英语Pass with flying colors的口语练习

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??英语Pass with flying colors的口语练习

“互联网+”年代,咱们不只是只是停留在懂得它们的中文“是啥?”,它们仍是带你进入Yahoo“原版英语”言语环境的Key words,一起咱们还可以用它们做把英语学成英语的英语口语练习。


Pass with flying colors 考出好成果

1. Yahoo pass with flying colors试试,无限的“原版英语”呈如今你眼前供你做“主题原版英语”阅览。

2.把学过的大学英语用起来表达pass with flying colors并练口语:

Well,if someone passes with flying colors, they succeed at their exams easily.They go through their exams successfully.They make it at their tests.They sail through their exams.They pass their exams
英语Pass with flying colors的口语练习插图

with a high score/a high grade.

3. 反过来运用pass with flying colors:

英语Pass with flying colors的口语练习插图

you succeed at your exams easily,if you go through your exams successfully,if
英语Pass with flying colors的口语练习插图

you make it at your tests,if you sail through your exams, if you pass your exams with a high score/a high grade.

what will you say?

You'll say:I pass with flying colors.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: