
  • A+

生理安康 physical health
心思安康 mental/psychological health/fitness
安康疑问 health concern
亚安康 sub-health
公共清洁 public health
心态 state of mind
体育训练 physical exercises
均衡饮食 well-balanced diet
废物食物 junk food
瘦身/节食 go on a diet
供给医疗效能 provide medical services
牺牲安康 sacrifice health
短期经济利益 short-term economic benefits
全部禁烟 total tobacco ban
疾病 illness/disease
缓慢病 chronic disease
感患病 infectious disease?
癌症 cancer
医疗体系变革 reform of medical system
代沟 generation gap
弥合间隔 bridge the gap
彼此了解 mutual understanding
误解 misunderstanding
照看 care, take care of, look after
优待 mistreat, maltreat, ill-treat
老龄化社会 aging society
人员老龄化 population aging
晚年人 old/aged people, the old/aged/elders/elderly, senior citizen
奉行孝道 practice filial

公德 public morality
传统美德 traditional virtues
责任 duty/responsibility
责任感 sense of responsibility
承担责任 shoulder/assume/undertake ones duties/responsibilities
躲避责任 avoid/shirk/shun ones duties/responsibilities
奉献 devote/dedicate, devotion/dedication
忘我奉献 selfless devotion
信赖危机 the crisis of trust
公德蜕化 the corruption of public morality
道德缺失 the lack of moral sence
不道德行为 immoral behaviours
期望工程 project hope
我国红十字会 china red cross foundation
慈悲 charity
捐款 donate/donation
贫穷村庄区域 poor rural areas
入学 start schooling
停学 drop out of school
结束学业 finish school
尊老爱幼 to respect the old and care for the young
随地吐痰 spit everywhere
大声喧闹 make noise, talk loudly
空泛承诺 empty promise
虚伪承诺 false promise
伪劣产品 fake commodities
欺诈行为 dishonest behaviours
诚信 honesty
学术糜烂 academic corruption
剽窃抄袭 plagiarism
食物平安 food safety
工程质量 construction

地沟油 drainage oil
毒奶粉 poisonous milk powder
食物添加剂 food additives
过度上涨 excessive growth
不合法广告 illegal ads
不公正竞赛 unfair competitions
争抢利益 compete for benefits
治标不治本 address symptoms but not root causes
打点部分 administration departments
监管部分 subpervision departments
商家 merchant
厂家 manufacturer
公司运营者 enterprise operator
有关当局 authorities concerned
收纳贿赂 take bribes
无视法令 disregard of laws
推脱责任 shift the blame onto...
花费者权益 consumers rights and interests
伪专家 unqualified experts
公正有用地实施责任 perform ones tasks fairly and effectively
供给礼貌热心的效能 provide polite and hospitable services
糜烂表象 corruption phenomenon
公交专用车道 bus lane
(机动车)单双号限行 odd-and-even license plate rule
迟早顶峰 morning and evening peak
交通拥堵 traffic jam/congestion, heavy traffic
交通顶峰期 rush hour
公共交通线路网 public transport network?
尾号限行 traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers
交通控制 traffic control
无车日 car-free day
交通事端 traffic accidents
私家车 private cars
打开公共交通 develop public transport
醉驾 drunk drive?
酒后驾车 drive under the influence of alcohol
司机 driver
行人 pedestrian
经济危机 economic crisis, financial crisis, financil turmoil, financial meltdown
经济不景气 recession, bleeding economy, depression, sluggish economy
赋闲 lose ones job, be unemployed, be redundant
赋闲加剧 job losses mount, unemployment climb
赋闲人数 unemployment
找作业 seek employment
找作业者 job seeker
严肃的作业局势 a tough job market
决心下滑 confidence slump?
经济复苏 economic recovery
经济危机的影响 the crisis fallout
应对危机 face the crisis, meet the crisis, fight crisis
重建决心 confidence reconstruction
遏止衰退 contain declines
减缓衰退 slow down declines
安居工程 affordable/comfortable housing project
本钱衰减 cost-cutting
创造新的作业 generate new employment
影响花费 stimulate consumer spending
恢复 revive/recovery/turnaround
活泼的财务方针 proactive fiscal policy?
作业辅导 career guidance
扩展内需 propel/drive/expand domestic demand
基础设备缔造 infrastructure construction
减免税收 tax relief
实施节约 practice economy
适度宽松的钱银方针 moderately loose monetary policy
政府紧迫协助 government bailout
政府做某事的决计 governments vow to do sth
商场经济体系 the market economy system
经济全球化 economic globalization
世界经济组织 international economic organization
科技前进 advancements in science and technology
跨国公司 multinational
私营公司 private enterprise
轿车工业 automobile industry
房地工业 real estate industry
电信工业 telecommunication industry
国产品牌 domestic/national/chinese brand
商场比例 market share/portion
公司 company/corporation
公司 enterprise
职工 staff/personnel
作业满足度 job satisfaction
作业压力 work/working pressure
前进福利待遇 improve welfare and treatment
招引外资 attract foreign investment
法令维护 legal protection
深远的社会影响 profound social and economic impact
变革翻开 the reform and opening-up
社会保证体系 social security system
赋闲 unemployment
住所疑问 housing problem
共用基础设备 public infrastructure
摩天大楼 skyscraper
可持续的城市打开 sustainable urban development
城市化 urbanization


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: