by no means favorable with those of other origins.你方的报价并不比其他报价有优势。

27.i am sorry

to say that your prices are about 9% higher than those offered by other suppliers.我方很怅惘的告诉贵方,你方价格比其他供给商要高9%。

28.compared with what is quoted by other supplier, your price is uncompetitive.与其他供给商报价比较,你方价格短少竞赛力。

29.your price compares unfavorable with your competitors.你方报价比照赛者报价没有优势。

30.our counter offer is well in line with the international market, fair and reasonable.我方还盘与世界商场相符,公正合理。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: